Smoking While Preggers


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on the edibles... but only if you're using it for medicine. If I saw a soon to be mom just doing it for recreation, she'd be torn a new asshole by me. Now, lets ponder this question... if your kid wanted to eat a cannacookie, would you let him/her? We know that if you get high while pregnant, the baby also gets high... bloodstream and all that. I'm just sayin' :peace:
it wouldn't hurt a kid to eat a pot cookie.


Well-Known Member
The placenta works to filter out toxins from the fetus. Like it or not.... THC is a toxin to a fetus and the Placenta will work to filter it out. While the placenta is trying to filter out the THC the fetus is denied oxygen and nutrients because the vessels are shrunken down in the attempt to keep out the THC. Because the oxygen is restricted it can be detrimental to the developing organs and brain.

thc isn't a toxin to anything at all on the whole earth

Mary's Lover

Active Member
Yup, not a toxin. I would play it safe and not, but like loadsa people keep saying a couple of tokes every now and then isn't gonna hurt it.

Aw, screw it. Smoke the pot, but not too much. Actually have as much as you want :mrgreen:. But don't overdo it.

I know what I mean.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the only bad thing about thc and pregnancy is the possibility of getting caught but who does that stop


New Member
Does anyone know if it really hurts the baby at all? I hear from some people that it is dangerous, while other people say it doesn't affect the baby. Has there ever been any serious studies done to prove this?
YES!! It gets into the blood stream. If you are pregnant and smoke you should have to give the baby up.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's a rather strong view.My doctor wouldnt prescribe me anything but prenatal vitamins.She wouldnt give me anything for the sickness.I should have smoked.
YES!! It gets into the blood stream. If you are pregnant and smoke you should have to give the baby up.


Well-Known Member
Look at you, the smart one. lol

Smoking does more harm. There is a reason a doctor will only prescribe Vits to a pregnant woman.
have you had a kid? are you a doctor? anyone who thinks kids should be taken for their parents smoking herb should turn in their badge. doctors will prescribe more than vitamins I'm sure the promethazine for anti nausea is so much safer than herb. :wall:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Have you been pregnant?ARe you a doctor?I had preeclampsya.When my I went into labor, they pumped me so full of chemicals, I don't think a toke now and then would have hurt a bit.It all just goes back to this stone age idea that motherhood is a time of purity and chastity, where little Donna Reeds and June Cleavers hum happily as they wait for big daddy to come home and tell them what to do.
Look at you, the smart one. lol

Smoking does more harm. There is a reason a doctor will only prescribe Vits to a pregnant woman.


New Member
have you had a kid? are you a doctor? anyone who thinks kids should be taken for their parents smoking herb should turn in their badge. doctors will prescribe more than vitamins I'm sure the promethazine for anti nausea is so much safer than herb. :wall:
Yes I have kids. No, I am not a doctor but went to almost every visit before the birth. My wife was serious and did the right things to make sure we had healthy babies. Smoking herb is bad for the baby.

"I'm sure the promethazine for anti nausea is so much safer than herb."

So now I'll ask YOU....are you a doctor? What kind of studies have you done to prove your point?


Well-Known Member
Yes I have kids. No, I am not a doctor but went to almost every visit before the birth. My wife was serious and did the right things to make sure we had healthy babies. Smoking herb is bad for the baby.

"I'm sure the promethazine for anti nausea is so much safer than herb."

So now I'll ask YOU....are you a doctor? What kind of studies have you done to prove your point?
I know that every damn study about weed is false propaganda put out so the scientists don't lose out on their grant money. your brain has receptors that only respond to weed. why would you have those if weed is bad for you?


New Member
I know that every damn study about weed is false propaganda put out so the scientists don't lose out on their grant money. your brain has receptors that only respond to weed. why would you have those if weed is bad for you?
Give me a break. Any study you don't agree with is propaganda. You just don't care enough for the baby inside to give up weed for 9 months. That's the bottom line and its sad. How does the the THC get to you brain? Through BLOOD, the same BLOOD you are suppling your BABY with.

So you are saying weed is good for babies? Seriously?