Just want easy to make vape liquid

GG, i never did a QWET run with 190 proof. I can only compare to 99% ISO. I think the ISO pulled flavor a bit better, but also more plant matter. But I have changed other variables and gotten more experienced as well. I do like getting it all on dry ice for extraction and filtering. I kept my jars on it all night and there is no sediment at all that formed overnight. It adds another cost but seems to help. And do not keep lids on ball jars in a cooler with dry ice - they will pop off!

Oil Troll like individual, I was being sarcastic about giving you bs info. And don't you think someone would call me on it if I did? Don't you wonder why those of us replying here by and large agree, even if we do things differently or have our own preferences.

And you do not need a license to get pure ethanol. I had to pay some extra taxes and it had to ship to a business, but net cost was the same as 190 everclear.

USP on everything. PEG holds it better but tastes worse. I added nothing new on tanks so have no idea what you are talking about there but glad it became clear. I know NOTHING about what is being sold at dispensaries. Someone once posted about it being CO2 based for extraction. I know that PG and VG are what is used in normal ecig juices. But as stated, from my experience VG will not hold, at least not without a homogenizer or something.

I actually use a mini handheld blender when mixing the juice. Most seem to use a paperclip or other small thing. You will need to melt the oil after it dries to get it into a liquid form before mixing with your base. But you need to do that to purge the last of the ISO anyway.
WoW oh WoW!! You have Got To Be KIDDING ME!!!? I have been taking advice from someone who would put Dry Ice in a closed jar???? Oh My! Feels he must share his advice, learned advice, to not seal in a jar, lololol, dry ice!!!!? WoW again I can't get past that now. No chemistry knowledge! No understanding of the basic principles of pressure and or gas production in an enclosed space. Just can't take advice now from someone that would do this. It is so easy common sense! Common sense it would seem is not so common...
Dude get the fuck outta here!........This thread needs to be locked,NOT DELETED because I think myself,growgodess and growingdad gave excellent info and advice.You just refuse to use the info.

Your just looking for an argument....I guess that's being a troll?No one said anything about dry ice inside of jars but YOU.
Fo realz bro!....gtfo!
You're welcome for the advice.

Sealed jars in a cooler that has dry ice in it, still gets too cold.

I feel sorry for you. You must be a really unhappy person if this is how you view the world.

As it relates to making vape juice, since you are such a genius chemist and all, why don't you figure out the best way, why PEG and PG act differently, the makeup of the optimal tank and tell us. I think we'd be more receptive to advice and experience than you are.
You're welcome for the advice.

Sealed jars in a cooler that has dry ice in it, still gets too cold.

I feel sorry for you. You must be a really unhappy person if this is how you view the world.

As it relates to making vape juice, since you are such a genius chemist and all, why don't you figure out the best way, why PEG and PG act differently, the makeup of the optimal tank and tell us. I think we'd be more receptive to advice and experience than you are.
I thought you knew the difference and would be able at some point to say but you have not.
Oh yea sorry. I see now it was "in" the cooler with the dry ice not in the jar. Still is bs though hate to say because of how crass I seem to be to pot heads. Dry ice in a cooler, put in a mason jar, or any kind of jar, lid on, it will not increase inside pressure and correct me if I am wrong but it can't "pop" off the lid, well maybe your lids are different than mine but, can't pop off a lid unless the external pressures are lower than the ones in the "sealed" jar. And the pressure would be quite high considering the threaded lid that is on tight. Nonsense. Or tell us your hypothosis on how this can occur..? Now if you said it imploded I might say makes more sense if not real sense but you said it created a pressure differential that popped the tops off. This is physics of pressure and gas and it is not up to interpretation period. You might as well say gravity is a concept and in the real world does not have a pull on objects. So If you know the PG and or the PEG400 differences let us know. Seems it is so damn easy but the "experts", the ones giving the advice don't actually know much about the things they advise using. Means they are not a good last or even first word if you really want to do it right. So again my logic is sound and my questions are right on the money. Not answered and not even shown to be understood when some sensitive poster gets all pissy and crys.

I hope you all know that when the world, and it is going that way in the usa fast, is like the Roman empire and every male is a tight suit loving metro/bi/effeminate pacifist then no one will be there to protect you. I am a former marine and you little girls should be very very happy you never signed up. So sick of not even being able to jab a bit without tears and tissues being needed... " He's just so sensitive". Whoopi G.... I have other terms for it but that will do for now.
If you wish to retort, please PLEASE state how or should I say why a screwed on lid container in a higher pressured container can become over pressured and how PG and peg400 are different. Stay tuned for more....
I will ISO but I will dip flowers for 5, 10, 20 seconds with fresh bud each time and find a real time that it takes to actually wash off the trics. Not one of you have even done this. Seems strange but none of you probably have ever had to set up a double blind study either. LOL.. IF you want to know why you, the ones that never have been upset on here, are upset it is because I challenge you and you love it. You are all followers too. You want to be part of the negative, positive group whichever is more popular. Hate my questions but don't answer. That is so telling.. And if you want to think sensitive is the new manly well you will do well in our lets all get gay culture. I don't really care, BTW if you putt from the rough, but lets just say God is not real, we are random atoms, still will be and is if so, a natural order and that order can not be gay.
Why????!! Well because a normal organisum will do as it is programmed to do. IE procreate. If all the male cows were in the north and all the female cows were in the south and they were all gay then the species would die out. Not natual, not evolutionarily correct. Evil? Well if you know God perfectly then you can say it isn't but if you don't you might want to check out Dante's Inferno. Believe or not in evil, like Indian men, dot kind, drinking snake blood and hard alcohol and raping three year old babies, well believe it. Evil is alive and well and I will hedge my bets even if I didn't believe.
Was that a tangent?? LOLOLOL.. I actually heard a woman that was in India say she pulled 3 years olds out of these mens arms that were doing that and I quote: "Sexually destroying the child. Anyway way beyond this discussion but I love to get it in where I can... Stop being gay... LOLOLOLOL..... Be a man and if you can't at least stop crying like a little girl.... I love pot heads....
All I can say is that is that the lid popped. get a ball jar, fill it half way with alcohol, get it on dry ice with the lid tight, and see what happens. Then feel free to explain the science. "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows..."

Good luck with your experiment. Let us know what you discover.

And no double blind, due trio, or other such testing. Interesting though but not viable to truly do without a lot of controls and weed.
Being a gentleman is being a real man. It is a real man that can discipline himself to be respectable and control his emotions, especially anger.

I happen to be very close to a marine who served during the Vietnam war. Saw things that would make you puke. He is the most kind and gentle man I have ever known, very patient. Still, don't push too hard, or he will start having flashbacks, and think you are the enemy, and that is not good thing. I have also seen that.

Good luck with your experiments. Sorry you have become so stressed with our information. Not sure how much more help we can offer.

I did individually test each of my strains with an ISO wash more than once. I eliminated the strains that released chlorophyll to quickly. Now I am kind of kicking myself for it, because I am using different solvents that have a different effect on the release of the chlorophyll. As for the amount of time it takes for all of the trichs to come off during a wash, I have found it to be in about 5 seconds when shaken vigorously, maybe 10 seconds if the buds are very dense. It is the chlorophyll release that I watch for. Simply dipping a bud into the solvent will be most ineffective.

I have been making oil with the same strains for well over 4 years and I have grown the same strains for over 6 years. I can't count how many batches of oil I have made, especially after dealing with cancer patients. They go through a lot of oil. Let's not forget all of the extensive testing I have done with vaporizing the oil.

Are you sure that you are just not out of meds (mj)? I know how much anger and distress that can cause.

Yes, evil in this world is on the rise, no doubt about it. However, there cannot be evil without good.
Well, to go after your homophobia I will use MJ pants to disprove you. I can take two clones off of the same mother and yet they will each have their own attributes. Some seeds have genetic mutations. So yes, hetero feelings are the "norm" for the human species and necessary for the survival of the species. But that does not negate that some percent of people are born genetically disposed to be gay. And it can be only god to blame for that. Now I know I never once made a choice to be straight. Chicks turn me on, dudes don't. I, for one, have taken that fact to believe, know, etc the same is true for my gay brethren, who all agree from my experience.

And I can't go into details as I don't post info that could point to who I am. But I used to be VERY involved in things to protect children internationally and agree on the evils for the world. I am permanently scarred from things I saw. I put myself at personal risk to save kidnapped children and even helped DHS with a case. What that has to do with making vape juice, I do not know.

If you want to debate the merits of military action to fix all those woes, we will be in for a long one.

