About HomoSexuality


Well-Known Member


God is also a Just and Orderly God; these things are of His Virtue.

With this in mind; He knows our heart; sincerity good grace and mercy will lead you down the paththat will give you your justice by faith, not necessarily and/or immediaely by sight.

Noise pollution and iniquity could be the reason why you didn't get it when you were asking right away; or maybe you were and didn't realize it right away.

It always has the truest worth in the invisible/spiritual.
smart but overpowering,
i believe, i have faith, but i have my life.... i have a life, that i choose what i do. God directs me when i need it but it doesnt mean i'm crazy and it doesnt mean people like you should be forcing something that could be a wonderful thing and make it sound so magical and enchanted like a freakin movie.
people like you give religion a bad name


New Member
smart but overpowering,
i believe, i have faith, but i have my life.... i have a life, that i choose what i do. God directs me when i need it but it doesnt mean i'm crazy and it doesnt mean people like you should be forcing something that could be a wonderful thing and make it sound so magical and enchanted like a freakin movie.
people like you give religion a bad name

haha Well said.


Well-Known Member
smart but overpowering,
i believe, i have faith, but i have my life.... i have a life, that i choose what i do. God directs me when i need it but it doesnt mean i'm crazy and it doesnt mean people like you should be forcing something that could be a wonderful thing and make it sound so magical and enchanted like a freakin movie.
people like you give religion a bad name
I couldent agree with you more . :joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Whenever in Doubt, trust (always be faithful to) your heart.

God fathers us with His Truth/Virtue/Word in our


The Truth shall set you Free
i was in doubt...i trusted my heart...it told me that you are an ASS. OMG!! THE TRUTH CAME OUT!! IM FREEEEEEEEEE hahaha


Well-Known Member
i have a question...what happens if aliens are ever proven to exist? the all knowing god didnt know about that...he didnt create them, but supposedly created everything...so what then? to me that would be proof enough that it was all a big lie...


Well-Known Member
My current view about Homosexuality.

I think at least 8 out 10 homosexual persons are mentally manipulated into being that way by their environment or an ill minded person. In other words, I think homosexuality is a predominately nurtured condition rather than a natured or natural condition. In other words, I believe homosexuality is primarily learned. It seems to me that the natural manifestation of it (as oppose to the spiritual nature of it) is influenced by a combination of (situational or circumstantial mental and physiological development of the human body) natural chemical process that periodically occur within the human body similar to, if not exactly like the physiological conditioning that takes place during puberty.

The chemical disposition of the human body is always changing, however, in this example, I will recognize two climax that take place after birth: during adolescent (puberty) and during adulthood (rights of passage). These are the physiological aspects of this combination.

The second part of the combination is pertaining to the brain and the mind. As many ought to know, the mind is generally associated to the brain; and the brain is obviously naturally connected to the human body’s physiological system. Therefore, as the physiological system evolves over the years, it is safe to say the brain does also; this change affects the brain from the inside of the body. The mind on the other hand is affected by the various things on the outside of the body; things that exist within our environments and/or cultures. Mindfully speaking, I believe those who are physically gay or in question of their sexuality are experiencing a bout similar to an identity crisis that is the result of not essentially knowing who they really are (as in delusion); and likely because of some degree of emotional trauma, neglect and/or ignorance (lacking knowledge of something).

Self-discipline is very important in life; unless you have discipline over your self (the natural impulses), you will have discipline over nothing that affects you. Self-discipline is also a very important/essential factor in homosexuality and every other abuse/trauma, lust, carnality or addiction; some homosexual’s may feel (en)trapped because they physically acted out and someone in their mind is manipulated that act. These types of friends and/or family are not necessarily healthy for your essential well being righteous development ( this is not to say that that the friend or family member or whatever is conscience of what they do themselves or how they conduct themselves pertaining to themselves let alone you; this is why it is important for you, the actual individual to take initiative and control over your mind/own life’s understanding/destiny). This is not calling you to bring premature judgment of such people before you take the time to bring the appropriate (super)natural) order into your life: mind, body, soul that you may take the necessary time to collect your thoughts without burning any unnecessary bridges.

“The Truth shall set you free”, even if it hurts at first; eventually you will heal if you sincerely and consistently seek out the sources of your setbacks; no one can do this more fundamentally than a personal relationship with God. Personally, I believe gay acts are a result from lust or a lack of understanding of God’s love and sexual discipline; a lack of self-realization and self-identity. I say this because most people today are looking for love in man; without first understanding and realizing the God from which it originate.

“To the left, to the left.”

