Growers that don't smoke

How often do you smoke?

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I know the feeling, man. I stopped for a few months so I could get a new job and test clean, and after I started smoking again, it gave me awful anxiety, like there was a giant pit in my stomach, and it made me sweat and my heart beat fast... Went on for a long time. But somehow, I ended up getting back to normal after a long time. Hopefully things turn back around for ya!

Ya man it's a lot like this. For me when it started to hit me the wrong way I would actually get chest pains and felt like I couldnt get a deep breath and none of that was pleasant at all.
I smoked heavily for a long long time and this just came out of nowhere. I learned to control it by reducing the intake down to just a hit or two and it stopped, but it wasnt much of a pleasure ever since.
I keep thinking too theres a strain out there for me thats gonna work just fine but so far I havent found it yet. Its probably why I keep growing different strains all the time.
In the meantime, like others here my Mrs is kept happy with it. I'm the one that turned her onto it all those years ago :) I do it to keep her in smoke, and thats not easy to do. She can really blaze it up :)
I never smoke it. I grow it for my wife, and the challenge. It's a great hobby. I will also provide brother in law with a little. I took a sample hit once after many years of not smoking. I won't make that mistake again. Can't believe as a kid I smoked it by the bushel.
Ya man it's a lot like this. For me when it started to hit me the wrong way I would actually get chest pains and felt like I couldnt get a deep breath and none of that was pleasant at all.
I smoked heavily for a long long time and this just came out of nowhere. I learned to control it by reducing the intake down to just a hit or two and it stopped, but it wasnt much of a pleasure ever since.
I keep thinking too theres a strain out there for me thats gonna work just fine but so far I havent found it yet. Its probably why I keep growing different strains all the time.
In the meantime, like others here my Mrs is kept happy with it. I'm the one that turned her onto it all those years ago :) I do it to keep her in smoke, and thats not easy to do. She can really blaze it up :)
I wonder how a cbd dom would treat ya. I've been wanting to try one myself. Seems like it might be a little less harsh :p
i smoked from age 10 - 15. i was put on probation so i stopped drinking and smoking. when i tryed to go back to it i didnt like the buzz of either anymore. im 30 now so its been a while. i grow it for my wife to help with her med issues. I have always liked to garden since i was a kid, so it only made sense. i get to save money and do somthing that is fun for me also. no sense in me even trying it to see the quality as regular street mexican shit would fuck me up these days. I trust my wifes opinion.
I don't use cannabis. Toughest part is getting an impartial judgement of harvested plants. I have a couple of testers but wish I had better access to credible scientific testing facilities.
I don't use cannabis. Toughest part is getting an impartial judgement of harvested plants. I have a couple of testers but wish I had better access to credible scientific testing facilities.
Look up cannalytics, might help you out. Basically a DIY thc test kit
I dont smoke anything nor any drugs . I smoked weed about a year ago and no other drug in prob 3 years. Last time i got drunk was 1.5 years roughly.
I've only ever smoked once in my life. I enjoyed growing dofferent corals in my aquarium and it transformed into cannabis. I just love growing it and watching it transform through the stages... I'm more addicted to growing than consuming lol.
I've only ever smoked once in my life. I enjoyed growing dofferent corals in my aquarium and it transformed into cannabis. I just love growing it and watching it transform through the stages... I'm more addicted to growing than consuming lol.
Don't corals grow pretty slow? For some reason I have it in my head that they only grow like centimeters per year... Marine bio is a personal area of interest for me so you have me intrigued. I have a freshwater tank right now but have been wanting to make the switch after seeing a friends salt tank, they're just filled with so much more life.

Also completely agree with growing being more addicting 100%. Funny how that works, the drug isnt the addiction
I haven't smoked anything in two years. I drive a truck for a living and I have to take a lot of drug tests with no notice. Pays too much to take a chance. I grow for my wife ( Colorado medical patient ) and other family members. I enjoy growing very much but I NEVER sample my crops.

Hats off to you sir!! Growing is so much fun
I started smoking when I was 14, and stopped when I turned 25. I am now 27.

I am the only grower/breeder for North West Organic Nursery. It is a tier 3 legal i502 operation. I have overcome the temptations. I am focused, and determined to stay sober until I win a MOTHERFUCKING CANNBIS CUP! And when I win my first cup, I will celebrate by sparking up a joint of the same product that won me that cup.

Working with thousands of plants will give me a great advantage on selecting the proper phenotypes. Pheno hunting is what I enjoy the most. There is so many different phenotypes to choose from, and the number increases every time I hybridize a strain. I feel like a little kid at the candy store!

This season I found a plant that smelled just like sweet tarts... its fucking ridiculous! 1013141215-00.jpg 1107141224-00.jpg