Quantum Kush 38% THC?

Looks like Jose pulled one over on lots of people.....I don't know why people knock this cat - okay, I do, but that aside....this is great.


They look like the Jersey Shore cast.
I'll see your pack of se=eds, and raise you a pack - wagering that 'sympathy' protests in other cities are already planned, and will happen. Is that a bet? :cool:

i could have made a killing if i took that bet with all you types who were saying the same shit ahead of the zimmerman verdict.

In New York marchers chanted "Black lives matter" as they snarled traffic in Times Square. In Chicago, demonstrators walked up Lake Shore Drive carrying banners that read "Justice for Mike Brown". In Seattle, protesters blocked a downtown street in a "die-in" protest as they lay down on the ground.

Protesters in both Boston and Seattle observed the 4.5 minutes of silence that the Brown family requested after the decision was announced, with protesters in Boston then marching from City Hall to the statehouse. In Los Angeles, at least 50 demonstrators tried to walk onto the Santa Monica Freeway from an off-ramp to block traffic....... - Reuters
Did you hear about the dumbass women who bought a gun in preparation for the riots and proceeded to shoot herself in the head... pretty hard to feel bad for stupidity of this level. Im surpriaed they didnt pursue charges just to make it look like they tried to calm some of the easily distracted down.
Did you hear about the dumbass women who bought a gun in preparation for the riots and proceeded to shoot herself in the head... pretty hard to feel bad for stupidity of this level. Im surpriaed they didnt pursue charges just to make it look like they tried to calm some of the easily distracted down.

I hate to laugh at others unfortune, but that was rich.

In New York marchers chanted "Black lives matter" as they snarled traffic in Times Square. In Chicago, demonstrators walked up Lake Shore Drive carrying banners that read "Justice for Mike Brown". In Seattle, protesters blocked a downtown street in a "die-in" protest as they lay down on the ground.

Protesters in both Boston and Seattle observed the 4.5 minutes of silence that the Brown family requested after the decision was announced, with protesters in Boston then marching from City Hall to the statehouse. In Los Angeles, at least 50 demonstrators tried to walk onto the Santa Monica Freeway from an off-ramp to block traffic....... - Reuters

Democracy and civil disobedience can be a pain sometime.
I hate to laugh at others unfortune, but that was rich.

Democracy and civil disobedience can be a pain sometime.

You're endorsing the burning of black [and otherwise] owned businesses and vehicles? :confused:

You equate mob violence to democracy?:roll:

You think the thousand of residents whose lives have taken huge hits - residents who had nothing to do with any grand jury action or police action - should consider themselves small sacrifices to a better cause? :roll:
Yeah, while I am sure it is tragic for her family, this is why people need to be properly trained before they can just grab something thats sole intention is to harm...

I support protest and civil disobedience, but rioting and burning cars serves no positive purpose except to show your displeasure with the ruling which there are obviously other ways that can be dine.
Wonder how bored they would have been if they did bring charges, oh well not worth wasting time on hypothticals that can never be.
You're endorsing the burning of black [and otherwise] owned businesses and vehicles? :confused:

You equate mob violence to democracy?:roll:

You think the thousand of residents whose lives have taken huge hits - residents who had nothing to do with any grand jury action or police action - should consider themselves small sacrifices to a better cause? :roll:
To be fair amos you never addressed the events taking place in ferguson, you posted an article about the non violent protests taking place around the country, unlessI missed something:confused:
You're endorsing the burning of black [and otherwise] owned businesses and vehicles? :confused:

You equate mob violence to democracy?:roll:

You think the thousand of residents whose lives have taken huge hits - residents who had nothing to do with any grand jury action or police action - should consider themselves small sacrifices to a better cause? :roll:

Nope I don't think violence is necessarily the best recourse but I can understand the frustration. And many of those "black owned business" is a myth.

As Malcom X once said:
  • So our people not only have to be re-educated to the importance of supporting black business, but the black man himself has to be made aware of the importance of going into business. And once you and I go into business, we own and operate at least the businesses in our community. What we will be doing is developing a situation wherein we will actually be able to create employment for the people in the community. And once you can create some employment in the community where you live it will eliminate the necessity of you and me having to act ignorantly and disgracefully, boycotting and picketing some place else trying to beg him for a job. Anytime you have to rely upon your enemy for a job you’re in bad shape."
"The day that the black man takes an uncompromising step and realizes that he's within his rights, when his own freedom is being jeopardized, to use any means necessary to bring about his freedom or put a halt to that injustice, I don't think he'll be by himself."

I don't live in that community but even as a white young man, I know my privilege in society. I know I've lipped off to cops, shit even ran from them. In the lily whit suburbs, I wasn't in danger of getting shot or even arrested. I know that's not the case for others. Every 28 hours an unarmed black man will be shot and killed by police.

This systematic discrimination in educational opportunities, the corrupt judicial system and employment issues needs to end.
Nope I don't think violence is necessarily the best recourse but ........

I guess I have to admit it - the only thing you and I have in common is love of good weed - and we mostly disagree about what that is.


Natalie DuBose was pictured in floods of tears after her cake store was targeted by looters.

