The feds and RIU.

im sure if the govt wanted your ip theyd get it in a second

but the feds have alot more to worry about than checking every post on this site to bust people with personal/legal grows
hell if i could hide my ip id probably do it too, i just dont know how

atleast with a hidden ip your somewhat safe from people other than the feds
It's too much bro the Drug War is a huge sham they just can't control the volume of the drug trade. Let alone the huge numbers of people growing pot. They just don't have the resources to track down every petty pot smoker or small time grower. Overgrow was shut down because we got organized and started moving a LOT of seeds from Canada to the US. And now there are more pot growing message boards on the net than ever before! It's more of a political battle than anything and on the pot front the feds are losing. More medi pot states, and once the federal raids stop on medi pot its going to be a free for all. So don't worry too much bro their balls are in a vice right now and they are just looking to win the political battle to keep their worthless jobs.
both mccain and obama have met with medi mary patients during their campaing and said they condoned it... so hopefully it shouldnt be too long
As Korvette said, if they want to find you they will. Masking your IP wont do it. If your paranoid and have something to hide by coming here, I suggest you dont then. In the digital age, everything leaves a trail in some form or another. You cant hide. I work on a campus and the kiddies all think they are doing something slick by masking their IP addresses so they can run file sharing applications. We can track it right to their dorm room. They cant hide. Of course our campus does not condone it, but we dont do anything until the RIAA sends a letter, along with their proof of the originating ip address, even they know where it is coming from.
both mccain and obama have met with medi mary patients during their campaing and said they condoned it... so hopefully it shouldnt be too long

It's just really stupid politically to condemn a bunch of chronically ill people in front of millions of people. We just need to continue to educate the public about the truth of marijuana. Many people still think it just makes you into a dumb unmotivated pot head. I personally break that stereotype as a driven intelligent man. I really think that dressing like a homeless person and not showering is fine but I also think that it just perpetuates a negative stereotype of pot smokers. I mean not all beer drinkers are fat and lazy right?
My way is I have a wireless laptop.... I steal the wifi from someone who is close... I dont even have internet at my house .. why when its free