please help


New Member
Hi im a first time grower just doin 2 plants for personal both same brand 1 is doing alright for now but the other 1 is twisting and the leaves are withering but not dry. I cant seem to work out why any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance1417197966422-356068473.jpg 1417198038759-1018943112.jpg 1417198292969631722786.jpg 1417198292969631722786.jpg 1417198038759-1018943112.jpg 1417198038759-1018943112.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like a genetic thing to me....I would not worry about it. Chances are the leaves will normalize as it grows.

However, the pic is too blurry when I zoom in so I cannot tell if the leaves that are really deformed have been munched on...


Well-Known Member
The soil looks too compacted and wet.
Probably over watered imo.
Fluff up the top of the soil with a fork to airate.


Well-Known Member
Hi im a first time grower just doin 2 plants for personal both same brand 1 is doing alright for now but the other 1 is twisting and the leaves are withering but not dry. I cant seem to work out why any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advanceView attachment 3302574 View attachment 3302575 View attachment 3302578 View attachment 3302578 View attachment 3302575 View attachment 3302575
Do You know the strain name?
Because I've seen batches of anything crossbred with Ducksfoot come out with weird mutant leaves a lot of times


Well-Known Member
Looks like 2 different soils, get the soil to look like the soil you have in your healthy pot.

And like Milovan said don't over water.


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree with old school, looks like just a genetic issue, it will get better the older it gets.


Well-Known Member
A. You need some perlite or peat in the soil to help drainage and the plant's ability to absorb oxygen.

B. Plants will appear to twist and turn if you have rotated the plant's position regarding the light. I'll bet those symptoms will disappear once they stay in one position to the light.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
I have the same thing going on right now, i think its due to damage of seed, like when the seed capsule holds back the leaves for too long.


New Member
Sorry guys only just seen comments, thanks for all the advice i transfered it to a different pot with peat mix and perlite 50/50 and used just ph balanced water and has picked up loads, the twisted leaves are still twisted but new growth is coming out fine, think the soil may have been to compact, fingers crossed i get an alright yeild not expecting miracles lol thanks again guys will post pics of new growth soon