Quantum Kush 38% THC?

How can you say that? Were you privy to all of the information that the grand jury was? Did you witness the shooting?

I understand that the justice system in this country is kinda messed up. I also feel for the plight of minorities.... but why does this shit only happen when a black person is involved?? Because a black man (who just robbed a store) was shot we automatically need a pound of flesh no matter the facts? Do you think that there would be riots in the streets if this were a white guy that got shot? Would it have even made the evening news?

Well all of us can go through it since they just released it.

I don't want a pound of flesh, I'm simply stating other people don't have the same experience we do (white people). I did stupid shit when I was young. I talked back to the police, I stole stupid shit. Hell I wore a "Fuck the Police" shirt back in the day.

Point being a grand jury isn't a trial, it has a lesser burden of proof. From the start, the grand jury was given free reign and the police did everything in their power along with the prosecutor to protect their own. The police officers story could very well be true and is just an unfortunate incident. Yet the powers that be did everything from the get go to protect the officer, ignore the community's populace and further cause discontent.
But, hey......I don't pick my groupies - you choose me.

We frequent the same topic, I am a treasure hunter. You have had some treasures and that is the only thing I can really give you. Other than that you are a huge downer with a twisted sense of narcissism. The sad part is you could have a lot more friends if you subtracted the douche from your daily coffee and smoke. Anyways this is my goodbye to you, I will see you on the ignore list.
Is it normal for them to not release the grand jury evidence? Not goating anyone this is a serious question since I know very little about the law except where it pertains to me lol.

The other thing I am a little confused about is was the officer authorized to use lethal force even though the victim was not engaging him anymore? If he has to use his best judgment then I would say he chose wrong but if he actually felt his life was in danger then that is not for me to say.
I do not think he should have been shot no matter his character, he was unarmed and wasnt beating the cop down atm of being shot.

I guess my view is they have non lethal force for a reason and he chose not to use it so it comes down to whether he was allowed to take the rout of action.
You do realize Eric Holder had nothing to do with the grand jury process right? The local prosecutor did. You are better than making up bullshit my friend.

BS? Making up BS? Why....wasn't it TonightYou a few posts back that said the story of black businesses looted and burned was a myth?

You tell me where the BS lies, amigo.8)

Holder observing means you can bet your assets that the grand jury process left no room for the race hustlers - including Holder - to cry foul. At least, w/o resorting to your methods.
Just check out the wiki on grand jury preceeding. The way this was done was fucked. Ever heard the saying "a prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich if he wanted to"?

Generally it's not as publicized and you don't have the individual in question show up at their own indictment.
Also prospective charges are brought up to consider. This grand jury was free to pick any if they so choose to.
How can you say that? lol... did the grand jury witness the shooting?

Cmon stow... I thought I knew you better than that.

Your post makes no sense. TY said "justice wasn't carried out". Without either witnessing the shooting itself, or being privy to every shred of evidence/testimony (which the grand jury was) nobody, myself included, can determine wether justice was carried out or not.

Just because it was a black man that was shot does not automatically mean that there is injustice in a case. Prosecuting an inocent man would be just as aggregious as letting a guilty man walk.
BS? Making up BS? Why....wasn't it TonightYou a few posts back that said the story of black businesses looted and burned was a myth?

You tell me where the BS lies, amigo.8)

Holder observing means you can bet your assets that the grand jury process left no room for the race hustlers - including Holder - to cry foul. At least, w/o resorting to your methods.

You really think all those business are black owned? Come on, statistics will show otherwise. I'll say I misspoke as you pointed me out as being wrong.

Eric Holder had nothing to do with the grand jury. It is in the interest of the DOJ to investigate potential wrongdoings, but I reiterate, he had nothing to do with the grand jury
Your post makes no sense. TY said "justice wasn't carried out". Without either witnessing the shooting itself, or being privy to every shred of evidence/testimony (which the grand jury was) nobody, myself included, can determine wether justice was carried out or not.

Just because it was a black man that was shot does not automatically mean that there is injustice in a case. Prosecuting an inocent man would be just as aggregious as letting a guilty man walk.

I know what you mean, but the fact is this was an injustice and things weren't handled fairly at all. This hasn't been the only incident and isn't the only incident that is sparking these protests. Also they are only showing us the bad shit on the news check this out if you have 5 minutes. THey are marching peacefully. I watched them get maced for sitting on the highway.

http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/55824427 - people recording the action live, I don't see any rioting going on today just protesting.

http://www.reddit.com/live/tdrph3y49ftn/ - up to date tweets and info on whats going on
There are a lot of cases of cops shooting people that one should be upset about. This was not one of them. I almost never defend cops actions. But this kid tried to take his gun, weighed like 300lbs and was massive. He also charged him apparently according to multiple witnesses - and that matches up with the physical evidence. The kid stole some cigars, got stopped by the police, attempted to steal the police officers gun.... what did he expect to happen? Maybe he was suicidal. And given the cops are well hated in the area, as I understand it this particular cop had not had any complaints against him. Despite the fact there are likely plenty of cops who have.

Either way, this isn't the case to be in an outrage for. But it really goes to show how incredibly powerful the media is. Quite frankly, most people don't talk about anything unless it's on one of the big networks from what I can see, let alone do anything.

This case has been useful in driving a wedge between certain groups though, that's for sure. Perhaps that's why it was chosen as an important story. The cops who brutally beat the schizophrenic homeless man who was crying out for his father during the half hour or so they pummeled him (after saying they were going to fuck him up prior to starting beating and doing nothing to deserve beating according to multiple witnesses). Those cops got off on it too btw.

There are a lot of cases of cops shooting people that one should be upset about. This was not one of them. I almost never defend cops actions. But this kid tried to take his gun, weighed like 300lbs and was massive. He also charged him apparently according to multiple witnesses - and that matches up with the physical evidence. The kid stole some cigars, got stopped by the police, attempted to steal the police officers gun.... what did he expect to happen? Maybe he was suicidal. And given the cops are well hated in the area, as I understand it this particular cop had not had any complaints against him. Despite the fact there are likely plenty of cops who have.

Either way, this isn't the case to be in an outrage for. But it really goes to show how incredibly powerful the media is. Quite frankly, most people don't talk about anything unless it's on one of the big networks from what I can see, let alone do anything.

This case has been useful in driving a wedge between certain groups though, that's for sure. Perhaps that's why it was chosen as an important story. The cops who brutally beat the schizophrenic homeless man who was crying out for his father during the half hour or so they pummeled him (after saying they were going to fuck him up prior to starting beating and doing nothing to deserve beating according to multiple witnesses). Those cops got off on it too btw.


Well said. I've seen some awful police brutality that barely makes a blurb in local newspapers, but for some reason this case has gotten a ridiculous amount of coverage. Why is that?
I was amazed by the total lack of worship for "Reverend" Jackson displayed by the reporter. What's happened at CNN ??

Outstanding, Mr Lemon! :clap:

Really Amos?

May as well just put some watermelon pictures up there for good measure :???:

Hard to top some of your other posted sentiments for insipidness, TY, but this is one of your highest achievements. Deny reality all you want, TY, but that will necessitate you disabling all sources of current events.

Good luck w/ that.

And here's your requested photos.
