Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

I think I have busted ball fragments in my pants...
like fifteen or twenty little baby-nuts rolling around in there

Free aeration bits?

Sorry, my mind is always on this shit.

It can be very hard when you look at the costs. Even going organic is expensive. Here in the Midwest I physically cannot afford to live and eat Vegan.

That's not true, especially considering you can grow a good portion of the food
I eat more than 3 things man lol
my wifi got caught off, sorry lol , let me repost.

if youre going to buy into the prepackaged vegan foods, yes it can be expensive, if you eat out 4 times a week yes it can be expensive.

if you eat regular already vegan food it is cheap. Rough average of cost
Pantry foods/Items :

beans, (black, white kidney ect) (canned more expensive at 67 cents per can, dry more of a pain in the ass to do but are cheaper at 1$ but more aount)
TVP - 3$
Bulgar, 2$
Quinoa 3$
Couscous 2$
flour 3$
Chia seeds 2$
Flax seeds 2$
Lentils, legumes, ect 1$ (bags dried)
Baking soda 1$
baking powder 2$
Pasta 1$
Rice noodles 2$
Rice paper 2$
Rice 4$
Spices while generally expensive last long average amount of spices is roughly 10$

Vegetables (obviously youre not going to buy ALL of these at one go)
Carrots 2$
onions 2$
lettuce (depending on season ) 3$
bell peppers 2$
cucumbers 80 cents
tomatoes 1$
eggplant 2$
Spinach 1$
Garlic fresh 80 cents pack of 5
zucchini 2$
Cabbage 2$
bok choy 1$
radishes 1$
raddico 2$
artichoke 4/5$
corn 5/2$
squashes usually 70 cents per lbs
sprouts 2$
potatoes 3$
sweet potatoes 3$

Frozen foods:
Brussels sprouts 2$
frozen veggies 1-2$
juice 70 cents

bananas 70 cent
berries usually 3/5$
avocados 5/4$
pears 1$
apples 2$ (bag)
Frozen fruit for smoothies 4$

Additional vegan foods/condiments:
Tofu 1$
bbq sauce 1$
ketchup 2$
mustard 1$
salad dressings 1-2$
evoo 5$
almond milk 1$
oats 2$
sugAR 2$

balsamic vinny 3$

It is entirely cheap to be vegan thats 120$ worth of food roughly, most of the pantry staples will last longer than the month, veggies obviously will be bought every 1 -2 weeks depending how much you personally eat.
I am sure i have missed some food items, but it is not expensive to eat vegan thats a huge common misconception
Free aeration bits?

Sorry, my mind is always on this shit.

That's not true, especially considering you can grow a good portion of the food
hahahha, ahh man, that's a good one, it'd be a one of a kind grow for sure, and hell, maybe i'm being arrogant, but i'd like to believe i'd have enough testosterone in those baby-nuts to cause a hermaphrodite or two...
hahahha, ahh man, that's a good one, it'd be a one of a kind grow for sure, and hell, maybe i'm being arrogant, but i'd like to believe i'd have enough testosterone in those baby-nuts to cause a hermaphrodite or two...

Haha! I'm 100% positive you'd have (at least) a nanner or two in the mix

I want to eat my own organic fruits! Oranges, Pears, Apples, Grapes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Peaches! MO!! Can i Move in!? lol

Move to BC! I spent a good part of my childhood in the Okanagan Valley and I had 2 apple trees, 2 peach trees, 3 cherry trees, and a plum tree all in my back yard. It was fan-friggin-tastic except for the summer that my mom decided to rent a juicer and make apple juice. I had apple juice in my lunch every single day for two years straight. :shock:

Scarred for life
Haha! I'm 100% positive you'd have (at least) a nanner or two in the mix

Move to BC! I spent a good part of my childhood in the Okanagan Valley and I had 2 apple trees, 2 peach trees, 3 cherry trees, and a plum tree all in my back yard. It was fan-friggin-tastic except for the summer that my mom decided to rent a juicer and make apple juice. I had apple juice in my lunch every single day for two years straight. :shock:

