Smoking While Preggers

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I was just pointing out that marijuana has been given successfully to children.Now.Would you rather give your kid doctor prescribed meth, or self prescribed marijuana?
How did this kid stab the dog while he was in his mother? You are taking the argument and changing it. This is when I stop communicating.


New Member
I was just pointing out that marijuana has been given successfully to children.Now.Would you rather give your kid doctor prescribed meth, or self prescribed marijuana?
Kids should not be given EITHER. You want to sound like some anti-drug person but you advocate the same type of medicating the drug companies want. The only dif is what KIND of drug you prefer. I'm sure if it was legal and they could make billions drug companies would prescribe weed to kids. Hell, why not some crank or wine coolers? Yeah that's it....let's teach our kids at an early age that the best way to deal with life's problems is to get high.


New Member
i keep saying "edibles" yet the naysayers must insist on it being the same as blowing smoke in the face. nice mental image, thanks.

I know what you are meaning by edibles, but with me it never would have worked. I was unable to eat anything. If I had thought I could have eaten it instead I would have tried it but nothing stayed down. When nothing stays down like that it starts to get difficult to even put food in your mouth. I actually chewed food and spit it out because the thought of swallowing it made me gag.

My doctor knew all of this was going on. He knew my first child was the same way and born prematurely. Yet, they pushed pills on me, and shots on me. So for the guy who says DR's don't prescribe anything but vitamins when you're pregnant, you are so wrong.


New Member
Yes I have kids. No, I am not a doctor but went to almost every visit before the birth. My wife was serious and did the right things to make sure we had healthy babies. Smoking herb is bad for the baby.

"I'm sure the promethazine for anti nausea is so much safer than herb."

So now I'll ask YOU....are you a doctor? What kind of studies have you done to prove your point?

So then it's safe to assume that your wife had the completely natural childbirth. No epidural right?

Doctors use the epidural method all the time, yet the epidural makes the contractions weaker which draws out the labor and ends up putting more stress on the baby. An amazingly high numbers of women who get eipdurals end up with C-sections due to extreme stress on the baby and near loss of fetal heartbeat. You should really watch "the business of being born" it's on netflix instant movies. it's a real eyeopener.

Just because a doctor pushes a method and says it's safe does not mean it is. Just because a study says something is bad doesn't mean it's true.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i keep saying "edibles" yet the naysayers must insist on it being the same as blowing smoke in the face. nice mental image, thanks.
LOL.... ok.... well would you feed your infant a mj or hash brownie?

I tried to explain how the placenta works in this post:

The placenta works to filter out toxins from the fetus. Like it or not.... THC is a toxin to a fetus and the Placenta will work to filter it out. While the placenta is trying to filter out the THC the fetus is denied oxygen and nutrients because the vessels are shrunken down in the attempt to keep out the THC. Because the oxygen is restricted it can be detrimental to the developing organs and brain.

To me that means THC period.... regardless if ingested or inhaled.... the placenta will work to filter it out.... resulting in reduced oxygen to the fetus. We are adults with fully developed organs ..... the fetus' organs are still developing..... they need that oxygen.

To WORDZ saying marijuana is not a toxin to a fetus.... I'm ROFL... did you go to medical school? I didn't... but I got my information straight from a nurse friend of mine.... a nurse whose spent more then 20 years working in Neonatal case management. I believe her when she tells me the placenta will work to filter out the THC resulting in constricted vessles and reduced oxygen to the fetus. I think she knows quite a bit more then you on the subject.

Perhaps if we got mj legalized we could get some better and definitive studies and answers on exactly what mj does to a developing fetus.

Until then I don't see why people wouldn't choose to walk on the side of extra caution and not smoke or eat mj during pregnancy..... it's in the best interest of the baby.


New Member
So then it's safe to assume that your wife had the completely natural childbirth. No epidural right?

Doctors use the epidural method all the time, yet the epidural makes the contractions weaker which draws out the labor and ends up putting more stress on the baby. An amazingly high numbers of women who get eipdurals end up with C-sections due to extreme stress on the baby and near loss of fetal heartbeat. You should really watch "the business of being born" it's on netflix instant movies. it's a real eyeopener.

Just because a doctor pushes a method and says it's safe does not mean it is. Just because a study says something is bad doesn't mean it's true.
My I add that an epi does not enter the blood stream.


New Member
You didn't answer the question.

An Epidural puts and amazing amount of undue stress on the babyl The prolonged labor cuts off the oxygen supply cause the fetal heartbeat to slow and in some cases stop. Just as long as nothing enters the bloodstream it's cool though. right?

So did you wife have the epidural or not? Did she end up with fetal stress? Did she have a C-section?


