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I'm not a fan boy. My fav Strains come from tga , bodhi, cage green, raredankness, soma and green house (just slh). I've grown strains from Dutch passion, green house, sensi, nirvana, flying Dutchmen, sagmartha, soma, tga, Cali connection, dna, oaksterdam, rare dankness, dj short and my own crosses. I've yet to grow bodhi and cage green but I have smoked them. Tga have been the most pungent , colorful and the most trichomes. The potency is among the top.

my point in the other post is its not that easy. It takes 2 years of back crossing before testing can begin. More issues can arise from back crossing .
Exactly. Which is why I say that subcool either doesn't know how or he's too lazy to do it. My guess is that it's not worth it. He makes enough off of people who don't mind hunting through a dozen phenos.

If you like TGA, then great. Buy more. I am sure subcool will appreciate it. But I don't prefer TGA. As I said, I find their potency to be too low to bother with in my garden. The cuts I have blow away all TGA I have tried.

Your mileage may vary, but that doesn't negate my experiences.
Of course. "Hater"

Were you aware that your hero is a hater too? Yup. Right here on RIU subcool criticized DJ Shorts genetics, and referred to him as nothing but marketing. Total hater.

Then he did a touchdown dance when Gypsy (a fellow breeder, and pier of subs) got popped for shipping beans over seas. The same thing subcool does, and could get popped for at some point he's celebrating because it happened to someone he doesn't like. Total hater.

So the question is, why are you defending the guy? Do you know him? Is he your next door neighbor? No, you grow his fucking seeds and watch him on youtube. Why get so damn sensitive when he's criticized (often for good reason)?

Fallacy number one; I'm defending him. I'm not, I was commenting on being hated just cuz. It happens when you get a rep. Again, what you do with that rep is another thing; 'character'

Fallacy number two; that I'm an apologist for Subcool. Nope, don't even know the man, not even by reputation. Why not?

Fallacy number three; that I run his seeds. I have popped exactly one set of beans in the past twenty years, and they weren't his. I'm blessed with several local breeders in my group of friends and so my garden is constantly full of phenos they've brought over. FREE.

Maybe Subcool is cool and maybe he's a douchebag, all I can say is that I wouldn't know.

But I do know haters.
I know nothing about breeding, just wanted to say that seeing everyone is an expert in their own reich... But I for one know very little about cannabis breeding and openly admit that. I do not have the time to learn anything about it yet... I'm still trying to learn/teach myself how to be the best grower I can be; and only a good grower for myself and the people I grow for. I still have way to much to learn before I consider myself anything other than a seasoned amateur at growing. what I do know.... Is that every time I've planted TGA/subcool seeds in the dert, I get what I was expecting and more importantly what they were advertised as. The advertised medical benefits of the strains are on point, as well as all the other things that go along with the strain description...

When I crack any of tga's beans; I do my absolute best to find out everything about A) the strain I'm planting, and B) everything I can about the parent strains... Between the created strain and both parents information, I get an idea of what to expect between all of them, and I have yet to be disappointed because I am not expecting anything other than the possibility of a bomb ass strain.... I have yet to see a guarantee that I will find perfection inside of a 5 or 10 pack of any breeders label, I could be mistaken though, maybe all the other breeders out there have warranties and guarantees and shit, maybe we all have been duped by the subber.... But I can tell you for the cost of a 10 pack of TGA beans, you get what you are paying for... You may or may not get the exact thing you are looking for, or thought you were gonna get, or what your buddy's cousin's sisters aunts boyfriend said you were going to get.... But as I said, I dont know any breeder that guarantees your going to get anything at all, as far as I know these seeds are only souvenirs..

I think the people that are considered "haters" dont actually know what or how sub does/did what he did as far as breeding... His goal was/is (as far as I know) to bring people like myself that have never been to the "other" coast and dont have access to all the amazing strains available to med patients in cali or whatever other med state that allows people to grow where dispensaries, collectives, and all the other places people/patients have access to "clone only" strains... I cant go pick up a pre' 98 bubba kush clone or HA OG or whatever it is.... So TGA/subcool tries crosses of clone only's with his/their proven males to get something close to the clone only he's crossing it with.... Thats what I thought anyhow... Again, maybe I'm wrong..