You are not a good judge of character. You really have us all wrong. You think you are challenging me but you are not. You assume everyone has the same curiosities as you but we don't. Yes, I love a good debate. But this is not a debate. This is a difference in the fact that I like to learn a bit and give things a go and then fine tune my system. Many years ago, I wanted to make a lobster bisque for a girlfriend. I had never had it before but am a great cook. So I asked the chef of the restaurant I worked at how to make it. He started writing down a recipe and I told him, "no, just tell me how to make it, I will figure it out from there." So he told me you sauté the lobster shells with celery, carrots, and onions, and then you add X, etc. But no measurements, exact times, or anything of the sort. It turned out great and that is representative of how I go about things.

When I wanted to make e-juice I read up on RIU, Skunkfarm, etc. I made my own decisions on how to combine what I had read, what to believe, how technical I wanted to be, etc. And then I made some. I continue to fine tune and learn from my experiences. I have had my successes and failures. Though nothing that went to waste. So when I saw VG won't work, it because I have tried and you shouldn't need me to post a pic of the separated juice to believe me.

So if you think I am crying like a little girl, sorry man you don't mean that much to me. You did get under my skin that once, but this peace loving hippie has chosen to take the higher road, love thy enemy, etc.

BTW - I decided to air evap both runs as I realized I have about 15ml of my RSO juice right now and none of the normal one. So here they are, probably will be all dry this evening.

I thought you knew the difference and would be able at some point to say but you have not.
Oh yea sorry. I see now it was "in" the cooler with the dry ice not in the jar. Still is bs though hate to say because of how crass I seem to be to pot heads. Dry ice in a cooler, put in a mason jar, or any kind of jar, lid on, it will not increase inside pressure and correct me if I am wrong but it can't "pop" off the lid, well maybe your lids are different than mine but, can't pop off a lid unless the external pressures are lower than the ones in the "sealed" jar. And the pressure would be quite high considering the threaded lid that is on tight. Nonsense. Or tell us your hypothosis on how this can occur..? Now if you said it imploded I might say makes more sense if not real sense but you said it created a pressure differential that popped the tops off. This is physics of pressure and gas and it is not up to interpretation period. You might as well say gravity is a concept and in the real world does not have a pull on objects. So If you know the PG and or the PEG400 differences let us know. Seems it is so damn easy but the "experts", the ones giving the advice don't actually know much about the things they advise using. Means they are not a good last or even first word if you really want to do it right. So again my logic is sound and my questions are right on the money. Not answered and not even shown to be understood when some sensitive poster gets all pissy and crys.