"One of the dozen buildings set ablaze by rioters was Juanita’s Fashion R Boutique, which is located at 9844 West Florissant.

Video of the incident shows the building completely gutted by fire as a number of individuals stand around laughing."

You're endorsing the burning of black [and otherwise] owned businesses and vehicles? :confused:

You equate mob violence to democracy?:roll:

You think the thousand of residents whose lives have taken huge hits - residents who had nothing to do with any grand jury action or police action - should consider themselves small sacrifices to a better cause? :roll:

Do you believe Civilian casualties are a necessity in war?

Do you believe that bombing terrorists is the best way to take them out? (last article I read we got 2 terrorists and 6-10 civilians)

Do you believe that the police are here to protect you?

For me I believe that they should have burnt down the police station and the courthouse and that should have been end of story. Yeah it may not be right that some peoples lives are all muddled up. But it is much better imo than everyone sitting on their ass doing nothing. It also brings the racists to the front of the party. Which is good, closet racists are the worst kind.
I guess I have to admit it - the only thing you and I have in common is love of good weed - and we mostly disagree about what that is.


Natalie DuBose was pictured in floods of tears after her cake store was targeted by looters.

"One of the dozen buildings set ablaze by rioters was Juanita’s Fashion R Boutique, which is located at 9844 West Florissant.

Video of the incident shows the building completely gutted by fire as a number of individuals stand around laughing."

That is not a bad thing at all, people either like you or hate you Amos but its better to be like that than be in the gray area.
Eh, give me some credit Amos. It's always easier to find differences in others while ignoring the vast commonalities we share as humans. :)

I feel for the property owners, but I also feel for the fact that justice wasn't carried out. The process was fucked from the start.I also understand people are upset and will lash out at times. When pressure builds and doesn't have a place to vent, these incidents are bound to happen.

This song was relevant then, it's relevant now.
Sublime - April 29, 1992 (Rodney King riots):
For me I believe that they should have burnt down the police station and the courthouse and that should have been end of story.

Yeah it may not be right that some peoples lives are all muddled up. But it is much better imo than everyone sitting on their ass doing nothing.

Better for who? Do you want to volunteer to go tell those people who lost their livelihood and all the years they put into their businesses that, in fact, it was worth it to the overall good?


You'll understand if I go back to ignoring your posts now, right?

I feel for the property owners, but I also feel for the fact that justice wasn't carried out.

That's insane, TY. An 18 yr old behemoth assaults a business owner and robs him, attacks a cop, gets killed, and a grand jury - knowing the town was going to explode - chose not to indict anyway.

So, what - to you - is justice, TY? Ignore rules of law, throw out the judicial system when you don't like the verdict and go for mob rules. Anarchy?

You know, there's a time and place for civil disobedience. The justified killing of a thug is not one of them. Unless, of course, the riots had nothing to do with the event, other than using it as a prop for their own agenda.
Better for who? Do you want to volunteer to go tell those people who lost their livelihood and all the years they put into their businesses that, in fact, it was worth it to the overall good?


You'll understand if I go back to ignoring your posts now, right?

You really think your opinion is important to me, other than a few good grows you've shown that you can be an asshat who uses what people say and twist it to your own agenda. You'll understand if I continue to laugh at you right?
They already knew what was going to go down, there are police agitators, kkk members, red cross, national guard etc all showing up to the party. The only thing they televise is the bad shit that happens not all the peaceful marching that wouldn't bring ratings.

it is all about ratings people, and keeping control.
Better for who? Do you want to volunteer to go tell those people who lost their livelihood and all the years they put into their businesses that, in fact, it was worth it to the overall good?


You'll understand if I go back to ignoring your posts now, right?

That's insane, TY. An 18 yr old behemoth assaults a business owner and robs him, attacks a cop, gets killed, and a grand jury - knowing the town was going to explode - chose not to indict anyway.

So, what - to you - is justice, TY? Ignore rules of law, throw out the judicial system when you don't like the verdict and go for mob rules. Anarchy?

You know, there's a time and place for civil disobedience. The justified killing of a thug is not one of them. Unless, of course, the riots had nothing to do with the event, other than using it as a prop for their own agenda.

The grand jury process was rigged. Even my attorney of a girlfriend pointed that out. You aren't suppose to have the person you are indicted self testify. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of went went wrong.

Now I'll pose the silly, do you want police being the judge, jury and executioners?
You really think your opinion is important to me,

Sure do. I remember how you tagged along behind me under your former handle Pass it Around.

But, hey......I don't pick my groupies - you choose me.

I suppose you'll show how unimportant I am to you by not replying to this - right? :roll:
I feel for the property owners, but I also feel for the fact that justice wasn't carried out. The process was fucked from the start.

This song was relevant then, it's relevant now.
Sublime - April 29, 1992 (Rodney King riots):

How can you say that? Were you privy to all of the information that the grand jury was? Did you witness the shooting?

I understand that the justice system in this country is kinda messed up. I also feel for the plight of minorities.... but why does this shit only happen when a black person is involved?? Because a black man (who just robbed a store) was shot we automatically need a pound of flesh no matter the facts? Do you think that there would be riots in the streets if this were a white guy that got shot? Would it have even made the evening news?