And by no means am I sticking up for him here, the guy is more than capable of handling himself, but honestly who gives a shit who doesnt like his gear... IF you DONT like his shit, move the fuck on... If you do... great... I could give 2/10ths of a fuck either way, I just cant stand when the uneducated or hear-sayers (here-sayers) talk like they could do a better job...

Get off the couch, get out there, and build your seed empire... You obviously have all the know how and tools to do so....

And if you'd like to prove how bad TGA's gear is, go get yourself a 10 pack, plant them... And post your journal here and show us all what the deal is... Otherwise have a coke and a smile, and stfu....

Here us some of that horribly unstable "the void"... Same plant different points of 12/12...

IMG_1367 (Copy) - Copy.JPG IMG_1411 (Copy) - Copy.JPG IMG_1415 (Copy) - Copy.JPG IMG_1539 (Copy) - Copy.JPG IMG_1541 (Copy) - Copy.JPG IMG_1554 (Copy) - Copy.JPG
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I remember back in the day when I was in Germany I was addicted to buying kinder eggs. Couldn't wait to find out what was inside. Most of the time a sticker or some puzzle, but every once in awhile that hand painted figure that everyone wanted was sitting in there. Later in life I got hooked on trading cards. Packs and packs looking for that coveted card. Now its seed packs. I can't help it, but I love not knowing what treasure may be waiting for me at the end.

I can understand if your a producer and you absolutely need to know what you are ending up with before you start, but that is not all of us. When I say "damn I wish I had taking a clone of that" I go buy some more seeds.
Of course. "Hater"

Were you aware that your hero is a hater too? Yup. Right here on RIU subcool criticized DJ Shorts genetics, and referred to him as nothing but marketing. Total hater.

Then he did a touchdown dance when Gypsy (a fellow breeder, and pier of subs) got popped for shipping beans over seas. The same thing subcool does, and could get popped for at some point he's celebrating because it happened to someone he doesn't like. Total hater.

So the question is, why are you defending the guy? Do you know him? Is he your next door neighbor? No, you grow his fucking seeds and watch him on youtube. Why get so damn sensitive when he's criticized (often for good reason)?
Very good point.....Peace
oh wow how time flys when you're having some.
hopefully our good outweighs our less than good over the long haul. if there really is a judgment day anytime soon, im screwd, Lol.


Anyone still use these foil trays to organize work, or as a trim tray/sugar leaf collector? I like these... I'm thankful to whomever brought such an obvious, and accessible, utilitarian item to my attention.
I've been growing a querkle mother plant since 2009 [almost 5 years in a few months].
This is an Elite one, really.
The most amazing smell, flavor and effect. She has some medicinal value as well.
I call it the mind silencer. once you smoke it, your inner talk immediately stops in the very next minutes.
True Peace of mind, very effective for body relaxing as well as pain relief.

she gives me plenty of resin each time, good ratio for weed and hashish.
I've harvested one last night and was amazed how she is so perfect each time.
The same good look everytime.

From 2009, I'm still in the search for a strain that would overcome my lovely querkle.
You know what, I'm still searching and I think it is a no can do situation.
Reminding me how powerful she is and I'm so thankful for this.
The best move would be to cross this elite mother with a tough cannabis dude plant, which I do from time to time.

I'm not saying every tga strain is super perfect, but you can surely find some gold in his catalogue

Happy growing to you all,
peace and live long

By the way, here is a picture of the querkle
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I think she has a strong legacy from the purple urkle, by seeing an old video subcool did.
this querkle pheno is more on the spicy side though, a friend said once it has this nice old alfghani flavor.
here's the video

my actual cut will be ready in 3 or 4 days and it's already smelling good.
I will post some pictures when it will be dry and ready for curing.

Strange thing is that I was so amazed by my readings about urkle and I wanted it so bad.
after a long time searching, I found TGA querkle being the only hope for me to approach this urkle pheno.

Will can be magically strange.
Wow, almost five years huh? Thats pretty crazy man, You aren't tired of it at all? I suppose if you got enough smoke to rotate stuff in. But if that was my only smoke I would lose interest in after a while, especially 5 years lol.
So true, we got tired smoking if only one strain to go.
That is why I always like to grow multi strain
actually, Agent Orange, Querkle and Ace of spades from which I still have to decide the one I will keep.

