end of civilization


Well-Known Member
Those plants look very sativa. whose crop.. what strain?

My 'friend' posted this link on facebook, is he very racist?

those plants belonged to holocaust denying white supremacist shotgun420. him and bignbushy (smokeydan) were good buddies, he even joined the dude's white supremacy group.

i think the strain name was called "prideless white loser".

the conservative tribune is nothing but white power headlines front to back. people who read it and take it seriously probably have some pretty questionable leanings.


Well-Known Member
my wife's been ill, i'm paying the full mortgage and bills right now bignbushy.

have you managed to continue concealing your homosexuality from your daddy so that he keeps paying your rent, princess?

i noticed you couldn't even get those shitty little plants you were growing in the woods to harvest.

what a shame, at least your fellow white supremacist buddies made it to harvest!

I've never planted any in any woods .


Well-Known Member
Idk where bushy was from.

I am from Tennessee, UT is my alma mater.

Tennessee has 7 million people I think. Over 1 million people live within a 50 mile circle of me. Odds aren't tiny tiny if he and I are both from same place or close.

Smokey is UT's mascot.


Well-Known Member
Idk where bushy was from.

I am from Tennessee, UT is my alma mater.

Tennessee has 7 million people I think. Over 1 million people live within a 50 mile circle of me. Odds aren't tiny tiny if he and I are both from same place or close.

Smokey is UT's mascot.
of course you know where bignbushy is from, you are him!

you started posting a month after he stopped, you're from the exact same place, have the exact same writing style, and even make the exact same talking points VERBATIM about haiti being a "wealthy place".

you are notfooling anyone you fetid pile of dog shit!

you are a gay racist who is 30 years old and works at subway, why not be PROUD?



Well-Known Member
If I was trying to hide being him, why would I come in here and say I was from here?

If i were him I would have remembered saying where I was from.

I don't know if you've ever been to East Tennessee, but it's a fairly homogeneous place. We all think a like.

Haiti being well known as the poorest country in this hemisphere does make it a fairly obvious place to discuss.

I talk about haiti because my ancestors, some of them, came here from there, through bermuda

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
how is that possible?

i have so much more than you!
and yet you fail to recognize the curious duality in the quoted statement, both forms being applicable and accurate, resulting in a precise definition of The Leftist that no mere single frame posit could accomplish

One who devalues another, their possessions, or accomplishments because they have less than them.
so, one who devalues another, their possessions or their accomplishments based on the target having either more OR less than the antagonist.

as you have abundantly established through your body of work (which is EXTENSIVE) anyone who has less than you is a lesser person, and subject to ridicule, while conversely, anyone who has MORE than you is an evil person who gained by deceit, theft or exploitation, and is ALSO thus subject to your scorn.

you express hate and derision for anyone who doesnt accept the premise and submit to the agenda, and you use as a strawman your tired accusations that they have too little material wealth to be credible, or they have too much wealth and are thus also not credible.

and that boys and girls is the heart of leftism, understanding the nature of their hypocrisy is the key to understanding them.


Well-Known Member
so, one who devalues another, their possessions or their accomplishments based on the target having either more OR less than the antagonist.
watch out, kkkynesy-pooh. keep changing those definitions willy nilly and they will become even more meaningless than they already are!

as you have abundantly established through your body of work (which is EXTENSIVE) anyone who has less than you is a lesser person, and subject to ridicule
not at all!

that only applies to people like you. self-described proponents of "european cultural superiority", losers who want to take credit for or call themselves a part of the great and exalted western, european, ultra-advanced, super awesome civilization.

you had no part in eradicating polio or inventing peanut butter, you stock shelves at a walmart and look down on anyone who is not white, straight, and conservative in a pathetic and transparent attempt to elevate yourself.

that is why you are lesser. it's because you are.

anyone who has MORE than you is an evil person who gained by deceit, theft or exploitation, and is ALSO thus subject to your scorn.
wait just a second, princess!

that's what you do to me when you try to label me as some sort of al capone, a tax evading "small time dope peddler", a mooch who lives off his wife. none of which has any basis in reality.

did you just call yourself a lefty?

why yes you did! you must hate yourself!

and that boys and girls is the heart of leftism, understanding the nature of their hypocrisy is the key to understanding them.
you might wanna go ahead and change your definition again, otherwise you're the lefty here!

actually, being a lefty would be a step up for you. not that lefties would welcome a hateful racist like you into the fold anyway.

we've been purging shits like you from our party for half a century now. there is one party that will welcome you though. you know which one that is.


Well-Known Member
Racist peacock

because it is white!
poor misguided kkkynes.

it is not because you are white. i like white people in general.

being white does not make you racist, being a proponent of "european cultural superiority" does. that is a euphemism that appears no small number of times on AmRen. we all know what it means.

you are racist for calling the nation's foremost white supremacist "a respected academic". no respected academic speaks for AmRen conferences or suggests that penis size and brain size are inversely correlated, much less goes about trying to prove it by offering people at the mall $5 to tell them about their sexual habits.

you are racist for believing that "multiculutralism" is some sort of conspiracy to crowd out your "european cultural superiority". no one is forcing you to mate with those 'less superior' cultures. as if anyone would mate with you without a promise of cold hard cash (which you don' have) anyway.

you are racist for trying to ascribe the actions of a few looters to an entire race.

you are racist for trying to suggest that there is no bias in the justice system against blacks and other minorities.

you are racist for a lot of reasons, but not because you are white.


Well-Known Member
poor misguided kkkynes.

it is not because you are white. i like white people in general.

being white does not make you racist, being a proponent of "european cultural superiority" does. that is a euphemism that appears no small number of times on AmRen. we all know what it means.

you are racist for calling the nation's foremost white supremacist "a respected academic". no respected academic speaks for AmRen conferences or suggests that penis size and brain size are inversely correlated, much less goes about trying to prove it by offering people at the mall $5 to tell them about their sexual habits.

you are racist for believing that "multiculutralism" is some sort of conspiracy to crowd out your "european cultural superiority". no one is forcing you to mate with those 'less superior' cultures. as if anyone would mate with you without a promise of cold hard cash (which you don' have) anyway.

you are racist for trying to ascribe the actions of a few looters to an entire race.

you are racist for trying to suggest that there is no bias in the justice system against blacks and other minorities.

you are racist for a lot of reasons, but not because you are white.