New Member
So then it's safe to assume that your wife had the completely natural childbirth. No epidural right?

The first one no, the second yes.

Doctors use the epidural method all the time, yet the epidural makes the contractions weaker which draws out the labor and ends up putting more stress on the baby. An amazingly high numbers of women who get eipdurals end up with C-sections due to extreme stress on the baby and near loss of fetal heartbeat.

Bullshit. Show me the studies.

Just because a doctor pushes a method and says it's safe does not mean it is. Just because a study says something is bad doesn't mean it's true.
No shit, but I'm willing to bet SMOKING is bad for the baby along with the THC.


New Member
OK I have to weigh in here. I have 2 adult children. My son is 23 and my daughter is 20.

When I was pregnant with my son I stopped smoking cigarettes and stopped smoking weed, never was much of a drinker, so didn't have to worry about stopping that. I had horrible morning sickness, I had to take little blue pills for it, I don't know what they were called, but I remember how they looked. I vomited so much that I had broken blood vessels in my face and eyes the entire pregnancy. My son ended up being born one month premature. I'm sure all that vomiting had a little to do with it.
The day he was born, I was in the bathroom puking my guts out, I couldn't even get clothes on to go to the hospital. It was horrible. Puking all day every day, no food ever staying down. I barely gained 25 pounds the whole pregnancy. He was only a 5 pound baby.

When I got pregnant with my daugher I knew I was pregnant right away because I couldn't stop puking. I instantly had the broken blood vessels in my face and eyes again. I actually went to the doctor and told them I was pregnant and the morning sickness was way worse than it had been with my son. They gave me pills, I did nothing but puke. Then they started making me come in once a week for an intraveinous shot for the sickness. They raved about the shot, this will take care of the sickness for a whole week, yeah buddy. I guess my stomache didn't catch that part, because 2 days later I was doing nothing but vomit. I would be so violently ill that I would not be able to catch my breath. I actually thought on more than one occasion that I was going to suffocate from the vomiting.

After the first month of this, I decided to smoke a hitter, maybe it would give me the munchies. I didn't go over board with it, just smoked the one. Guess what, I didn't vomit for like a whole hour. I was even able to eat a little bit and it stayed put. I started doing just the one hit before a meal and it made things so much better. I still did puke a lot, but I was able to eat and keep food down more often. I even gained about 50 pounds during that pregnancy ( I know a few too many) My daughter weighed 7 LBS 6 1/2 OZ at birth.

Now how did this affect my kids? My son was always work to feed, he would forget that he was eating in the middle of a meal. I think the long term starvation of nutrients in the womb carried on even into adulthood. He still doesn't eat that much.

My daughter ate normally. She didn't over eat, but she didn't forget to eat either.
Both kids are healthy. Both kids have IQ's over 130. Neither kid is a criminal. Neither kid has a kid. :) ( condoms, condoms, condoms) They both have the normal number of appendages, eyes, fingers and toes. They don't look like monkey's either. They are both very attractive.

Now dont take this as an OK to spend a preganacy baked, but I really don't feel I would have carried my daughter to term if the vomiting had carried on like that, and the pills and shots didn't do anything. I felt it was up to me to save not only myself but my baby too.
This post pretty much sums up everything. For a purpose like that, I find it completely acceptable to have a few tokes here and there. Just no abusing the herb.

It is basically taking a chance though all in all... You're going to hear doctors who claim that smoking is equally dangerous as alcohol or any other drug while pregnant, while there are also plenty of people who have had no negative affects in the pregnancy from it. Everyone knows that doctors aren't 100% trustworthy all the time though.

For the record though, I'm not pregnant. This is just something I have wondered about for a while.

Lots of great points made in this thread.


New Member
OK Garry, so your wife didn't have the natural child birth, what drugs was she using?

I told you watch "the business of being born" it's all in there. It is a documentary. It's available on Netfix. They go on and on about how bad an epidural is for the fetus.