Last time I smoked querkle it was 2 or 3 months ago... I don't like being so long without it but I have to admit this waiting enhances even more the gathering :lol:
I should have joined this site a long time ago I never even got to talk to the guy.Ive been watching weed nerd for a couple weeks I think sub and I have a lot in common. Im diggin the music man
Anyone still use these foil trays to organize work, or as a trim tray/sugar leaf collector? I like these... I'm thankful to whomever brought such an obvious, and accessible, utilitarian item to my attention.
View attachment 3177647

i picked up one of these and love it. i use it for transplanting and as a trim bin. sometimes i think it's a little big and sometimes a little small so i would say it's just right lol.

It has come to my attention that many good people on here simply don't understand my recent actions and I want to explain one time the best I can why I will no longer be active here on Rollitup.

I am Sick! Thats right I have a very serious condition that not only is slowly killing me it has forced me to stop smoking Cannabis and an enormous amount of stress.
So I joined here many many years ago to show off my bud shots and share some knowledge. All that information will remain here anyone that wants to actually learn to be a really great grower can start at the last page and read every word, Prospect did! The information will be here as long as rollitup is.

I used to have tons of friends we shared info and stories and it was like a small community.

So move forward many many years and all most people on here do is argue about everything, so I take tons of medication because basically I am slowly basically chocking to death day by day ( place both hands across mouth and nose and run thats my life) and all this arguing just stresses me out more and is BAD FOR MY HEALTH!

Lastly I am 52 and I run 5 companies and now were starting up 2 more, so any free time I have I am devoting to enjoying life.
Me and Jill plan to travel within my limitations and enjoy every day I am blessed with from now till the end.
That includes weekly infusions that make me weak, feel like shit, and the condition alone pisses me off Not being able to take a fat Bong rip pisses me off more and makes me very angry.

For those of you that think "The haters Won" gemmi a break I have an amazing life, wife, garden and amazing kids that I need to be spending time with instead of arguing about every word I say or type.

I am not Going anywhere, the weed nerd will go on and possibly become a TV show soon.

I am just giving up the day to day bullshit that has become forums that I don't control.
I can be reached through about a 1/2 dozen e-mails and contacts and TGA is busy creating 12 more strains.

I came with an open heart and mind and I gave and gave show me anyone that has posted as much grow info online for free?

So there you have it an explanation with details.

Love me Hate me I don't care but read what I have posted here and most likely you will become a better grower, that was my mission.

Good Luck and See You On Youtube!


Sorry to hear you are sick and are no longer on this forum. I was looking forward to friends listing you here, if that's even an option on this forum, and chatting a bit. A lot of people don't seem to have anything nice to say about you and some people think its okay to laugh at me or make fun and basically call me a fool for buying bagged TGA soil. I understand you are not bagging the soil, its a company you sold the rights to. Good for them and good for you on making a sale. I don't much care what brand or who's mix it is, I've been using the bagged TGA super soil and have had good results. It is a great thing you got going there, bagged soil with everything the plants need from veg to harvest. I'm not sure where anyone gets off laughing at anyone using this soil when it gives results. So what if there might be cheaper ways to mix soil, or something that might be better added or left out. The mix I've been using works and I'm pretty happy with it. Honestly I feel more companies should be doing this. However and I'm not 100% sure if it is true, but I was told that TGA Super Soil is no longer being bagged. That's actually how I came to find that you do have a RIU account when I was searching for answers. I was about to ask if this is true about TGA Super Soil not being bagged anymore, but I don't want to bother you with that question, seeing how I was told by a store that you are not affiliated with the company bagging the soil and this was confirmed after I read one of your posts. I felt the need to write this anyway and wanted to express my thanks to you for all your research and work you have done. The soil works well for me and I really appreciate what you have done for the the growing community aside from just your recipe, I have learned some things from you on YouTube that I may not have been informed about without your efforts. Also I wanted to mention that I am diagnosed with a type of autism. Sometimes I have a bit of trouble with reading as if maybe some type of dyslexia. I noticed this more so when I have taken certain prescription med's in the past some of them seem to enhance and make this reading issue worse. Basically it will be that when I am reading and I get to the end of the text and have to drop down to the next line of text on the left side I can't always seem to find my way to the next line down right away. I might end up skipping a line and drop down 2 or 3 lines of text like I outlined in this example. I might be reading the text circled in red, and then end up dropping down to the text circled in blue by mistake. The funny thing is that when I first found your member page here on RIU, my reading problem kind of went haywire and worked against me the other way around. If you drop down to the second screen shot I linked you can see how I read your status at first glance. Also when I figured out I read this wrong, the first thing that came to mind was, Well I could believe that, haha.


