ALWAYS some stupid shit


Well-Known Member
Why does something always happen jesus.... My grow has been going great for 5 days now. They look perfect.

I awke up this morning to one of the 5 day old sprouts turned over in the soil. and another one bend bad at the top(the best looking one)

I have NO clue why this happened.. I havent changed anything in the last few days... I mean I transplanted them into bags about 2 nights ago but nothing happened

I found a really big spider at the bottom of the tent this morning though crawling around. One of its legs looks like it was "singed or burned off" and it couldnt walk well. This is what i think happened.. It crawled on my plants.. and toppled them over....

I mean theres no signs of deficiencey in the plants and no burning.. the temps are 80 or less constantly never more than 82 i leave the doors open..

That has to be it.. One of them is just toppled over and the others are bent in half accept 1 1 was not harmed.

SO basically one is lying in the dirt right now i hope it can recover.

Do you think this is what happened?

Also im having a really big problem with bugs... Not on the plants themselves but like inside the tent... Rollie pollies (alot) and i found a lil beatle thing the other day that was not BIG but not really small......

Its fairly clean honestly I cant wait to get my intake fan so i can shut the tent 24/7... god.

really pissed right now.. sorry.


Well-Known Member'll be fine...use alittle stick and gently tie them down...but be real careful not to damage far as the bugs...well it's no win situation...are you growing outdoors...? Or just wait and see what happens...maybe their straignthen out...



Well-Known Member'll be fine...use alittle stick and gently tie them down...but be real careful not to damage far as the bugs...well it's no win situation...are you growing outdoors...? Or just wait and see what happens...maybe their straignthen out...


indoors in a grow tent.


Well-Known Member
just checked again.. and the one that was "kind of bent" is now worse.

GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and there is no "tieing" them up" they are to small dude. they are so fragile they bend way to easily

1 is curling up already the one that was in the dirt... i propped it up with more dirt but it probably wont make it. i have 1 standing strong right now looking good but i swear to god I have no clue what happened the ONLY thing i can think of is that that spider toppled them.
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Well-Known Member
Hey man, its hard when you first start, heres what I have learned in my first year of growing.

Some seedlings are just weak and die, I had 3 purp kush seeds, all done exacly the same. They all sprouted and looked fine, after 3-4 days one just flopped, I did all I could but it still died,while the other two were strong.

I have used bent out paper clips stuck in the dirt to prop up seedlings.
Put a dome over the weak one to and mist it will help ALOT.

Don't have it to hot, or lights to close yet, what light?

Bugs suck, I didn't have any at first in the winter, now I have gnats, earwigs, variety of spiders, and did have some rollys but their gone. What happend to me mostly is a tried a different dirt than the dirt I normally get from the hydro store and it was fuckin unclean with bugs and it grew mushrooms in it to... I WAS PISSED.

Anyway... That was a few months ago, the bugs have gone down for me a little, at least I don't have spider MITES. yet...

Pyrithium bombes, foggers, will kill all bugs in the area and not harm ur plants, but the bugs will come back if they can get in.

just saw ur last post, definitally get a dome over them, plastic soda bottle, something, and prop them up with tothpicks, paperclips, small sticks whatever lol. Oh and mist the dome. NOT TO HOT.
ALSO dont mess with them after that, do that and leave them alone aside from taking off the dome and misting once a day.
I think they will come out of it, they can be pretty tough. A beginner thing to do is over analize things and worry, I did allot at first. Things will be fine.

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Well-Known Member
how's the soil, wet dry?
how long have they been in their current pot?
are they still green?
are they in 24 hours of light? - i reccomend 24
i wish i could say re-pot and look for bugs in the soil but that may be too much trauma on them right now


Well-Known Member
how's the soil, wet dry?
how long have they been in their current pot?
are they still green?
are they in 24 hours of light? - i reccomend 24
i wish i could say re-pot and look for bugs in the soil but that may be too much trauma on them right now

Im using a 250wat hps..

They are all still green but the 2 that got tompled over the most are really really dark green now. and curly kind of.

there on 24 horus of light yes.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, its hard when you first start, heres what I have learned in my first year of growing.

Some seedlings are just weak and die, I had 3 purp kush seeds, all done exacly the same. They all sprouted and looked fine, after 3-4 days one just flopped, I did all I could but it still died,while the other two were strong.

I have used bent out paper clips stuck in the dirt to prop up seedlings.
Put a dome over the weak one to and mist it will help ALOT.

Don't have it to hot, or lights to close yet, what light?

Bugs suck, I didn't have any at first in the winter, now I have gnats, earwigs, variety of spiders, and did have some rollys but their gone. What happend to me mostly is a tried a different dirt than the dirt I normally get from the hydro store and it was fuckin unclean with bugs and it grew mushrooms in it to... I WAS PISSED.

