Germination rates and poll

How do you sow your seeds

  • Plant straight into soil

    Votes: 24 35.3%
  • Jiffy pellets

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • Paper towels etc

    Votes: 17 25.0%
  • Water cup only

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Water cup an then paper towels

    Votes: 12 17.6%
  • Rock wool or some other hydro medium

    Votes: 6 8.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
24 - 48 soaking in room temp water then give a slight tap to c if it sinks if it does then imo STRAIGHT into a pre soaked JIFFY if it doesn't then the paper towel method should b tried as previously posted this allows several things to happen if still after imo a couple of days passes with no action the bin it goes...only my opinion..but works great for me....


Well-Known Member
with my new trial method i just had one germinate 11 days after starting the germ.debunks the 5 -7 day viability myth for me.


Well-Known Member
I previously tried a side by side germination experiment with rock wool, peat plugs and differences,

my recent grow I tried the paper towel approach, had a dreadful rate of success.


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why the paper towel method doesn't work for some people, exactly how are you doing it? By all means, the best method is what works best for yourselves. But I just wanted to post up the results after a day and 1/2 for proof. So here ya go. 30 hrs paper towel method. Put it in the paper towel yesterday after noon.



Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why the paper towel method doesn't work for some people, exactly how are you doing it? By all means, the best method is what works best for yourselves. But I just wanted to post up the results after a day and 1/2 for proof. So here ya go. 30 hrs paper towel method. Put it in the paper towel yesterday after noon.
Have a pack of Aurora Indica sitting here. It will be in my cab in another 2 months or so. :D

You doing a journal?


Well-Known Member
Hey benji, I hear it's a great strain! Can't wait to grow it out. I'll start a journal for it most likely after I finish my current grow. About 2 more months before I can flower mine as well

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I'm getting sick of seeds not germing. I've tried most mentioned methods and they all work, but I'm only getting about a 60% strike rate.

I'm using brought fem seeds. The ones that never fail are the more expensive seeds and I've never had a dineafem seed not to crack.

I'm thinking of just putting them straight in to seedling mix. All my vegetable seeds sprout no problem, I'm wondering if all this extra work is even worth it.
It is not worth the work to put them in anything other than soil or soil-less mix. The paper towel method is left over from elementary school. Second grade I think.


Well-Known Member
To each their own I suppose. What's rather interesting is at the same time I sprouted the seed above in a paper towel.. I also planted another in a root plug for shits and giggles.. It still hasn't cracked, at least it's not above the medium. The other is out of the plug and has shed it's shell. First seed in as long as I can remember that hasn't been above the medium after 2-3 days. I'll give it some more time, but so far it takes much longer planting directly in the medium. Glad I payed attention in 2nd grade bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why the paper towel method doesn't work for some people,
Me either. I know some suggest not to do this, but when I find something that works, I stay with it. I use a porcelain cereal bowl, wet paper towel and I cover it with saran wrap. Always pop within 2 days without fail. Of course, the paper towel cannot be allowed to dry out. Other than that, it wont fail.
Hell, this is the easiest part of the whole process start to finish. The headaches come later :)


Well-Known Member
Between paper towel put into ziploc above fridge, and straight into soil, I get 8 out of 10 germinate.



Well-Known Member
I have great success using water cup+ paper towel method. 12hrs in the cup of distilled water then 12hrs in damp paper towels between two paper plates inside a plastic bag. I put it on my cable box and check every 4 hours. Rarely takes the full 12.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Between paper towel put into ziploc above fridge, and straight into soil, I get 8 out of 10 germinate.

So? Not singling you out but a monkey can germinate a viable seed. That's not the issue as I explained in my germination archive.


Active Member
I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if anyone mentioned this already. I once heard Soma tell about how he germinate in paper towel in a plastic bag, the usual method, but then hangs the bag on the wall. His theory is that the tap will orient with gravity and shoot straight down. This keeps the taps very straight so they are easy to pop in a small whole in your mix/rockwool. It definitely works.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if anyone mentioned this already. I once heard Soma tell about how he germinate in paper towel in a plastic bag, the usual method, but then hangs the bag on the wall. His theory is that the tap will orient with gravity and shoot straight down. This keeps the taps very straight so they are easy to pop in a small whole in your mix/rockwool. It definitely works.
That's fuckin' stupid.

Some of these people would fuck up a wet dream if given half the chance. READ my archive. I discussed the science (gravitropism) behind what's going on. :wall: