built up hash in oil rig. smoke it?

really they got lung transplants???

and what makes you think you have good stuff that has been made properly? aren't you in Florida, if not are you in CO?

yeah, or they were hospitalized, amazed someone who seems to knows so much about hash oil wouldnt know about that.

and when i do make oil, i only make shatter, it occasionally comes out sorta sappy depending on the age of the materials and the milky/amber head ratio but its still very stable and clear, it also has this consistency usually because of the room temp, but i make sure theres no more tane bubbles after purging anywhere from 20-24 hours, flipping the patty 2-3 times and keeping it 100-110 and really flat.

not to mention the slightest bit of tane makes you feel expansion and irritation in your lungs and cough from a normal sized dab(.2s are normal for me at least), i dont smoke oil if it does this. ive also got a pretty keen taste for tane, i rarely smoke with lighters because of it, the high is also very distinct. flame testing it is also a good way to tell, the tiniest bit of butane will still spark.

but at the end of the day id much rather smoke bubble hash or dry sift, much better imo, the whole extracting with gas still kinda deters me, not to mention even the most refined butanes still contain other trace materials that are kinda sketch.

and my location has no relevance, i could live in any legal state and still get some horribly purged oil. hell, i hear the bad oil usually outnumbers the good in most dispensaries.
Can taste butane from the lighter, ha, hemp wick got you trippin
no but i can certainly tell the difference between hemp wick(not ital though, they cut corners with artificial beeswax, shit tastes wack) and a lighter. i use a glass wand for smoking hash and flowers, or a vaporizer if its available. i also dont dab with titanium either, even when its not overheated i can still tell the difference between titanium and glass.

the taste of butane is very distinct, as well as how my high is effected, and the way it hits my lungs. try smoking without a lighter for a year and you might see what im saying.
I've been vaping more often now myself and I personally think (keep in mind I said PERSONALLY) I'm actually getting a little less high than combusting.. Same strain and all, 3 bowls vaped compared to 3 bowls combusted, the combust seems to get me going faster and stronger (not sure if longer though). Don't get me wrong, I get high from the vape too but it just seems..different... not sure if I'm yay or nay for it..

I do agree, the use of the lighter does make it harsher (compared to vaping for a while) but I still don't taste butane. I deff taste the harshness though (from combust I bet). Hemp wick is kewww too, didn't really notice a huge diff between that and a lighter. But since I have over 1000+ft of wick, might as well use it lol.
I've been vaping more often now myself and I personally think (keep in mind I said PERSONALLY) I'm actually getting a little less high than combusting.. Same strain and all, 3 bowls vaped compared to 3 bowls combusted, the combust seems to get me going faster and stronger (not sure if longer though). Don't get me wrong, I get high from the vape too but it just seems..different... not sure if I'm yay or nay for it..

I do agree, the use of the lighter does make it harsher (compared to vaping for a while) but I still don't taste butane. I deff taste the harshness though (from combust I bet). Hemp wick is kewww too, didn't really notice a huge diff between that and a lighter. But since I have over 1000+ft of wick, might as well use it lol.

after a while i feel you grow a tolerance to vaping, same for combustion too. i switch between both but honestly im vaping a lot more of the time. with a glass wand i can also gauge the heat pretty well, i usually go a bit beyond vape temp to the point where some turns black but doesnt cherry. vaping usually keeps me high longer though, for me combustion lasts about 2 hours, vaping lasts 3-4. its surely not for everyone, a lot of people say it gets them more tired than high, for me its a lot more of a head high.

the butane itself is what makes it harsh for me, theres a taste for sure but it probably isnt as distinct if youve used lighters for so long. it depends what kind of hemp wick since some companies use artificial beeswax or other weird additives. there is a difference to me for sure though, not as huge of a difference between vaping and using a lighter but nevertheless there is a difference.
after a while i feel you grow a tolerance to vaping, same for combustion too. i switch between both but honestly im vaping a lot more of the time. with a glass wand i can also gauge the heat pretty well, i usually go a bit beyond vape temp to the point where some turns black but doesnt cherry. vaping usually keeps me high longer though, for me combustion lasts about 2 hours, vaping lasts 3-4. its surely not for everyone, a lot of people say it gets them more tired than high, for me its a lot more of a head high.

the butane itself is what makes it harsh for me, theres a taste for sure but it probably isnt as distinct if youve used lighters for so long. it depends what kind of hemp wick since some companies use artificial beeswax or other weird additives. there is a difference to me for sure though, not as huge of a difference between vaping and using a lighter but nevertheless there is a difference.

