Starting seeds under hps


From what I've heard it's best to start autos right in 5 gal pot so they don't have to go threw the stress of transfer. Would it be fine to start them under the 600watt hps( with ventilated hood) or would it be too hot or intense I've only used t5s to start my seeds before and i don't want to take any chances with them so I thought id post first, anyone with some input feel free to post


Well-Known Member
From what I've heard it's best to start autos right in 5 gal pot so they don't have to go threw the stress of transfer. Would it be fine to start them under the 600watt hps( with ventilated hood) or would it be too hot or intense I've only used t5s to start my seeds before and i don't want to take any chances with them so I thought id post first, anyone with some input feel free to post
and just why would you want to use 600 watts for seedlings....waste of electricity and bulb lifespan

use your T5 for the first 2-3 weeks


Okay thank you for the info everyone just wanted to make sure before I hurt those babies, I simply don't have enought room to start 20 seedlings at once in 5 gals under the t5


Well-Known Member
I have a super lazy friend who does 12/12 from seed under a 600w HPS, he usually has some clones going but most recently he popped some seeds and they're fine, other than the abuse to the plants his laziness causes.


Well-Known Member
Two things.

The HPS is a waste of power and does NOT have the ideal wavelength for veg. It will work, sure, but just because it works does not mean that it's ideal. Lazy or cheap, that's why most veg under hps.

(Seeds don't need light BTW, all the initial carbs are stored in the seed).

5 gallon pots are waaaaay waaaay waaay to large for seeds, or seedlings. Get a pack of solo cups. A large pot will take forever to dry out with a tiny plant in it, it's a recipe for root rot and failure...especially for a Newbs that simply just tend to overwater their plants.

Solo cups, small t5 setup. We grow massive trees, the all start under T5


Two things.

The HPS is a waste of power and does NOT have the ideal wavelength for veg. It will work, sure, but just because it works does not mean that it's ideal. Lazy or cheap, that's why most veg under hps.

(Seeds don't need light BTW, all the initial carbs are stored in the seed).

5 gallon pots are waaaaay waaaay waaay to large for seeds, or seedlings. Get a pack of solo cups. A large pot will take forever to dry out with a tiny plant in it, it's a recipe for root rot and failure...especially for a Newbs that simply just tend to overwater their plants.

Solo cups, small t5 setup. We grow massive trees, the all start under T5


Well-Known Member
Two things.

The HPS is a waste of power and does NOT have the ideal wavelength for veg. It will work, sure, but just because it works does not mean that it's ideal. Lazy or cheap, that's why most veg under hps.

(Seeds don't need light BTW, all the initial carbs are stored in the seed).

5 gallon pots are waaaaay waaaay waaay to large for seeds, or seedlings. Get a pack of solo cups. A large pot will take forever to dry out with a tiny plant in it, it's a recipe for root rot and failure...especially for a Newbs that simply just tend to overwater their plants.

Solo cups, small t5 setup. We grow massive trees, the all start under T5
He's growing autos which will do better not being transplanted, and as long as he lets the pots get light (reletive to their wet weight) and somewhat dry he should do fine with regards to the pot size. Watering will be a bit tricky, but patience is very important when you have a small plant in a big pot. I would even go as far as to water only around the seedling for a little while while ge roots are small while making sure the rest of the pot isn't bone dry. After you see more growth, you could increase the watering area in the pot as well as the amount of water. I will say that it is tempting when starting out to want to water and feed all the time, but in soil you listen to the soil and the plant not what you just want to do or feel like you should do. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Also, if 600 watt hps is all you got, I agree with brimck about keeping the lights far away and slowly moving them closer, but I would let them develop a couple sets of true leaves before moving the light closer.


Well-Known Member
^. What he said.

I would go with a 50% perlite mix to be on safe side. You'll see better results with more air in their anyways. Downside is more frequent watering.

You could also do a hempy style. 5 gallon bucket with hole drilled 2" from bottom. 80% perlite and 20 coco. Water till it runs out of the hole. Leave for 3-4 days.

hydro nutes and PH range.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
He's growing autos which will do better not being transplanted, and as long as he lets the pots get light (reletive to their wet weight) and somewhat dry he should do fine with regards to the pot size. Watering will be a bit tricky, but patience is very important when you have a small plant in a big pot. I would even go as far as to water only around the seedling for a little while while ge roots are small while making sure the rest of the pot isn't bone dry. After you see more growth, you could increase the watering area in the pot as well as the amount of water. I will say that it is tempting when starting out to want to water and feed all the time, but in soil you listen to the soil and the plant not what you just want to do or feel like you should do. Good luck!
Well said,sir.


Yeah I already have 8 going about 1.5 weeks so I figured it'd just be easier to put these babies in the same room they have a solid foot and a half from the light and the light is ventilated and it's a pretty large room. I'm using roots organic soiless mix any thoughts on it?


And I have regular cycle seeds in the same room they should veg fine under the hps right? just went with the hps so I can flower at the same time I didn't think it would make much of a difference for the plants in veg and autos don't veg very long anyway


Well-Known Member
careful how close you get the light, look for a canopy temp of 85 to 90 and with HPS in veg expect em to stretch a tad :)
My two cents- either way I wouldn't suggest starting in the buckets or starting with them in cups under a 600w especially a hps the reasons being starting in a buckets fine it just seems silly but I wouldn't use solo cups either, i prefer peat pots personally both work fine though. As for the light I wouldn't bother pulling that much power for a seedling for a few reasons . Those first leaves up until they start getting three fingered leaves don't have much surface area so a lot of that power's just hitting soil also I find when they're that small watering is more of a pain in the ass the ass then it needs to be if they're under that bright of a light because the soil is completely unshaded and dry's quickly (tried this same thing before), the roots at this time are little baby hairs and can end up in just dry soil, alternatively you may see it's dry on top, not want to disturb the soil checking below the top layer and end up overwatering, the last thing is the fact that it's hps, the plants may stretch and tip over, they can be proped up and whatnot by why do extra dicking. In my opinion I'd start them in small, 4 inch across or so, peat pots, put them under the t5 and let em do their thing just keep in mind to remove the pot, after you water just pull off the bottom when I'ts wet and tears easy, no need to make the roots work harder to get through the bottom of the pot when you can take it off especially with the predetermined life span of an auto, I use peat because the transplant is easier and I think less stressful. All personal opinion, the way you were thinking will work I just dont think the extra work and prosible stretching is worth it.


I'm going to put half of them under my fluorescent ( just a cheap single tube it's not a t5 ) and leave half in the flower room and see what do better(: thank you for the advice everyone it was much appreciated