Leaf Clawing--pretty sure its not nitrogen toxicity.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. first post here. finally, after years of lingering.

I have 4, 10 gallon dwc buckets flowering -- two of which are clawing on me. The 2 that are clawing are both sativa dominant Ak47 and fruity thai. The other 2, that are doing just fine, are indica dominant -- BigbudxNorthern lights and critical. The temperature has been fluctuating here the past week or so when the lights are on from about 84 @ the beginning of the week to under 70 @ the end of the week. Now the beginning of this week its back up to 84. I also had some ph fluctuation when the temperature went up @ the beginning of the week that I fixed by brewing some tea (ph went down to 4.5). It's been stable for the last few days but it doesn't seem to be improving. It's only effecting the new smaller "bud leaves" and not the large fan leaves. I'm certain i'm not over ferting @ 600 ppm. I even checked my meter in a tds solution to be sure. I'm wondering what else it could be other than nitrogen tox. and if it's just coincidence that it's only effecting my sativas. The nutrients are exactly the same on all 4 buckets. what r ur expert opinions?

Day 28 flower.
600 watt lamp
Nutrients -- GH - GMB @ 123 ratio -------magnesium sulfate-------------heisenberg tea.
PPM's - 580-620
ph 5.8 -6.2
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Well-Known Member
Sativas use less N. This is why you may have say, an Indica and a Sativa growing right next to one another, with identical soil and feeding schedules/concentrations but the Sativa will show signs of high N content/toxicity. IME, Sativas do well with less nutes overall while indicas can take a lot. Of course I'm sure this varies with hybrid ratios. :peace:


bud bootlegger
Sativas use less N. This is why you may have say, an Indica and a Sativa growing right next to one another, with identical soil and feeding schedules/concentrations but the Sativa will show signs of high N content/toxicity. IME, Sativas do well with less nutes overall while indicas can take a lot. Of course I'm sure this varies with hybrid ratios. :peace:
i completely agree.. sativa / sativa dom strains are known to be finicky eaters, while indica / indica dom strains are pretty well known to be fairly easy to grow and take care of, and are no where near as finicky..
and those leaves do look to be pretty green imvho, which to me looks like you could cut back a bit on the n and be ok.. i'd try mixing a lighter nute mix for the two sativas and a different mix for the indicas and see how that works out for you..


Well-Known Member
i completely agree.. sativa / sativa dom strains are known to be finicky eaters, while indica / indica dom strains are pretty well known to be fairly easy to grow and take care of, and are no where near as finicky..
and those leaves do look to be pretty green imvho, which to me looks like you could cut back a bit on the n and be ok.. i'd try mixing a lighter nute mix for the two sativas and a different mix for the indicas and see how that works out for you..

Thanks fellas, you guys are probably right. I've just been trying to talk myself out of it being nitrogen toxicity. I think i know it deep down. I'm pissed because it takes forever for my RO to fill 10 gallons and i just changed the res yesterday. better go turn it on. Here's another question for somebody tho. I know my ppms are on point because they stay level @ about 600. That means I would have to change my ratio to use less nitrogen. Do any of you know of a ratio for general hydroponics GMB that would lower my nitrogen but not screw anything else up? it's currently @ a 123 ratio.


Well-Known Member
If I'm correct a common ratio for flower is low N with a 2:1 ratio of P:K. So twice as much phosphorus as potassium with minimal N. Ie: 2-6-3 or 2-10-5. Here is a pic of my monster lemon I have going. Very sativa and you can see that she has a little nutrient burn. I have Indicas nearby that are taking 2-3 times as concentrated a solution with zero burn. You're girls look great though. :weed: Keep us updated so we can get some finished nug shots. :bigjoint:SAM_3911.JPG SAM_3918.JPG


Well-Known Member
I know it's been a minute since I started this thread but I would like to follow up and relay what I've learned about this particular case of clawing. It was the strain--I've ran it in hydro, soil, and soilless -- with a myriad of nutrient lines from organic based to synthetic --and every time I hit flower, I got the claw around week 3 when it starts hoarding nitrogen. And I also learned why -- it's the THAI genetics. So anyone shitting themselves over the claw, and they know for a fact that they're not over fertilizing -- check to see if your strain has THAI in its genetic makeup. If so, it's most likely completely normal and you'll actually start seeing the beauty in the claw. Dj short blueberry is another example -- also Thai genetics-- and also claws like crazy.


I know it's been a minute since I started this thread but I would like to follow up and relay what I've learned about this particular case of clawing. It was the strain--I've ran it in hydro, soil, and soilless -- with a myriad of nutrient lines from organic based to synthetic --and every time I hit flower, I got the claw around week 3 when it starts hoarding nitrogen. And I also learned why -- it's the THAI genetics. So anyone shitting themselves over the claw, and they know for a fact that they're not over fertilizing -- check to see if your strain has THAI in its genetic makeup. If so, it's most likely completely normal and you'll actually start seeing the beauty in the claw. Dj short blueberry is another example -- also Thai genetics-- and also claws like crazy.
Yooooo no way I just did a run on ethos genetics tropical thunder multipack and their "my thai" strain did the same stuff to me, it could have been too much N since it was my first grow (dwc as well) lol,

