The big guy looks like my old Religious Studies teacher. He was by far and away the coolest teacher I ever had.
He pulled me aside one day and told me "I don't know what it is you have in your locker, but it's starting to smell a lot, and attract attention."
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The chase is good I like the part at the end "Can anyone beat the chaser" ohhh classic
you know the beast ..marc labette.......iv seen him on numerous quiz shows one being who wants to be a millionaire.......he got to 10000 and lost hahaha....so funny man.

my mums got "the chase" app game for her iPad.

do u have your version or is English with Bradley Walsh?
no we get the English version no version of our own. Im trying to think of other good uk shows or movies but I am struggling somewhat. oh trainspotters was that English?
Lol was this the thread with the spread hairy butthole pic? I need some imagery here people, I was about to visit the "I just masturbated" thread....

Oh shit it's there on page 1! Doh! Thanks, @WHODAT@THADOR!!
I hope you appreciated the little crusty sharticle's as much as I did:p....
Hey @Singlemalt do you have a good recipe for preserved lemons? I haven't done it in years. I have a little tree covered in them and they're almost ripe- I was going to do salt, corriander, black peppercorns, and lemon
Hey @Singlemalt do you have a good recipe for preserved lemons? I haven't done it in years. I have a little tree covered in them and they're almost ripe- I was going to do salt, corriander, black peppercorns, and lemon
That's pretty close to the method I use. Never thought of coriander, tho...sounds yummy;
4 lemons, juice of 4 additional lemons and 4 tablespoons of kosher or sea salt
Split into quarters but leave attached at stem end. Stuff into sterilized canning jar, add the lemon juice salt mix. stuff 'em til they are under the liquid level, put in refrigerator. Check in a few days, push underneath liquid level. repeat a few more times; let sit a month and they are ready