I hope you all know that when the world, and it is going that way in the usa fast, is like the Roman empire and every male is a tight suit loving metro/bi/effeminate pacifist then no one will be there to protect you. I am a former marine and you little girls should be very very happy you never signed up. So sick of not even being able to jab a bit without tears and tissues being needed... " He's just so sensitive". Whoopi G.... I have other terms for it but that will do for now.
If you wish to retort, please PLEASE state how or should I say why a screwed on lid container in a higher pressured container can become over pressured and how PG and peg400 are different. Stay tuned for more....
I will ISO but I will dip flowers for 5, 10, 20 seconds with fresh bud each time and find a real time that it takes to actually wash off the trics. Not one of you have even done this. Seems strange but none of you probably have ever had to set up a double blind study either. LOL.. IF you want to know why you, the ones that never have been upset on here, are upset it is because I challenge you and you love it. You are all followers too. You want to be part of the negative, positive group whichever is more popular. Hate my questions but don't answer. That is so telling.. And if you want to think sensitive is the new manly well you will do well in our lets all get gay culture. I don't really care, BTW if you putt from the rough, but lets just say God is not real, we are random atoms, still will be and is if so, a natural order and that order can not be gay.
Why????!! Well because a normal organisum will do as it is programmed to do. IE procreate. If all the male cows were in the north and all the female cows were in the south and they were all gay then the species would die out. Not natual, not evolutionarily correct. Evil? Well if you know God perfectly then you can say it isn't but if you don't you might want to check out Dante's Inferno. Believe or not in evil, like Indian men, dot kind, drinking snake blood and hard alcohol and raping three year old babies, well believe it. Evil is alive and well and I will hedge my bets even if I didn't believe.
Was that a tangent?? LOLOLOL.. I actually heard a woman that was in India say she pulled 3 years olds out of these mens arms that were doing that and I quote: "Sexually destroying the child. Anyway way beyond this discussion but I love to get it in where I can... Stop being gay... LOLOLOLOL..... Be a man and if you can't at least stop crying like a little girl.... I love pot heads....
All good. No millitary action required but I will say that I was a corp di for 7 years, well actually 9. I trained naval aviators and special forces for 7 years because at 13 I started Can-Ryu. By 19 I had three advanced black belts, Judo, Can-Ryu, and American style K. Many may feel gay from the get go but the ideas now are that all men should be in touch with the girl inside them and be more like women and less like men because men are bastards with no feelings. Unture. And many more being all of a sudden born gay than ever before should, at least emperically anyway, tell you it is not as much born as is always being said as being a perv and a learned behavior.
As for the real topic of oil and or using PG, or Peg-400, no one really said dick about why one over the other.
As far as I know nic juice, is nicotene mixed with PG. USP, I guess and well if that will keep my ISO goo mixed and vape in a tank, which I think must be tanks without wicks???, then I will try it.. But getting it all mixed up after iso is made, warming it then mixing, heat to do that etc, are not so clear. Have read no heating is ok but a thick oil, iso will or will not mix unless melted is still a question. Vape pen even having to buy $2 to $3 dollar replacement cart/tanks? is not an issue. The issue is what pen that is the most reasonable will do the job and not cost $150 bucks and seems still have problems. Saw this one thing on Yourtube where the guy show a box with new Atmos pen and what it has in it and then after going thourgh all the items and saying what they did he says, "now to put it all together and vape". Then the next shot is this massive thing never shown yet and never mentioned after. Guess the battery device but it is just his sort of partial info that makes you question and never fully understand what the heck is this thing..
Two coils, bat powers and how to know what bat powers and what ones fit any given device are not explained.
Read that PG-400 is thick too but not a word on if it is to viscous when mixed with seemingly more viscous oil/ISO?
FYI.. The people in "head shops" "Vape stores" etc, don't know dick. And you can't much use terms that say WEED OIL. Just like you can't say bong. All water pipes now. Yes it is illegal in areas I know. Stupid Right Wing Radicals.
Anyway keep reading the 9th Amendment and keep understanding that there can not be a crime without a third party victim. Keep up the fight against the establishment because it is all about who will get the gold and not a thing else really matters to the people that are pulling the strings. I could solve the budgets of many a state that have unused land by just making hemp legal. Cheap to grow, no bugs, shitty soil works and the products from it! WoW...Paper that lasts 4 times longer and is just as good. Rope, clothing, shoes, so many things. Guess who would oppose that. Big lumber lobby. Now how is that for the nuts running the institution when so many want to save trees.
Well Wish you all were here so I could say, Hey dick heads whats up and show you plants that are nothing and I mean nothing but trics when done. I will even tell you what is one of the seeds you need and need fast. C99. Sativa that is done in flower in 52 days with huge colas and yields that, indoors anyway is WEEEEEE fantastic. So I gave back so finish with my questions and I will leave all you heads in your relative peace....

Ps. When I am afraid of homosexuals, ie, "homophopic", check the thermometers in hadies for it just cooled down to 32 degrees.. Been hit on by more men than you can imagine and stayed in the Marais district of Paris, and in the gayest hotel in Key West, not that it is easy to tell one complimentary room KY packet from another hotels and I must say at least they don't pick fights over my wife being young and hot like the readneck "men" do here. Hows that for Phobic.. PG, peg, melt? mix? store excess how? etc. Thanks and you have exceeded my expectations on how most on here deal with some jabbing.. Good for you... Oh as far as homos go, just stop trying to make up all love you. We don't have to say yeah yeah lets all be gay to be perfectly ok....
I like my itaste 134 powering a variety of devices. The variable wattage dial allows you to set it according to the ohms of your attachment.

Use a panasonic 3400ma battery.

I've used Nautilus, iClear 30 and Kanger tanks on it.

I've also been known to pop a globe nail on it at 8 watts and vape straight wax.