As with any problem the way to the solution is to research relative knowledge; knowledge to resolve the emotional problem/trauma, to fulfill the shortcoming. An answer with this “gender” of people is to seek information that will enlighten and provide understanding to who their original being is, their essence. Obviously, the first step to healing or curing a problem is to admit or realize that there is a problem/challenge and developing a righteous or clear path that you can take to establish resolve from the inside out intrinsic to extrinsic). Remember, you can’t run and hide from yourself; and justifying hurting yourself because it seems that everybody else is hurting you, ultimately is not the right reaction for you. Remember the evil one wants you to harm yourself for his/her/its self righteous glorification; this is done to steal your true destiny; Thus act best, you must rebuke and resist him/her/it and get your mind right; “The Truth shall set you free”.

Some start up references: Things related to Emotional Intelligence; the philosophy of Aristotle, and ultimately the Divine Truth of God. Jesus Christ is right and he loves you if you let him, regardless of your history or what man says against you.

The true test: If you can honestly measure/contrast your attitude (mind state) and behavior with the Divine Truth; and maintain “the essence” of your sexuality, then according to my philosophy, your faith in the Truth has or will deliver (validate) you. Regardless of what others say God, the Divine Truth in your heart; and God, the Divine Truth in your mind from heaven (and his Word) approves of you. The confirmation of your sexuality being right is to make sure your standards are not superficial, carnal or a lie: the mind can be a delusional thing.

I believe the church should accept homosexual people, but to challenge them with the Holy Spirit lead Virtue of God, as they would any person. If they can stand the refining Fire of God's Holy Word and Spirit, then their faith has delivered them. But, ultimately, a personal relationship developed/matured/established from you reading the Word of God/Truth and being faithful to his Spirit as it is revealed on your conscience will be your fortified mind/destiny.

If you are homosexual or are having homosexual thoughts; I suggest that you give it three to five years of diligent soul searching before you act on it (again).

Love God;
Homage your love ones to God;
Worship God thru your loved ones,
According to British studies it has nothing to do with nuture!


Well-Known Member
i have a question...what happens if aliens are ever proven to exist? the all knowing god didnt know about that...he didnt create them, but supposedly created everything...so what then? to me that would be proof enough that it was all a big lie...
maybe he did create them but didnt tell us for a reason or another. or maybe just a experiment before us.
like dinosuars...


Well-Known Member
yea but the problem with a response like that is that you're making excuses...like every argument from believers can be...well...maybe he did or didnt do that for one reason or another...you can argue anything with that response...ya know? so i dont really see it as a valid argument...and please dont take any offense to my post or anything...i know sometimes i can come off as a bit blunt and harsh...i dont mean to...its just how it comes out...lol


Well-Known Member
yea but the problem with a response like that is that you're making excuses...like every argument from believers can be...well...maybe he did or didnt do that for one reason or another...you can argue anything with that response...ya know? so i dont really see it as a valid argument...and please dont take any offense to my post or anything...i know sometimes i can come off as a bit blunt and harsh...i dont mean to...its just how it comes out...lol
fine you believe what you believe. not trying to push anything on to anyone.
just maybe an explanation. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
fuck this thread. noone will agree and religious people are too brainwashed to even think of the other sides point of view. watch zeitgeist and esoteric agenda or any documentary on the subject and then keep your faith. this world is doomed and i fully blame religion...fully...how did the bastards who run the place get into power....the church....


Well-Known Member
Any Christian worth their salt doesn't argue logic about their Faith. If nothing else, I've learned that. Even if God isn't real, (which in my logical mind, is absolutely possible), what harm has been done?
I'm a good person, with good morales, who has done her best to help the people around me to happier lives.
If I were an athiest, or a buddist, it wouldn't take away from the good I've done, (or tried to do)... but I die with a sense of peace. I live my life in happiness, believing that when I do good deeds, there is a Being, looking upon me with pride and love.

I get all of this by taking a gamble, I sacrifice a few meager, earthly passions, in favor of a blissful afterlife that may or may not exist.
If it does exist, I get to spend the rest of eternity hanging out with Einstein and Benjamin Franklin. If it doesn't, I'm remembered as a loving person who left things better than she found them.

To me, this sounds like a great bargain, a logical one. And if helping others find happiness is my goal, what better way then to spread the word?


