How to get a customer?

I have owned a gun since I was 11. I have carried a gun with me on a daily basis for 10yrs now. It has absolutely nada, nothing, zippo, zilch to do with buying, selling, smoking the cannabis. If you are in a situ where you think you might need a gun because of MJ, you have taken a seriously wrong turn somewhere in your recent past.
As far as finding buyers for your surplus... go have a drink in a bar before the crowd comes in. Do that twice a week or 3 times for a month. By then the bartender will be all the who's you need to know to get rid of whatever. No bars around that fit the bill? Find a nice, nice I say, restaurant bar. You may have two or 3 options of bartenders at this point but you will know who is the one to deal with in no time.
Good luck, stay safe, no amount of weed or money is worth your life. Rarely is it worth anyone else's life. Almost never.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
im not trying to convert a gun owner to a non gun owner, as i know how important guns are to american and i respect that. But i wont agree that it is a fact that gun provide safety when ton of study show its false. Than again, if you feel safe with a gun, good for you, it is still a personal belief and not a fact.
Are you saying owning a gun has never saved anyone's life?


Active Member
How to sell drugs for people who don't really want to 'sell drugs'. 1. get/make drugs 2. get computer and get and get on internet 3. Download Tor Browser 4. Find a site called Silk Road II or Bluesky or some Agora or something I don't know I never go on them stupid sites. 5. Become a vendor
no one tracks this ?


Well-Known Member
While defensive gun use may occasionally occur successfully, it is rare and very much the exeption-
There's no way to measure this because there are deterrent effects that go unreported. For example, 14 years ago I was waiting in line at the grocery store when I realized a sketchy looking guy was eyeing the cashier's drawer. He went to the store's door, made some gestures to people outside, came back, put his hand under his shirt.... and then we made eye contact. My training kicked in. I had my hand on my gun (fanny pack), I was staring at his hand under his shirt when I realized he was looking at me. I glanced up a couple times, returning my focus to his hand under his shirt. He slowly removed his hand from his shirt, walked to the door, made some gestures, walked halfway back (looking at me), then turned and left.

There were only two people who knew what happened that night. No guns were waved around. Just a quiet "meeting of minds."

Likewise, possessing a firearm can empower an individual to check the source of a noise late at night. To turn on a porch light, open a back door instead of remaining inside afraid and hoping whatever it is goes away. Little things like this act as a deterrent and they aren't measurable.

I wish we had more training as a prerequisite for ownership. Too many people have no idea how to safely handle a firearm, nor the legal theory of self defense. In the US we've had a long history of pro-control groups using "reasonable controls" as a pretext for banning. They justified their ultimate goal (and ultimately any control) on there being no individual right to private gun ownership. This had the effect of pushing gun owners into reflexive opposition of *any* controls, no matter how reasonable (such as a training requirement). Relatively recently the US Supreme Court ruled it is an individual right, and furthermore is incorporated by the 14th amendment against state infringement (as the other bills or right have been "selectively" incorporated since 1922). There's little reason to fear an outright ban now. It would be nice if we had productive controls that *facilitate* gun ownership and use, not stigmatizing rhetoric which insist 97% of the population have something in common with the 3% who misuse firearms.


Are you saying owning a gun has never saved anyone's life?
Not at all. But how many innocent life they took away. You have to take both number in the equation. Anyway as I said, I do respect American for they believe in firearm. But I will never agree that owing a firearm make you safe. No matter what ghetto you live in. It is important to fell safe in life, if having weapon is your way to feel safe, go for it, I for myself, will never feel safe with a gun around me.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Not at all. But how many innocent life they took away. You have to take both number in the equation. Anyway as I said, I do respect American for they believe in firearm. But I will never agree that owing a firearm make you safe. No matter what ghetto you live in. It is important to fell safe in life, if having weapon is your way to feel safe, go for it, I for myself, will never feel safe with a gun around me.
Crime is crime just because where u live it doesn't happen with a gun doesn't mean shit... If you're gonna do bad then that's what you're going to do wether you have a gun or not imo your gun stats are flawed. ..A thug with a gun isn't the same as a responsible person that enjoys target shooting. Or hunting. .or if they just have it for protection put away locked up hoping they never have to fire's not the same... that being said you gotta be responsible with a firearm. The same way you got to be responsible with a knife a nail gun a chainsaw... anything can kill and accidents happen..don't blame guns for the actions of stupid people just because your're government tells you you're not responsible enough to own one doesn't make it true!


Well-Known Member
But I will never agree that owing a firearm make you safe. No matter what ghetto you live in.
I think you mean "generally won't make you safe, odds are it will cause more harm than good." The problem is: there are instances of women, elderly and the infirm using firearms to prevent the worst kinds of violence against themselves. I used one to prevent a store robbery. You (apparently) would say violence against the infirm and elderly is a small price to pay for a "generally" safer world. Or, that it would have been better for the store to have been robbed 14 years ago.

Many are going to have difficulty accepting that calculus. The solution to misuse and unpreparedness is training. Not forcing everyone to live to the lowest common denominator.