Yup I agree, that's what I am doing as well. I switch between the two, mostly vape but I combust as well (especially on the go, hard to find a good vape on the go). I used to use the wand in the past, but now I just use my e-torch vaporizer. I vape it like you as well, I get it to a nice dark brown (almost black at times) but no combust. I think that vaping keeps me higher longer as well, that's why I like to incorporate both lol. Head high for sure more than body. Were basically in the same boat you and I lol.
Yup I agree, that's what I am doing as well. I switch between the two, mostly vape but I combust as well (especially on the go, hard to find a good vape on the go). I used to use the wand in the past, but now I just use my e-torch vaporizer. I vape it like you as well, I get it to a nice dark brown (almost black at times) but no combust. I think that vaping keeps me higher longer as well, that's why I like to incorporate both lol. Head high for sure more than body. Were basically in the same boat you and I lol.

thats the way to go, really wish i had a box vape again but if i get anything in the future its gonna be a silver surfer or something similar, somethin portable would be cool. those electric hot wands look badass too, would be a good investment.
and im glad somebody feels me, it seems like everyone i know only vapes or combusts, the way we do it is somewhere in the middle.

I thought the hemp wick made it taste worse...the shit smokes as it burnes and I'm pretty sure when u smoke with it ur gettin the hemp/wax smoke too? I dunno I ended up throwin it away

its different taste for sure, still hemp so its gonna give off some smoke, and yeah youre also burning off beeswax and its probably not the best thing, not to mention sometimes its not even beeswax unfortunately. but the alternative is inhaling a flame thats caused by gas and other trace materials that dont burn completely clean so neither is a perfect method. i wish they made some that was just hemp but braided or something like that so it doesnt burn so quick, if im not mistaken thats the purpose of the beeswax.
thats the way to go, really wish i had a box vape again but if i get anything in the future its gonna be a silver surfer or something similar, somethin portable would be cool. those electric hot wands look badass too, would be a good investment.
and im glad somebody feels me, it seems like everyone i know only vapes or combusts, the way we do it is somewhere in the middle.

its different taste for sure, still hemp so its gonna give off some smoke, and yeah youre also burning off beeswax and its probably not the best thing, not to mention sometimes its not even beeswax unfortunately. but the alternative is inhaling a flame thats caused by gas and other trace materials that dont burn completely clean so neither is a perfect method. i wish they made some that was just hemp but braided or something like that so it doesnt burn so quick, if im not mistaken thats the purpose of the beeswax.

Never heard of the vape box but I do know the Silver Surfer is pretty bad ass. I really want a good portable one, the only portable vape I have is the Eclipse which is realllyyyy good but it looks crack headed which is realllyyy badddd lol. Ya man, the e-torch (what I use) is pretty savage! I use it on my water pipe and on my normal pipe! Can basically use it on anything! So far it's been a good investment and only cost $100 lol.

Same with me, everyone I know is either a vaper or a combuster, not really both (on purpose that is) lol. I agree, I think combining the best of both worlds works really well. Combust to get high quick and then vape to maintain high for a few hours lol.

As far as hemp wick, I'm not sure how bad beeswax being burnt is but I personally don't think it is worse than a lighter. BUT Im not saying it is better than a lighter, I personally dont know. I aree with Crazy though, braiding the wick would allow it to burn slower (but also make a bigger flame), the beeswax is for it not to just burn "all crazy".
Never heard of the vape box but I do know the Silver Surfer is pretty bad ass. I really want a good portable one, the only portable vape I have is the Eclipse which is realllyyyy good but it looks crack headed which is realllyyy badddd lol. Ya man, the e-torch (what I use) is pretty savage! I use it on my water pipe and on my normal pipe! Can basically use it on anything! So far it's been a good investment and only cost $100 lol.

Same with me, everyone I know is either a vaper or a combuster, not really both (on purpose that is) lol. I agree, I think combining the best of both worlds works really well. Combust to get high quick and then vape to maintain high for a few hours lol.

As far as hemp wick, I'm not sure how bad beeswax being burnt is but I personally don't think it is worse than a lighter. BUT Im not saying it is better than a lighter, I personally dont know. I aree with Crazy though, braiding the wick would allow it to burn slower (but also make a bigger flame), the beeswax is for it not to just burn "all crazy".

its not a model i mean just the basic vapes that look like a wooden or metal box, sorta look like an alarm clock sometimes, most of em are like 60-80 bucks but theres more legit ones for like 150(i hear a lot of good stuff about the hot box), my only problem with them is that the hose occasionally falls off the joint when you barely tug it. but yeah the eclipse does look incriminating to say the least lol, those iolites are pretty good but they go through so much butane. and damn thats what i really need, when they could work as an attachment to its the shit, i used to have a small perc attached to a sherlock just for that. its battery powered too right?