Scarred for life
Thats where i wanna be...the Valley.
Can you guys suggest a book or two for me? I am liking teaming with microbes because I found the recipes to be effective so far. I got some of them in the organic section here. Thanks for all of your posts this stuff is amazing to say the least. I am growing an organic Black Afgan in a drip bucket I made and it grows over an inch per day with three feedings of teas per week in Organic soil coco mix I make. I am very happy and know I have safe clean meds. Now I know I can use Lavender oil and soap and my bugs are just gone after killing most of plants and starting over from seed stock. Organic and vegan works when all else failed to kill the fucking spider mites from hell. The cunts came back after all the shit I used, but they are done with Lavender oil and soap. Go figure mother nature did it millions of years ago and to this day. Thanks again you guys I am lovin this stuff and so are all of vegetables and my sweet girls of paradise, lol.
Welcome fellow (and future) vegan organic gardeners. I'll begin by saying I've been working on a revolutionary growing system with ganja guru Kyle Kushman. He calls it Kushman's Veganics and it includes all aspects of gardening.

And secondly, I am not a vegan, nor do I promote a vegan diet for humans. I get my meat from the farmer's market, and it is spectacular, support local ranches and eff fast food. Sorry, I digress.

It's all about the medicine. We are literally making medicine for sick people, often people with severely compromised immune systems. So getting rid of the animal sources removes the risk of any weird animal pathogens being consumed. Remember my beautiful canna-friends, sick people often consume the medicine raw as juice.

It is also about reproducing nature. In the wild plants feed off of the soil. Soil is mostly broken down plants and some rocks. Very little of soil is of animal origin. So are you starting to see the idea? Broken down plants=good, rocks=okay in small amounts, animal origin=okay in very small amounts, chemical=no way!
Yeah man, I'm trying it, but instead of spending a fortune on Canna Bio, I'll be using my Nettle and Comfrey tea!!! BUT still spending a smaller fortune on enzymes, fulvic n humic . . . .

That is interesting, I am gonna have to try complete veganic to see if I get the same effect. That is cool.
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Eggs and cheese are the two reasons why I can't go vegan. I'd be lost at breakfast. :-)


My wife is vegetarian so it was real easy for me to make the switch. Honestly the thought of eating meat at this point kinda gags me. Fish might be the only exception to that, but red meat or pork.... no way!
There is No way I Am giving up my GOD Blessed Pork! Or Beef, or Chicken!

Fire, Salt, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pork... Best thing on earth.! Pepper too..

Every Single vegan and vegetarian ones that Truly adhere to it are some of the Most Sickly people I've seen, pale, dark eyes, scrawny...

Meat is good for.
Vegetables are for the Livestock.
There is No way I Am giving up my GOD Blessed Pork! Or Beef, or Chicken!

Fire, Salt, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pork... Best thing on earth.! Pepper too..

Every Single vegan and vegetarian ones that Truly adhere to it are some of the Most Sickly people I've seen, pale, dark eyes, scrawny...

Meat is good for.
Vegetables are for the Livestock.

Huh. I played in the NHL and am in great shape. 6'3" 225lbs. I don't think you'd consider me sickly or scrawny if you saw me. That's just a silly notion that all people that don't eat meat are unhealthy.
There is No way I Am giving up my GOD Blessed Pork! Or Beef, or Chicken!

Fire, Salt, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pork... Best thing on earth.! Pepper too..

Every Single vegan and vegetarian ones that Truly adhere to it are some of the Most Sickly people I've seen, pale, dark eyes, scrawny...

Meat is good for.
Vegetables are for the Livestock.

vegan 5 years and strong, ya real sickly scrawny and pale

if youre against veganisim , than why come to a thread just to stir up and put down opinions that are not necessary and unwanted?


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