Well-Known Member
Any Christian worth their salt doesn't argue logic about their Faith. If nothing else, I've learned that. Even if God isn't real, (which in my logical mind, is absolutely possible), what harm has been done?
I'm a good person, with good morales, who has done her best to help the people around me to happier lives.
If I were an athiest, or a buddist, it wouldn't take away from the good I've done, (or tried to do)... but I die with a sense of peace. I live my life in happiness, believing that when I do good deeds, there is a Being, looking upon me with pride and love.

I get all of this by taking a gamble, I sacrifice a few meager, earthly passions, in favor of a blissful afterlife that may or may not exist.
If it does exist, I get to spend the rest of eternity hanging out with Einstein and Benjamin Franklin. If it doesn't, I'm remembered as a loving person who left things better than she found them.

To me, this sounds like a great bargain, a logical one. And if helping others find happiness is my goal, what better way then to spread the word?
i like people like you. people who believe...and do good for others...its the crazy ones i dont like. the ones that try and scare others into believing their way. but unfortunately...when you say that even if god doesnt exist...what harm has been done? well...for you no harm because you are a good person. for many others...there has been so much harm our planet is now suffering. wars have been waged in the name of religion and so many people have had to die...its really sad actually.


Well-Known Member
i like people like you. people who believe...and do good for others...its the crazy ones i dont like. the ones that try and scare others into believing their way. but unfortunately...when you say that even if god doesnt exist...what harm has been done? well...for you no harm because you are a good person. for many others...there has been so much harm our planet is now suffering. wars have been waged in the name of religion and so many people have had to die...its really sad actually.

Religion is not the blame its the division
Its Going back to im right and your wrong sort of stuff and people have died for this reason from day 1 ,
If there was no religion people would and still kill from being divided in are world, people with different colour skin or from a different country or a trib or a gang , And with more an more people choosing not to believe or follow a religion they turn to somthing else gangs tribs footballs supporters
Were i live people got shot daily becouse of there different beliefs both from different cultures and with different religons but it was not the people that pray or follow living a good life that was killing each other , that was only there excusses to do so , they now use football to divid them selfs and attack each other
While the good humble and holy people suffer at there expence just like those that make millions from it and force it on you
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New Member
This is my principle position in all of this: If you read this thread and any other threat I have written, it takes the position of FAITH and not religion or anything else.

I think that alot of argument to my position comes not because of my bias or anything but because of yours.

FAITH is based on Virtue/Truth and CONSCIENCE and the decision and progress you make from its revelation in your heart and mind in route to an predetermined, but yet to be fulfilled end (You need God constant Virtue to remember). Thus, it is my argument that CONSCIENCE is/was the original religion; it can't get no more origin then that with mankind.

Befire God reveal the "Ten Commandments" to Moses which are healthy for a person obtaining their "True Selves" God was writing his commandments for us on our hearts; which He still does if /when one ever get back to that clarity of MIND.

It is the distorted minds today which are making man taking man away from their original purpose/relationship with God.

There does seem to be alot of self righteousness, brown nosing, and/or excuses going around and until you get real/truthful with yourselves you will never truly get anywhere worth living for on earth and throughout eternity: heaven or hell; its not a scare tactic its a reality; a reality of refinement or consumption.

"To be or not to be"


Well-Known Member
i like people like you. people who believe...and do good for others...its the crazy ones i dont like. the ones that try and scare others into believing their way. but unfortunately...when you say that even if god doesnt exist...what harm has been done? well...for you no harm because you are a good person. for many others...there has been so much harm our planet is now suffering. wars have been waged in the name of religion and so many people have had to die...its really sad actually.
Fear mongering is the worst way to bring people to God. It makes the mindset of the convert wrong from day one. They come in with fire and brimstone in their heart, where there's supposed to be hope and redemption. But since that's all they know about God, it's all they know to talk about. Hell this, suffering that, punishment, punishment, punishment. People have forgotten about all the positive things.

You're supposed to know Christians by their LOVE, not what political party they're in, or the votes they cast, or signs that say "God hates fags".

For me, that's the sad part, that people like that have come to represent my faith.
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New Member
Fear mongering is the worst way to bring people to God. It makes the mindset of the convert wrong from day one. They come in with fire and brimstone in their heart, where there's supposed to be hope and redemption. But since that's all they know about God, it's all they know to talk about. Hell this, suffering that, punishment, punishment, punishment. People have forgotten about all the positive things.

You're supposed to know Christians by their LOVE, not what political party they're in, or the votes they cast, or signs that say "God hates fags".

For me, that's the sad part, that people like that have come to represent my faith.
I don't really currently have the defintion of fear mongering, but, I think that the things that I say are very reasonable.

Better before then after.

Is it fear mongering or scapegoating, cowardice and/or something like that?