Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
What's crazy ? LOL She's cute. She knows I think she's cute. I'm always going on about the brows and the hair. I am not calling you a horn dog either @ChingOwn . You horn dogs already know who you are. Stand up and be counted.
Sorry, honestly don't mean any offence but that was a long way to say I don't mean "pout" in a bad way.lol

I always find it amusing the way girls skirt around the subject of looks or feelings with each other.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, honestly don't mean any offence but that was a long way to say I don't mean "pout" in a bad way.lol

I always find it amusing the way girls skirt around the subject of looks or feelings with each other.
None taken at all! ( I actually came back to edit my post 'cause it sounded defensive) It was a rather wordy chick type post anyway :-)

I'm not a skirter. I'm blunt But if this were a predominantly female forum I'd be waaay more blunt, but it is full of guys so I'm careful when posting a well intentioned compliment. I think women everywhere should give credit where credit is due. So many of my gender are so jealous. There are some really attractive women on RIU. And many of the RIU wives are gorgeous too.


Well-Known Member
None taken at all! ( I actually came back to edit my post 'cause it sounded defensive) It was a rather wordy chick type post anyway :-)

I'm not a skirter. I'm blunt But if this were a predominantly female forum I'd be waaay more blunt, but it is full of guys so I'm careful when posting a well intentioned compliment. I think women everywhere should give credit where credit is due. So many of my gender are so jealous. There are some really attractive women on RIU. And many of the RIU wives are gorgeous too.
Zig a zig ahhhh.


Well-Known Member
None taken at all! ( I actually came back to edit my post 'cause it sounded defensive) It was a rather wordy chick type post anyway :-)

I'm not a skirter. I'm blunt But if this were a predominantly female forum I'd be waaay more blunt, but it is full of guys so I'm careful when posting a well intentioned compliment. I think women everywhere should give credit where credit is due. So many of my gender are so jealous. There are some really attractive women on RIU. And many of the RIU wives are gorgeous too.
damn im so out the loop. ive only seen 4 of girls here and none of the wives :/


Well-Known Member
damn im so out the loop. ive only seen 4 of girls here and none of the wives :/
Not a lot of wife pix, but I remember a while ago I Can't remember who but he posted a pic of his wife and she had long dark hair, and maybe tattoos? Anyway, she was so gorgeous. It's weird you always think these forums are full of little weenie neck beards who live in their mom's basement, But I've been surprised more than a few times when folks post here. Quite surprised indeed.