Anyway... That was a few months ago, the bugs have gone down for me a little, at least I don't have spider MITES. yet...

Pyrithium bombes, foggers, will kill all bugs in the area and not harm ur plants, but the bugs will come back if they can get in.

just saw ur last post, definitally get a dome over them, plastic soda bottle, something, and prop them up with tothpicks, paperclips, small sticks whatever lol. Oh and mist the dome. NOT TO HOT.
ALSO dont mess with them after that, do that and leave them alone aside from taking off the dome and misting once a day.
I think they will come out of it, they can be pretty tough. A beginner thing to do is over analize things and worry, I did allot at first. Things will be fine.

If i put plastic cups over them...... they wont die???

So by mist you mean mist them down on the actual plants every day?

do i just set plastic cups over the top of them?


Well-Known Member
If i put plastic cups over them...... they wont die???

So by mist you mean mist them down on the actual plants every day?

do i just set plastic cups over the top of them?

ya i do overanalyze but they are bent over laying down in the soil almost.. somethings gota be wrong lol.

i have 1 that is growing very strong and looks good. i just propped them up with paperclips.. or atleast the one that is tall that was just laying over sidewayts.


Well-Known Member
I like to keep them in a covered tray until they take root.

Also what is your temps? I would think that this would be your largest concern,not the spider...unless we are talking about spider mites, not an injured daddy long leg stumbling over your seedlings...What is your watering schedules? Over watering could have choked them out...with the info you have presented I would have to think that Temps. could be the culprit...
What exactly is the medium you are using?
What PH are you watering them with?
Are you adding anything to the water?
What size containers do you have them in?
How often are you watering?
Temps? HI and Low?
Air circulation?
How close is your light?
We should be able to figure it out with this info...GL


Well-Known Member
how old r they? Do u have a fan blowing a gentle breeze over them? They need a breeze from day 1 of them poppin through the medium to stimulate stem strength, without it they can just topple over under their own weight, forget misting, domes and wrapping straws around the stem, scoop up some soil from around them and bury the stem to just below the cotyledons, get an oscillating fan GENTLY blowing a breeze over them and they should b fine, dont worry to much about the beetles n other bugs they wont do any harm many of them come in yr soil, just watch out for spidermites thrips aphids etc.. Hope this helps. All the best! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I like to keep them in a covered tray until they take root.

Also what is your temps? I would think that this would be your largest concern,not the spider...unless we are talking about spider mites, not an injured daddy long leg stumbling over your seedlings...What is your watering schedules? Over watering could have choked them out...with the info you have presented I would have to think that Temps. could be the culprit...
What exactly is the medium you are using?
What PH are you watering them with?
Are you adding anything to the water?
What size containers do you have them in?
How often are you watering?
Temps? HI and Low?
Air circulation?
How close is your light?
We should be able to figure it out with this info...GL

What exactly is the medium you are using? Thunderhead soil from the hydro shop
What PH are you watering them with? 6.5
Are you adding anything to the water? No
What size containers do you have them in? 1gallon Grow bags
How often are you watering? Once every 2 days or so
Temps? HI and Low? MAX 85 but since I lowered them today its almost 90
Air circulation?Have tent open.. with 6inch fan pulling air out at the top.. No inline yet...
How close is your light? 8inches im guessing
We should be able to figure it out with this info...GL

also I have alot of fans in there. 1 ocilating one decent sized blowing at the light and 2 small ones.. Alot of air blowing them. but they dont seem stressed by it and its probably not whats happening to them.


Well-Known Member
I would say say 8 inches is too close for seedlings, they dont need much light at all.
Everything sounds really good though.
I don't even monitor shit when their that young, like adjust ph, they allways do fine.

I use superthrive for the first few weeks of seedlings or clone, it has b1 which is excellant for seedlings, stressed plants, transplanting and whatnot, you can get it at wallmart and garden centers.

Definitely raise your light to like 18 inches and yes trust me the the domes, cups, those plastic propagators or seed starter things is what I use with peat pods. After the get healthier lower your light to avoid stretching.

and yeah you just set the cups over them, as long as their clearish, 2liter soda bottles cut in half work great. Yes mist the plants directly and the inside of the dome. 4 days of this and they should perk right up.