Well-Known Member
Day NL, Richardson GA. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania.
What do we know about marijuana use among women of reproductive age and about the use of marijuana during pregnancy? Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit substance, and after alcohol and tobacco, the most commonly used drug during pregnancy. Women who use marijuana are more likely to be white, younger, and to use other substances. The characteristics of women who use marijuana during early pregnancy are similar, although women who continue to use marijuana throughout pregnancy are somewhat different. These women are less-well educated, of lower social class, much more likely to use other substances, and more likely to be black. We do not know why some women use marijuana while others do not, and why some women discontinue their use during pregnancy while others do not. What do we know about the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy? A number of studies have investigated the relationship between prenatal marijuana exposure and outcome at birth. The results, unfortunately, are equivocal. Prospective studies that have examined women at regular and frequent intervals during pregnancy, in general, have not found a relationship between marijuana use and birthweight (Day NL, Sambamoorthi U, Taylor P, et al: unpublished data, 1990) although some have reported a small effect of marijuana use on birth length (Day NL, Sambamoorthi U, Taylor P, et al: unpublished data, 1990). Other studies, some prospective and some retrospective, have reported correlations between marijuana use during pregnancy and smaller size at birth. Several of these studies, however, failed to control adequately for other illicit drug use while one used marijuana only as a dichotomous variable in the analysis. Therefore, we do not yet know whether there is or is not an effect of marijuana use during pregnancy on intrauterine growth retardation.Only a few studies have reported on growth outside the neonatal period, and these studies have not found a consistent effect of prenatal marijuana exposure. There are, however, too few reports to assume that this is definitive. Several studies reported a relationship between prenatal marijuana use and the gestational age of the infant. As with growth, however, other studies have not corroborated these findings. Similarly, two studies have noted an increase in morphologic abnormalities, although one of these did not have a control group for comparison. Most studies have reported finding no relationship with either minor or major morphologic abnormalities. At birth, investigators have assessed the relationship between prenatal marijuana exposure and neurobehavioral outcome. Again, the results are contradictory.

Prenatal marijuana use: epidemiology, methodologic...[Clin Perinatol. 1991] - PubMed Result



New Member
OK Garry, so your wife didn't have the natural child birth, what drugs was she using?

Yes she did have a natural child birth. Did you read my reply? With our second she did an Epi. No ill effects to the baby and our Doctor, who I trust completely didn't advise against it.

I told you watch "the business of being born" it's all in there. It is a documentary. It's available on Netfix. They go on and on about how bad an epidural is for the fetus.
No, I am talking real studies, not some doc.


New Member
Day NL, Richardson GA. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania.
What do we know about marijuana use among women of reproductive age and about the use of marijuana during pregnancy? Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit substance, and after alcohol and tobacco, the most commonly used drug during pregnancy. Women who use marijuana are more likely to be white, younger, and to use other substances. The characteristics of women who use marijuana during early pregnancy are similar, although women who continue to use marijuana throughout pregnancy are somewhat different. These women are less-well educated, of lower social class, much more likely to use other substances, and more likely to be black. We do not know why some women use marijuana while others do not, and why some women discontinue their use during pregnancy while others do not. What do we know about the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy? A number of studies have investigated the relationship between prenatal marijuana exposure and outcome at birth. The results, unfortunately, are equivocal. Prospective studies that have examined women at regular and frequent intervals during pregnancy, in general, have not found a relationship between marijuana use and birthweight (Day NL, Sambamoorthi U, Taylor P, et al: unpublished data, 1990) although some have reported a small effect of marijuana use on birth length (Day NL, Sambamoorthi U, Taylor P, et al: unpublished data, 1990). Other studies, some prospective and some retrospective, have reported correlations between marijuana use during pregnancy and smaller size at birth. Several of these studies, however, failed to control adequately for other illicit drug use while one used marijuana only as a dichotomous variable in the analysis. Therefore, we do not yet know whether there is or is not an effect of marijuana use during pregnancy on intrauterine growth retardation.Only a few studies have reported on growth outside the neonatal period, and these studies have not found a consistent effect of prenatal marijuana exposure. There are, however, too few reports to assume that this is definitive. Several studies reported a relationship between prenatal marijuana use and the gestational age of the infant. As with growth, however, other studies have not corroborated these findings. Similarly, two studies have noted an increase in morphologic abnormalities, although one of these did not have a control group for comparison. Most studies have reported finding no relationship with either minor or major morphologic abnormalities. At birth, investigators have assessed the relationship between prenatal marijuana exposure and neurobehavioral outcome. Again, the results are contradictory.

Prenatal marijuana use: epidemiology, methodologic...[Clin Perinatol. 1991] - PubMed Result

Equivocal is enough for me to not take the chance unless necessary like in miss's case. Hopefully one day it will be solidly proven that marijuana is beneficial, not only for pregnancy but for everything. We could replace so many pills with it and less people would die every year. But yeah.. not to go off topic.


if you gave an infant a prenatal vitamin, the amount of iron in it could kill them, and would definitely be very harmful to a newborn....yet most pregnant woman take them and it is recommended by doctors...what I'm saying is that, the argument of "oh if you wouldn't do it to an infant than a pregnant women shouldn't do it either" is a really bad one...also THC is not a toxin...but Iron is a toxin to a fetus, it is large quantities...yet the mother needs to have it in her body ,the doses in the prenatal vitamin would destroy a fetus but for some reason it does not...may be that's because everything the mother takes into her body does not just immediately go to the fetus in the same form as the mother ingested it..
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