Do your friends know you're growing?

One of my friends knows because I salvaged my bagseed so I didn't even know what to expect when germinating but now that it's growing I haven't said anything and am playing on just playing it off like the seed never sprouted. Do you guys tell your friends? Or is there anyone who posts updates pics of their plant on facebook?

What are your experiences or tips in concealing for those of you who have been growing for a while now?
nope dont tell anyone it will be your downfall
You gotta treat the plants in your growroom like you would a headless body you're hiding. You tell no one. If your friend knows and they get popped for being a retard and smoking a bowl in a parking lot guess what the first thing the cops are gonna do? They're gonna offer em an easy way out. It just has to be a level higher on the legal scale than simple possession. Also friends talk. That girlfriend they have? She now knows. So does all the girls in her circle of friends. So does the guy she's sending tit pics to when your friend's at work. This also goes for YOUR girlfriend. If your girl gets pissed at you guess what? She's already called the local police department. Made 18.9 posts an hour in 6 different status updates on her FB about your plants and started 3 different threads on Topix about your plants. It also goes for your buddy's girl. This also goes for your family members and their significant others. Just tell your buddy it either didn't sprout if he asks, your cat/dog ate it (they both eat dope plants) or you poured a gallon of miracle grow at triple strength on it and it burst into flames. Go do your homework on RIU about telling people. We have a subforum called legal edge. Go way back and start on page 1. Open every thread in a new tab that's related to I got busted. I'm willing to bet 80% of the people who did get popped was due to the fact someone ELSE they told/showed their grow to either rolled on em or got pissed and snitched on em. Or they didn't cover the smell. The golden rules are 1 no tell and 2 no smell. And if you sell then your friends are no longer tour friends. They're clients and should be treated as such. With even more scrutiny than the people mentioned above. Now get your ass to legal edge and look through it if you don't believe me with this thought in mind. Some of those posters never returned to finish up their threads.
I grow legally, so all I have to worry about are potential thieves, and I make sure that breaking into my property is about as attractive as breaking into Leatherface's house. Make it very very clear, anything that comes over the fence gets filled with holes, cut to size, and fed to the dogs/worm bins.
Most of my friends are fellow Harley enthusiast. So I trust them with my life. And as for neighbors, my friends are Harley enthusiasts....... My neighbors are scared..... And it's sudo legal. But at your age, and your "friends" age, don't talk your business.
don't say anything. I live in legal state, and have liscene to grow, but I STILL don't say anything. I assume you want to post that shit on yr face book to impress yr friends...I think you would impress the cops a lot more. idk why ppl feel the need to post their entire lifestory on facebook
I don't grow the stuff. Actually my cousin does, I might just claim to help him out a bit cuz I want to sound like I am cool. I don't even know where he's growing the stuff.

... And I need the cash up front, you wait here.
No, no,no, Joven don't give
up. Trust me imI'm sure u llearned a lot from this fuck up and you'll do better this grow. My first grow was horrific. Dwc grow and made every mistake you can make. Results were schwag bud and less than 1 ounce. I saw others getting 10 oz+ with the same setup. Now after a few grows I'm getting closer to that 10 oz Mark with that setup. Don't give up yet. Persistence will pay off and save you hella money in the long run.
That's good shitE="Nullis, post: 11085521, member: 268186"]I don't grow the stuff. Actually my cousin does, I might just claim to help him out a bit cuz I want to sound like I am cool. I don't even know where he's growing the stuff.

... And I need the cash up front, you wait here.[/QUOTE]
It's okay to trust people but when it comes to this i think its just best to keep it to yourself even if your proud of your hobby if he grows and you know maybe its okay but i think its best to just keep it on the down low just be the guy that always has some great smoke