Oh and let the soil totally dry out between waterings, in one gal bags with seed lings should only need water like every 4-5 days until they get a decent root system.
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Well-Known Member
how old r they? Do u have a fan blowing a gentle breeze over them? They need a breeze from day 1 of them poppin through the medium to stimulate stem strength, without it they can just topple over under their own weight, forget misting, domes and wrapping straws around the stem, scoop up some soil from around them and bury the stem to just below the cotyledons, get an oscillating fan GENTLY blowing a breeze over them and they should b fine, dont worry to much about the beetles n other bugs they wont do any harm many of them come in yr soil, just watch out for spidermites thrips aphids etc.. Hope this helps. All the best! :peace:
I definitely agree with the fan, your plants need to lightly actually be lightly moving around in the wind. I wouldn't bury the stem though, last time I tried that it rotted and died.


Well-Known Member
would say say 8 inches is too close for seedlings, they dont need much light at all.
Everything sounds really good though.
I don't even monitor shit when their that young, like adjust ph, they allways do fine.

I use superthrive for the first few weeks of seedlings or clone, you can get it at wallmart and garden centers.

Definitely raise your light to like 18 inches and yes trust me the the domes, cups, those plastic propagators or seed starter things is what I use with peat pods. After the get healthier lower your light to avoid stretching.

agreed...Where are you taking your temp reading from? Raising up the light will help alot with temps, and they don't need to be hammered with lumens right now...Think about it this way...The ratio of light needed is partially determend by the about of nutrient they are up taking...Right now that is very low, and they are mostly trying to develop a root system...Thunder head soil....Hmm it looks like they are based out of Texas, and there is not much info easily available online...I don't know the make up of that soil, but I am pretty sure that if the PH is correct for them, that you should not have problems. Typically the ph should be more around 7, but if they guys at your local shop told you 6.5, then they probably know something about that soil that is different... I would look into the NPK ratio of that soil..When you water, stick your finger into the soil...Is it still damp 1-2" down into the soil? if so, I would let it dry out alittle more....Here is the thing...The seedlings are not going to take up alot of water right now...Most of your water is going to evaporate rather then be sucked up by the plants...This will further be amplified by high temps 85-90, and air circulation. Make sure not to let the lower sections of the soil stay wet all the time, while hydrating the top few inches of the soil...If the soil has a good amount of perlite or another low absorbing material in it, then the oxygen levels will be higher, and this will help with over damp soil. Get those temps down, figure out if you should kick up the ph abit, and possibly adjust your watering to balance out the moisture content through out the container.


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree with the fan, your plants need to lightly actually be lightly moving around in the wind. I wouldn't bury the stem though, last time I tried that it rotted and died.

This is good advice...


Well-Known Member
would say say 8 inches is too close for seedlings, they dont need much light at all.
Everything sounds really good though.
I don't even monitor shit when their that young, like adjust ph, they allways do fine.

I use superthrive for the first few weeks of seedlings or clone, you can get it at wallmart and garden centers.

Definitely raise your light to like 18 inches and yes trust me the the domes, cups, those plastic propagators or seed starter things is what I use with peat pods. After the get healthier lower your light to avoid stretching.

agreed...Where are you taking your temp reading from? Raising up the light will help alot with temps, and they don't need to be hammered with lumens right now...Think about it this way...The ratio of light needed is partially determend by the about of nutrient they are up taking...Right now that is very low, and they are mostly trying to develop a root system...Thunder head soil....Hmm it looks like they are based out of Texas, and there is not much info easily available online...I don't know the make up of that soil, but I am pretty sure that if the PH is correct for them, that you should not have problems. Typically the ph should be more around 7, but if they guys at your local shop told you 6.5, then they probably know something about that soil that is different... I would look into the NPK ratio of that soil..When you water, stick your finger into the soil...Is it still damp 1-2" down into the soil? if so, I would let it dry out alittle more....Here is the thing...The seedlings are not going to take up alot of water right now...Most of your water is going to evaporate rather then be sucked up by the plants...This will further be amplified by high temps 85-90, and air circulation. Make sure not to let the lower sections of the soil stay wet all the time, while hydrating the top few inches of the soil...If the soil has a good amount of perlite or another low absorbing material in it, then the oxygen levels will be higher, and this will help with over damp soil. Get those temps down, figure out if you should kick up the ph abit, and possibly adjust your watering to balance out the moisture content through out the container.

the thing is.. 2 are pretty tall.. i dont want them to stretch... alot. the light is now about 13 inches above soil.

I had to go tow ork so hopfully when i get home there not all plopped over... sigh

ps: i have a thermometor that has a wire with a thing at the end i place it where the plants are.. thats where im getting my temp reading from
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Well-Known Member
Hang your thermo probe under the light at the top of the plants. If you dont have a sealed vented hood I still think 13 inches is to close for seedlings, their not gonna stretch much with 250watts, though mh generally make closer nodes than hps so that might be an issue.

Get those domes/cups over em when ya get home.
