Is selling really that profitable?

Haha call me old school or dumb or something along those lines but If your money and money only things go poorly... I've seen it in my old associates..i was never greedy honestly I wanted to make enough to live comfortably and I did and then some why because I cared more about my product and reputation of business ethic than anything and believe me it didn't go un noticed I never broke apart a bug if it was .1 or .2 over because when its perfect its perfect and by no means did I create or grow it but I did know what 1.4 looked like 99% of the time with out a tare*jewelry bag* .3-.4 on 99.9% average but I was always over never under and didn't mind an occasional front or customer appreciation.. I got hooked up why not pass it along its not like I don't have a job to pay the bills this was just mine with a group of buddys that liked the idea and they did work.. I know I've said it earlier lol but don't look for clientele look for dealers lol even if you gotta buy a few to show good faith ill buy a few 8s and half oz to turn around sale him something cheaper while still making more.. Don't have to have a ton of peeps just the right kind and guidelines of business plans and boom goes the dynamite..
Just some quick math

Hybrid with Indicia growth patterens
4x4 table perpetual
4 plants per square foot - SOG style - flower at 6 inches tall
Harvest 8 plants every two weeks at 1 oz per plant = 8 oz per harvest every two weeks
26 harvests in a year = 13 lbs, wholesale = 40k - 50k net a year PER TABLE PER LIGHT.

4 tables set up = 200k a year net, just minus electricity and nutes. Or as big or as small as you want.

It sounds like its worth it from a pen and paper perspective.

This is all just hypothetical of course :wink:

bongsmilie on
only the popular make the real profit .....get rid of your calculations and get popular.

unpopular people dont make money.....FACT.

you can thank me later ;)
me? lol nah maybe that banned fuckwit getazongbong (I also don't sell to schoolkids)
they will talk about who's dating who...then who's selling have lost the value of silence and fear punishment of there actions..they will sell you out thinking its a good idea DO NOT SALE to kids or teens... Come on man do you wanna live easily and smoke as much as you want or do you just trying to save up for commissary for WHEN you get busted.. If that the case use a drug not something we trying to overcome with feds makes bad example..popular is correct like one dude said. And my crew and people dont think jail time or possession charges are not very cool.. Call me lucky but went over 15 years no trouble what so ever just recently lost one spot one guy followed and raided while in progress of making wax 400plus Gs of bho.. And tons of butane.. It was in south Texas I'm sure its online somewhere but never looked for it since know how it went could have blown uobthe neighbors would that make him or the company cool.. I think not be.. Life lesson be smart,be safe,be the best and never settle for something less..that's my philosophy..but hey I'm only 28 and bought and sold multiple business out in public not online might I add call me a visionist perhaps but the stuff above..well that's just common dealing sense 101..
Oh and it wasn't me in wax just saw might have been confusion in the brains and investor on matters and meetings not the front line well respected group in the shadows making the happiness
Anyone on here a steady supplier for their local dispensary, and can vouch for earnings? I know one of our local shops pulls almost a quarter mil a month, and were not a big town..... how much of that shuffles down the ladder?
This has nothing to do with the OP's question.... Hes asking about small scale growers, not kids flippin' nickel bags on the playground, we KNOW you ain't payin' the car note off the plant.... shh....
This wasn't in response to the op it was for that banned idiot getazongbong (whos posts are gone)and it was SARCASM. I sell ounce at a minimum but usually 3-4 at time
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Haha ohhh shit I just realized said making 15-20 a day depended on school..dont do that bro alot of trouble for nothing... You may know the reasoning behind why yiu do what you do like some of us know our reasoning.. But if gonna do it make it count atleast alot of time can be handed out for a messily tank of gas... Assuming atleast 16-17 with a I miss highschool kids parents money it was the most satisfying.. Cuz intention to sale on government property is felony and that's no bueno..