poetry corner


Well-Known Member
This is not a "feel sorry for me",
nor is it a get out clause,
to clear my past's fuck-ups,
to right the wrongs' I've caused.
This is a please hear me,
by way of written, genuine thought,
a,"clear your mind of preconceptions
and of branding me the sort that deserves the steel doors and brick walls,
because I I've broken your laws.
I am,
as you are,
but burdened with my many flaws,
for this I ask forgiveness.
please think of me not a lost cause.
even though I question my own disposability.
would it be a big loss to my loved ones lives,
if I were wiped from their memories?
I concluded no.....
however life has been given to me and for that I should be happy,
to get to see this wonderful world,
in full
And ponder its hidden mystery
I wrote this for a Literature project a couple of weeks ago.

Interstate 95

Ten more miles seems so far

Consider pissing in my car,

As I Dance in my seat

Dreams of taking a leak,

Pinch down on my urethra with hope of relief

I scream out a war cry like an Indian Chief.

I am stopped at the light

I look over and see a grim sight,

Homeless man extends his hand

Should I aim for his can,

If I had a genie with one wish

It would be to not fill my car with piss.

One more mile left go

I almost soiled my clothes,

I spot a nearby Mickey D’s

It’s closed, what a tease,

The time tediously tic tocs

As I squeeze my crotch, Oh!

I won’t make it that far

So I step out of the car,

Look around for small children nearby

Coast is clear, I unzip my fly

What a relief,

I almost ruined my seat.
I trace veins,
like tracks
of rail way trains.
I cut
and it eases pain,

It bleeds.

bleeding feeling
deep within me.

Ones that won't come out.

I scream and shout
then cut some more.

frantic- feeling - pain still raw
As I ley here on my bed,
concentrating on my breath,
watching the fall and rise of my chest, my eye wanders.
out through my bars,
toward the stars and sky.
I see the trails of a plane that's flying by.
I imagine being on that plane,
looking out,
through the eyes of a child
the trolley dolly is pushing the trolley down our isle.
these child eyes,
so young and innocent.
I giggle
"those people look like ant's"
soul rebel

wont you please be apart of it...
Look at all the trees, growing on the side of the mountain
wont you be apart of it
that beautiful breeze, flowing through me like a fucking magnum
and it will learn to love you, only if you let it
right there in front of you, stop wasting time and go get it
this delicious feeling of wonder,
i know you've been searching to,
the love is about to go under,
I'm gonna miss it baby when it's through .
i throw myself in the ocean, to remind me that the sky is blue.
we make our way through the city, oh how your wish is coming true
please, please be the best you can be and
be apart of it
This is adapted from an existing poem with my spin on it

Lift not the painted veil which those who live Call life
though utter peace is often found there, they've mimicked what we've derived
unreal shapes and colors, much like the beauty I have described
your energy, eternally is what I long to survive

so come with me to this place,
that you dare not dream of,
both fear and hope lurk the corners,
twin destinies deceive us

and in a world that's full of bliss
not surprised they haven't taught you this
just close your eyes i wish you the best
i thank you for the ride
and i will gladly say good bye
to a world that once was mine

water of the swim straight the fuck up
a thank you to mrs shelley
This is all very pretty but you gotta realize that this site is the equivalent of fucking Detroit, and not a nice part of Detroit either. All this sensitive stuff is just going to make the troglodytes mad, and they will say mean things to you and probably challenge your sexuality too.
endevower the sweet and sacred flower...

a lot of time has come this way
to tell all the people what we doin today
maybe a life or two ruined on the way
all in the name of freedom

a wake up shot to the head
makes for a perfect smoke in the evening
a soaring high right out of bed
helps the day go on and a start right

and now we finally changed their minds
nothing you can do but to blame the times
when they thought that man go crazy
and then it turned into it make you lazy
but ah, few good people have changed the ryhme
their beat beatin on till the end of time
long before man in his prime
to say that this shit will make you crazy

i dont need no excuse, to excersise my freedom
god knows i dont need you, tellin me any more lies
cause who are you but another me
livin a life right across the street
all i am
is an entity looking for the so called freedom
who's lookin' for the so called freedom

what makes you so better than me
a community college degree i dont think so
just open your eyes and you will see
my, my, my we's just all the same
from tripoli to mozambique
santiago de chile
im sayin from michoacan down to san juan
the galapagos islands
from cambodia to california
the dominican republic
saudi arabia to tunisia
dont forget about sri lanka
venezuela and colombia
barbados, trinidad and tobago
australia to jamaica
sierra leone and all the way to malaysia

turkmenistan, uzbekistan, and kazakhstan, afghanistan, and pakistan, and mongolia

from singapore to el salvador
bulgaria, romania, estonia, zambia, somalia, tanzania, nigeria and all
ethiopia, mauritania, we got to fix namibia
you know I was looking at map for this haha
This is all very pretty but you gotta realize that this site is the equivalent of fucking Detroit, and not a nice part of Detroit either. All this sensitive stuff is just going to make the troglodytes mad, and they will say mean things to you and probably challenge your sexuality too.
haha word,
I think the other guy on here is a bit bitter about shit. I just thought it was a nifty idea for some good poetry.
En devour the sweet and sacred flower my brother
I wrote something similar once. When I said weed would be the death of me, I was referring to prison.
ya hope for the best
ya hope for the best,
weight on your chest,
no breath, no words.....
cant now speak,
all thoughts have left me.
now left bereft,
left....... Questioning
It's making me calmer,
Oh how I love Marijuana,
Hydroponic chronic,
From another planet...
Trichome crystal goddess,
She's Cosmic I promise...
Undefined heavenly & wise,
With bloodshot eyes!
As Gods vine intertwined...
& gave me peace of mind,
In these dark times... Oh my,
Giving sight to the blind the divine,
Turning water to wine... no surprise,
All rise & open your third eye... See the light,
Waging wars, Weapons with blessings...
From the heavens I reckon,
looking back on reflection,
second guessing... stressing,
Somewhat obsessing & sweating,
This beheading.
don't fret
no sweating
this bs
this isil
or Isis
is shit
your fretting's
not getting
you no where.
rational thought.
what's it's cause?
who benefits
from this all?
our blind eyes commit young lives to suicide.
'Their' egotistical
bullshit filled lies
put people's children
to death,
and in their same breath
raise taxes
then place us in poverty traps,
to watch us attack
each other
like rats
then try collapse our backs
by raising more taxes,
they're using stealth tactics,
and loving it
Brother we are having our pant's pulled down by our own governments.