and thats probably the best way to get a good range of cannabinoids, why its the best way imo. and same here, i think it taste better personally but ive met a few people who really dont like the taste, as far as which is worse for you, i cant really say, both are burning stuff that we probably shouldnt inhale. and theres gotta be a better way, maybe if the hemp was still slightly damp or something, who knows, that whole beeswax thing still seems kinda sketchy.
its not a model i mean just the basic vapes that look like a wooden or metal box, sorta look like an alarm clock sometimes, most of em are like 60-80 bucks but theres more legit ones for like 150(i hear a lot of good stuff about the hot box), my only problem with them is that the hose occasionally falls off the joint when you barely tug it. but yeah the eclipse does look incriminating to say the least lol, those iolites are pretty good but they go through so much butane. and damn thats what i really need, when they could work as an attachment to its the shit, i used to have a small perc attached to a sherlock just for that. its battery powered too right?

Ahhh I have one of those too, they do work pretty well (get the job done) the hose on mine though fit nicely on the joint. The eclipse is one of those vapes I use when i'm home alone and not near a window hahah. I never saw the iolites but that seems pretty cool! Kinda want to do more research on that unit! The e-torch I have isn't battery powered, you plug into the wall. But I like it a lot because I can use it on virtually any piece lol.

Ahhh I have one of those too, they do work pretty well (get the job done) the hose on mine though fit nicely on the joint. The eclipse is one of those vapes I use when i'm home alone and not near a window hahah. I never saw the iolites but that seems pretty cool! Kinda want to do more research on that unit! The e-torch I have isn't battery powered, you plug into the wall. But I like it a lot because I can use it on virtually any piece lol.

for sure, i always broke em though cause someone would leave it on somehow. lol yeah that wouldnt be something to use in public, and the iolites are good, especially with bubble hash, dont know about hash oil though. and damn those look legit!
Would the iolite work well with just herb? Haha ya the e-torch is deff a conversation starter just off looks. It works similiar to the Subliminator except doesn't have a $1000 price tag lol
for sure, thats what i used out of it 90% of the time, if im not mistaken though theres better knockoffs of the iolite that work pretty well too, not so many look like a walkie talkie though. a friend of mine had one called the wispr, worked just as well if not better, just wish they had adjustable temps, im sure theres one out there. and shit i bet, it almost looks like a glassblowing torch, might look into getting one soon after seeing those reviews, it looks capable of burning it to the point beyond vaping were talkin about.

and goddamn $1000 dollars for a vape!? thats insanity. i guess it goes for everything though, if the name brand has a lot of popularity then they can charge like 300% more than other companies, something you notice when you check out enails too, a good one should be $250-$300 imo.
Wisper is actually made from the same people who made the iolite I believe. From reviews it seems like the iolite works well just doesn't last for many months. I'll keep an eye out for knock offs though lol.
Wisper is actually made from the same people who made the iolite I believe. From reviews it seems like the iolite works well just doesn't last for many months. I'll keep an eye out for knock offs though lol.
figures, they seem similar in design and function. and my friends lasted for about 10 months, using it 3-4 times a day. i heard they offer warranty too, dont know about mailing paraphernalia from my location though lol

and i think theres another one called no2 vapir if im not mistaken, very similar but battery powered. would be cool if they made one powered by both.
i just remembered the meter on the chamber reads about -22 but im also at about 7000 elevation. So i think thats why, maybe its not a crappy vac lol. and also the first day or two i used it, i didnt cut off the top rubber nipple thing, and i think i remember it being around -28 at full vac. But after i cut the nipple, the most it will go is -22. Im assuming thats all normal.

I just did a half ass job of cleaning the oil rig, just filled it up with warm water and alot had floated to the top i was able to collect. still alot left behind. When i first got the rig, i only had about 3 grams of finger hash. i was so anxious to smoke out of a rig i guess lol.. but thats all the black crusty shit you see in there. Now the rig looks 10 times better and the bho im smoking looks alot brighter, now that its not mixed with the finger hash.
Im also thinking about taking half of the bho that i got and mixing iso in it and see how that process turns out. ive been getting a little more tolerant, but later on in the day i start to feel it in my lung. so maybe iso will help, wouldnt hurt to try i guess xD
should not have cut the nipple
are u serious?! i was thinking that the whole time...lol theres a sticker right beside it that says cut here before use, and i saw an instructional vid on youtube and the dude cut itf

But ya, right after i cut it and noticed the pressure change i was pissed..

would u recommend i buy a new meter?