BK-2c-b thread

yeah i think thats half the reason why its so addictive, the actual snorting/smell
this applies to boy also, i kind of get off on the smell of boy. i almost prefer the ritualistic preparation to the drug itself.

but yeah opiates of all color are very addictive, the more you tell yourself they aren't the less likely you are to watch yourself if you're doing them. and then you end up giving rides to junkies for free boy.
this applies to boy also, i kind of get off on the smell of boy. i almost prefer the ritualistic preparation to the drug itself.

but yeah opiates of all color are very addictive, the more you tell yourself they aren't the less likely you are to watch yourself if you're doing them. and then you end up giving rides to junkies for free boy.
whats boy?
this applies to boy also, i kind of get off on the smell of boy. i almost prefer the ritualistic preparation to the drug itself.

bp opiates of all color are very addictive, the more you tell yourself they aren't the less likely you are to watch yourself if you're doing them. and then you end up giving rides to junkies for free boy.
cooking has been poven to be a more addictive factor for some than the actual physical addiction with pavlivian experiment.dope sick junkies were allowed to cook but not shoot,or given placebo,and the act of cooking and injecting brought urges down in the subjects noticably.
playing with powders and crystsls were allways kinda neat for me,even if i wasnt partaking..
^He speaks the truth.

Coke just smells good. But that's some EXPENSIVE incense.
Opiates are actually somewhat affordable(heroin is retarded cheap).

I do either every time I see them. Never had a problem with them. When I was 16 I wanted to have a problem with coke after I tried it 'I wanna be a cokehead this is great!' then I kinda just.. Grew up and realized it's just something to do when someone puts a knife up to your nose for ya.

Edit: This thread just made me pop a vyvanse :)

Sorry to go off topic... but you definitely havent had or know the real dangers and pit falls of being addicted to dope. yeah ten bucks a bag or 100 bucks for 13 sounds really cheap when a couple bags might last a couple days or less even...

pretty soon she'll have you by the balls. and youll need that 100 bucks EVERYDAY. just to say healthy enough to literally function. and get out of bed and not smell... thats one thing that I never thought about. withdrawaling off h makes you stick like something fierce. and once you know what that smell is its unmistakeable after that. youll recognize it everytime. and it sticks to things worse than bon fire smell. I still have clothes that reak of that.

anyways. back to prices. heroin is cheap to the chipper or beginner. but please dont ever go past those stages if you do decide to try it.

anyone with a problem know blows arent cheap.

....but you ever try oxy MORPHONE??? now that is worth every penny..... oh muh gawd!! lol seriously holy fuck, makes heroin feel like norcos.

sorry to thread jack.

carry on about bk-2c-b. I'm thinking about getting some to entertain the impending cabin fever. I know of one canadian site. Used to know another but they suddenly stopped shipping to the US. anyine have any suggestions here?
I've had opanas before. Fantastic :) Totally agree with that lol not to mention the couple times they gave me hydromorphone at the hospital.

It's not cheap to people who abuse it, it's crazy how what does is for me is an 1/8 of a raw button if even that and they'll sit there and bang 4. I do know the dangers. I see people do it all the time. I just don't really do it, if I get more than one button on my hands I turn into a bitchy, itchy asshole. One button makes for a wonderful night though indeed. I might use heroin once every 1-12 months.. It's been that way for years and years. Only a couple times did I get a lot and that ruined a few days each time so I don't push it anymore.

anyways, bk-2c-b, PRIMO. I'll stand by my statement!
Totally euphoric, perfect all around the body. Jizzy in your pants worthy.
Patterns of prettiness. Totally social. Socially it feels like you took MDMA or something. Great Christmas drug probably. Hmmmmm.......
I've had opanas before. Fantastic :) Totally agree with that lol not to mention the couple times they gave me hydromorphone at the hospital.

It's not cheap to people who abuse it, it's crazy how what does is for me is an 1/8 of a raw button if even that and they'll sit there and bang 4. I do know the dangers. I see people do it all the time. I just don't really do it, if I get more than one button on my hands I turn into a bitchy, itchy asshole. One button makes for a wonderful night though indeed. I might use heroin once every 1-12 months.. It's been that way for years and years. Only a couple times did I get a lot and that ruined a few days each time so I don't push it anymore.

anyways, bk-2c-b, PRIMO. I'll stand by my statement!
Totally euphoric, perfect all around the body. Jizzy in your pants worthy.
Patterns of prettiness. Totally social. Socially it feels like you took MDMA or something. Great Christmas drug probably. Hmmmmm.......

Well Mr. High... I wish I was you. I used to pretend I was the old man in my avatar. After being addicted to dope, I feel like I'm the kinky little bitch being spanked... wanting it harder and harder! Cuz I love the sting of it!! but each spanking only deadens my nerves more so it only leads to harder and HARDER spankings... until I'm left with marks all over me, dreaming of that first spanking.

...oh wait what?! You're intriguing me with this description of the experience TooHigh. And here I thought the rc scene was pretty much dead/bleeding out.
Well Mr. High... I wish I was you. I used to pretend I was the old man in my avatar. After being addicted to dope, I feel like I'm the kinky little bitch being spanked... wanting it harder and harder! Cuz I love the sting of it!! but each spanking only deadens my nerves more so it only leads to harder and HARDER spankings... until I'm left with marks all over me, dreaming of that first spanking.

...oh wait what?! You're intriguing me with this description of the experience TooHigh. And here I thought the rc scene was pretty much dead/bleeding out.
Someone like you shouldn't touch it then. But you know all the advice I'm sure, you have to actually want to, and do it. And after awhile you'll notice the benefits.. Most of my heroin friends won't stop and they've tried so many times. Whenever they stop for awhile, they just do it again at some point even though they'll say they feel way better after stopping, when they did. Spankings are bad, do you know how many spankings I have seen because of this? Jesus man, you'd think spankings would be terrifying and not wanted. Stockholm syndrome isn't healthy either. Unless they're rich and awesome.

Maybe it is a little.. But I like bk-2c-b.. And etizolam. Venturing to say I'll like flubromazepam.
20170409_112955.jpgclose up pic. I dont want him doing something thats gonna kill him??????looks like mdma but heard its not ehst it is


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Lots of the molly going around these days is that colour.
I don't approve of experimental drugs and have been on record for that position on here, for as long as I can remember.
Nature provides us with so manny awesome molecules for extraction or raw consumption, there is just no need for the long term risk.