AMA - UncleBuck

Uncle buck I am trying to hang some hoods today, and I always have problems finding the studs and stud finders suck. So I am going to ask a pro, how do you find studs?

measure out where they should be, either 16'' or 24'' on center. if you can go up in the attic to see which direction your studs are oriented in, do that.

once you figure out where they should be, tap lightly on the drywall with your knuckle. you should be able to hear the difference.

to actually find it, get a brad nail and a hammer. tap the brad nail through the drywall. if it goes right through, it's a dud. if it hits something, you've got stud. take a marker and circle the hole that hit the stud, cover the rest with a tiny dab of filler.

works every time.
and by the way, looking for studs behind the drywall is a loser's move!

i just put up studs in front of the drywall in a grow room!

Technology your both wrong. Studs are in the walls, they run vertical. You guys are talking about ceiling joist, or rafters, or trusses, depending on type of home construction.

But the joke was funny about buck knowing How to find a stud.