I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

against department policy = illegal

it's the professional way of saying it.
"policy" isnt law.

if a cop (or anybody) gets into a struggle and feels the need to subdue or even kill their assailant, a chokehold is perfectly "legal"

also legal in self defense:
bashing somebody's head in with a brick
stabbing somebody with a screwdriver
slashing somebody with a broken bottle
shooting somebody
closed fist strikes to the head (even if the target assailant has a cranial deformity that could result in death)
choking with a scarf as an improvised garotte
throwing somebody out a window (defenestration)
firing somebody down the stairs

"illlegal" moves in self defense:
<no data available>

there is no law against chokeholds, even the Bar Arm Choke

the law prohibits attacking somebody or resisting a cop in the lawful exercise of their duty.
the method of self defense is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
"policy" isnt law.

if a cop (or anybody) gets into a struggle and feels the need to subdue or even kill their assailant, a chokehold is perfectly "legal"

also legal in self defense:
bashing somebody's head in with a brick
stabbing somebody with a screwdriver
slashing somebody with a broken bottle
shooting somebody
closed fist strikes to the head (even if the target assailant has a cranial deformity that could result in death)
choking with a scarf as an improvised garotte
throwing somebody out a window (defenestration)
firing somebody down the stairs

"illlegal" moves in self defense:
<no data available>

there is no law against chokeholds, even the Bar Arm Choke

the law prohibits attacking somebody or resisting a cop in the lawful exercise of their duty.
the method of self defense is irrelevant.
policy are the rules and regulations the police work under.

the law is what they enforce.

the rules and regulations of THAT department on THAT choke-hold was that they are not to use.

therefore, the officer was in direct violation of the rules and regulations of that department and subject to termination and prosecution to the full extent of the law.

your turn.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
ugh! i just KNEW someone was gonna say that.

how uninspiring and rote.
Kiss that nanny's ass all you want, but recognize that as long as you endorse picayune laws, the inevitable result will be people dying at the hands of cops.

If NY didn't tax cigarettes till they cost $14.00 per pack then this obese guy would not have been selling loosies and would have been hustling something else.

It might hurt your feeling to hear this but look in the mirror and you will see the person responsible for the police state. You progressives can't seem to get enough of that iron-fisted regulation.


Well-Known Member
policy are the rules and regulations the police work under.

the law is what they enforce.

the rules and regulations of THAT department on THAT choke-hold was that they are not to use.

therefore, the officer was in direct violation of the rules and regulations of that department and subject to termination and prosecution to the full extent of the law.

your turn.

Pretty sure they aren't getting fired for it.

"Between June 2013 and July 2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, an independent city agency that examines accusations of police misconduct, received more than 200 chokehold complaints. Extend the period back to 2009, and the total number soars into the 1000s. Nearly 200 complaints have been filed on average each year since 2001."



Well-Known Member
Are you talking about what the medical examiner said?

If so, don't read too much into that. It only means it wasn't suicide or natural death. It's a medical term with no legal ramifications.
i'll get my legal advice from someone who isn't a gay racist heroin junky making subway sandwiches and hiding his sexual proclivities with men from his daddy in order to keep receiving rent payments.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure they aren't getting fired for it.

"Between June 2013 and July 2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, an independent city agency that examines accusations of police misconduct, received more than 200 chokehold complaints. Extend the period back to 2009, and the total number soars into the 1000s. Nearly 200 complaints have been filed on average each year since 2001."

you don't know that.


Well-Known Member
i'll get my legal advice from someone who isn't a gay racist heroin junky making subway sandwiches and hiding his sexual proclivities with men from his daddy in order to keep receiving rent payments.
It's amazing how many of your insults aren't actually insults.


Well-Known Member
the only exception is when an officer's life is in danger, you retard.

you will go to any length to defend the murder of a black man.
I hadnt read any of the articles and until you brought it up I was not aware the suspect was black.

His skin color still doesnt matter to the fact that he was resisting arrest.


Well-Known Member
I hadnt read any of the articles and until you brought it up I was not aware the suspect was black.

His skin color still doesnt matter to the fact that he was resisting arrest.
so you never saw the video, yet you are sure he was resisting arrest based on what now?

yep, you're a fucking retard.


Well-Known Member
that's when desertdude and ANALEXCESS and kkkynes call these events an outrage.

but when the victim is black they deserved it.
I dont think Trayvon Martin deserved it.

I dont think Michael Brown deserved it.

I dont think this guy deserved it.

What I keep saying is that if you resist arrest, or if you run around assaulting people you could end up dead regardless of your skin color.


Well-Known Member
I dont think Trayvon Martin deserved it.

I dont think Michael Brown deserved it.

I dont think this guy deserved it.

What I keep saying is that if you resist arrest, or if you run around assaulting people you could end up dead regardless of your skin color.
so you never saw the video, yet you are sure he was resisting arrest.

how is that?