Finally, it's pointless to compare the US to Canada. We kill more people with baseball bats than you do. Our cultural diversity has traditionally led to higher rates of violence. You guys have far more social institutions and an emphasis on reducing disparity. For example, Canada has a pardon system which is extremely generous. Anyone convicted of a summary offense (misdemeanor) can easily obtain a pardon within a year of completing their sentence. A conviction for an indictable offense (felony) requires three or five years(?). But, is available to anyone who stays out of trouble.

That's huge. In the US, rehabilitation is almost abandoned. Criminal records follow people the rest of their lives, reducing any hope of opportunity.
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I respect your opinion but than again, I won't feel safe with a gun around me, I don't expect the same from anyone else, except my wife and kid. No firearm will enter my house, never.
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Well-Known Member
I respect your opinion but than again, I won't feel safe with a gun around me, I don't expect the same from anyone else, except my wife and kid. No firearm will enter my house, never.
I would respect your opinion more if it was not based on junk science. One of my degrees is in quantitative methods, so his methodolgy was of interest to me. It has many problems over and above execrable research designed to arrive at pre-defined conclusion. A much more authoritatve study is Tark and Kleck 2004. Success rates of defensive use of guns was almost 100%. Only 2% of those wielding a gun for protection were injured and the majority were injured BEFORE they resisted. Don't believe me? Go read some takedowns of the study you site yourself and then go read about the one I do. We should give this thread back to the OP.


I would respect your opinion more if it was not based on junk science. One of my degrees is in quantitative methods, so his methodolgy was of interest to me. It has many problems over and above execrable research designed to arrive at pre-defined conclusion. A much more authoritatve study is Tark and Kleck 2004. Success rates of defensive use of guns was almost 100%. Only 2% of those wielding a gun for protection were injured and the majority were injured BEFORE they resisted. Don't believe me? Go read some takedowns of the study you site yourself and then go read about the one I do. We should give this thread back to the OP.
I did read science on both party. I just named this one but could have named other from Harvard prof or any other well know university. And not respecting someone else opinion is really close minded. Anyway, you will never make me believe in gun as much as I will never be able to make you believe you don't need em to feel safe and this is ok, that's why the world is so beautiful, if we were all thinking the same, how sad this would be.


I may sound stupid but since my primary language is not English ( I try my best hehe ) could you guys please tell me what you mean by the thread being OP? What op stand for?
... for myself, will never feel safe with a gun around me.
Is that because you have never been exposed and have no training? My Father trained me to use and respect firearms at an early age so that I had another tool at my disposal in life. Anyone that has shot alot and had guns around for any period of time know they are safer with them. They do not magically go off and kill children. Yes there are accidents and tragedies but most of them could have been avoided with some training and exposure or experience. Don't blame the inanimate object for killing, it is most definitely us killing ourselves using guns. Not guns running rampant killing us all by themselves... Sorry OP, had to say my peace.
Back to the regularly scheduled program...


Well-Known Member
I did read science on both party. I just named this one but could have named other from Harvard prof or any other well know university. And not respecting someone else opinion is really close minded. Anyway, you will never make me believe in gun as much as I will never be able to make you believe you don't need em to feel safe and this is ok, that's why the world is so beautiful, if we were all thinking the same, how sad this would be.
I will let your passive aggressive comments fly. That said, the study you did provide, now having studied it even fuller, is almost complete nonsense. If you want to discuss why, open a thread on the Politics page.

Oh and OP, I like the hanging at bars idea.


I will let your passive aggressive comments fly. That said, the study you did provide, now having studied it even fuller, is almost complete nonsense. If you want to discuss why, open a thread on the Politics page.

Oh and OP, I like the hanging at bars idea.
Lol at the passive aggressive . I did respect everyone opinion, you didn't. Anyway OP now. If you want to keep debating, lets do it via pm.

Let us know what happen with your overstuck, did you find any customer or decided to store it? I'm curious ;)


Well-Known Member
im not trying to convert a gun owner to a non gun owner, as i know how important guns are to american and i respect that. But i wont agree that it is a fact that gun provide safety when ton of study show its false. Than again, if you feel safe with a gun, good for you, it is still a personal belief and not a fact.
Well then you sir, need to stay up to date. Talk about facts, fact is, a city or area where there are more guns (legally) = a safer/less crime city or area. This subject has been raped to death by both sides since forever. Study shows and actual records PROVES that as gun ownership rises, crime rate drops. With Chicago having the strictest gun law in all of America, they dealt with crime, violence and death the worst. Please take your time to read this and realize your "ton of study" was false all along: and here's an update of the same Chicago as of this past August 2014: So guns don't provide safety? Why don't you ask the Australians how their gun ban is working out for them. Or should they tell you themselves:


There's no safe way to sell. Be careful, and remember: you can't trust ANYONE you sell to. Anybody but your closest friends would give you up in a heartbeat to keep themselves out of prison. And some of your closest friends might as well.

It's kinda like love and war in a way: all's fair. Expect anything. Prepare for the worst in advance, so if it happens, you at least have a plan to minimize the damage and fallout.

The best advice to new (or any) growers (IMHO) is:

1. No tell.
2. No smell.
3. No sell.

Otherwise, you leave yourself very vulnerable.

On the other hand, I'm thankful to those who do sell. I'm not trying to knock you; rather, I have an appreciation for the risk you're taking, and I certainly wish you luck and safe selling.