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I've been growing a querkle mother plant since 2009 [almost 5 years in a few months].
This is an Elite one, really.
The most amazing smell, flavor and effect. She has some medicinal value as well.
I call it the mind silencer. once you smoke it, your inner talk immediately stops in the very next minutes.
True Peace of mind, very effective for body relaxing as well as pain relief.

she gives me plenty of resin each time, good ratio for weed and hashish.
I've harvested one last night and was amazed how she is so perfect each time.
The same good look everytime.

From 2009, I'm still in the search for a strain that would overcome my lovely querkle.
You know what, I'm still searching and I think it is a no can do situation.
Reminding me how powerful she is and I'm so thankful for this.
The best move would be to cross this elite mother with a tough cannabis dude plant, which I do from time to time.

I'm not saying every tga strain is super perfect, but you can surely find some gold in his catalogue

Happy growing to you all,
peace and live long

By the way, here is a picture of the querkle

I hope my whopping 2 females out of a 10 pack... but I gots a couple of querkle bushes that I've let veg for way too long ....I had 3 but about 4-5 months in 1 turned up male... talk about late showing....And I did keep a cut of it hoping its anything like the DOC.... (not a bad thing with the querkle) and I'm getting ready to flip em in about a week or 2... I CANT FUCKING WAIT.......... I got some querkle bitchese.... I'm just hoping it shows me that amazing grape flavor I had the last time... I am gonna say I'm pretty sure one is not the "grape" one because its blown by all my plants in vegetative growth... obscenely fast growing... way beyond normal "hybrid vigor", literally smoking past a sativa dominant SAGE plant also from seed... I'm a little puzzled by that seeing how slow I've seen other querkle phenos grow in the past, but I am just fuckin PSYCHED to get some grapery going in my garden....
@whitey78 ,

Don't worry too much about the pheno you want.

When I purchased a 10 pack querkle seeds, I was all about the purple pheno.
In fact I really bought it because it was an Urkle child, i wanted the blue, the purple.

I have a purple..ish plant which only got some purple fade when night turn cold [autumn and winter for my indoor setup].
But man this is something.
on the other hand I got a pakistan chitral kush and she is all purple as soon as the first bud site is appearing.

Best wishes fo your selecta' :peace:
@whitey78 ,

Don't worry too much about the pheno you want.

When I purchased a 10 pack querkle seeds, I was all about the purple pheno.
In fact I really bought it because it was an Urkle child, i wanted the blue, the purple.

I have a purple..ish plant which only got some purple fade when night turn cold [autumn and winter for my indoor setup].
But man this is something.
on the other hand I got a pakistan chitral kush and she is all purple as soon as the first bud site is appearing.

Best wishes fo your selecta' :peace:

Never seen anything like this in my life... Had 3 females.... I posted that post above after one showed male after months of thinking it was a female... or at least it hadnt showed male yet... I posted that above post to find another one "just" showed male as well so I only have the one.. I grew querkle a couple years ago and I "NEED" it back in the lineup so if I gotta buy another 5 packs to find that keeper so be it.. No wonder why "she" was displaying such a vigorous growth... It was a he... But I got 1 left that Im 100% certain is a female (however I was also 100% certain I had 3 querkle fems so... , lol)...

The "purple" as far as color isnt really important to me at all, it is sexyness to die for in a ziplock bag... but that grape taste and creeper potency is more of what I'm after... I havent gotten a "true keeper keeper" of any strain I've grown in over a year but I have a couple of each SAGE, querkle, pennywise, and the flav to pick through in the next month or so hopefully I'll get one or 2 to keep...

But I do appreciate the best wishes, can always use them when praying the canna-gods drop a keeper in my lap...