Well-Known Member
Duende=GReatfulbreath x grape puffStrain?
Duende=GReatfulbreath x grape puffStrain?
I almost died choking on my bong thank you very much kind sir.
You, Sir, have long ago left the reservation. It has reached a point where nobody particularly cares if you put out good info or not Brekfist. Like a stuck record man. 'Don't know who you are fucking with' is probably a hrase only used in movies and by teenagers with rich daddies idk man not like anybody cares who anybody is around here. Not to be funny but wow man try smoke some dope, relax, doesn't seem like you ever touch the stuff to me so fukin uptight
Day 41 of flower Aloha Grape Stomper
seriously,you got issues dude..first wanna beat me up,then wanna take me to your man shack and wrastle...
HOLY BALLS Mad! I mean; MY GAWDS! I seem to remember you throwing a temper tantrum for Brekfist on here."Oh my What a grower!" I don't recall that feeling ever being reciprocated. Don't you have a Giraffe costume to put on?
And what's with the fake Amos friendship? I seem to recall you REALLY wanting his address. To send him beans right?
You guys should see Mad on the other site. Telling everyone how he battled all the trolls on here but they have no idea who they were dealing with. Good stuff.