One couldn't power a high wattage RBA with it though as it peaks at 12.5 watts, however this lower wattage is better suited to vaping cannabis.
It's no use Snaps.You may as well have scratched that out in cuneiform on a clay tablet cuz he won't understand:)...but nice setup you got I like the multipurpose-ness.I just use a cheap globe wax vape for all my iso hash.So far I've just been cleaning in iso and reusing my ceramic coils.When I get some cash i'll step up to a mod like yours.
Have said many times, PEG will hold better but has flavor issues. PG will not hold for me but shit still works with separation. Have shown you the battery and tanks I use.

Most nic juces use PG and VG. But they aren't dealing with oils. And you can tell the, you are making your iwn juics using oils. Hell, the guy at my vape shop and I are working on this stuff together. Of course the people at yours may be idiots, though if you walk in to a store and act like you do here....

I honestly couldn't care less what anyone thinks of me here. I try to live my life by rules I feel are right. No one here matters in my life.

Not sure what you are saying really but anytime anyone uses being gay as a slur, I will stand up for equality. There are no more gay people now than ever before, there are just far more people living in the open and/or accepting how god made them.

Honestly, a choice? Could you really wake up one day and decide to be gay? The thought of it grosses me out. To each is own, but no doubt it will never be for me. Nonetheless, my kids know that if they are, they will have acceptance.

I am not christian bit wasn't Jesus pretty much a pacifist who told people to accept everyone?Let he who is without sin...

Heating is only necessary to purge the last of the ISO and to get it into a liquid form. I think you are confusing heat to activate the good stuff (decarb), purge, and getting it functional. With QWET, I only need the latter. And no, I don't want to vape and inhale a ton of alcohol, but I am using the same alcohol that flavors for vape juice are suspended in, so I am confident the tiny amount in my "fully" dried is fine.

Wicks... All atomizers have a wicking mechanism. In some it visible, in some it is not. I do not recommend (from what i have read, not from experience) ones that have a long visible wick. I still say don't worry about the tank so much (atomizer is a function of the tank), the cheapest ones work fine. Get a good battery that can you up around 10 watts (where I like to vape from as oppsed to nic juices where I stay around 5-6) and you will be fine.
The dark batch is still drying but the initial one is done. Drying is taking longer than normal but this is the first time I have done it in cold temps. Grow Goddess - one other difference with Ethanol vs ISO, anecdotally, is that it evaps quicker.

To cut to the end punch.. I ended up with 2.5ml of oil. One step I have added.. Once I have it melted, I added in 1 ml of ethanol to loosen it up and help me suck it into a syringe (I like the one with the dull tip needles so nothing gets stuck on the end but if oil is to thick it doesn't suck into them well). So I ended up with 3.5 ml of oil sucked into a syringe. From there I put into my final bottle and mix in my ejuice bases. And let I leave it on the coffee warmer until that ml of extra ethanol is gone. How do I know? I measure the exact end result amount (6 ml in this case) and put it into another identical bottle and just watch to see when the fill level is even.

I decided to make this one more diluted than others as I like to take some hits. Other objective was to further test the threshold for how little EJ Mix I can use, supplemented with PG, and have no separation. So final formula: 2.5 ml of oil (38% of mix), .3 ml EJ Mix (3% of mix), 6 ml of PG (68% of mix). 8.8 ml total juice. Below are pics...

Dried pyrex:
Dried pyrex.JPG
Half scraped
Half scraped.JPG

Final Oil Before Melt
Raw Material.JPG

Melted with 1 ml ethanol

With EJ Mix added
With EJ Mix.JPG

With PG vs Final Measure

My lovely hand mixer

There you have it. In about an hour than ethanol will be done. I will give it one more spin with the mixer and be good to go. As it is sitting, no signs of separation and it the same "look" as prior one that held with .25 part EJ Mix. I am really thinking it doesn't take much of that stuff to do the job and then use normal PG for the rest.
First a quote:
I am going to do a 1:1 since I can always dilute it. I would love someone to chime in on how to dissolve the HBO into the PG/VG as the two do not mix well. And how to keep them from separating. I have read that you first make the BHO and then re-dissolve it with a solvent and add the PG/VG and then burn off the solvent for a final time.
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Deamon Trich: Do you mix the qwiso with the peg400 straight and does the oil dissolve. I have not been able to get mine to dissolve in pg or vg and I read that you cannot do it that way. Could you clarify a little bit more about that please

So, Peg 400? Just pg or vg and pg and more trouble getting things. If one truely works and mixes right then there is still not one on here that has really been very convincing. Seems people keep saying "RSO" with iso/bho. Wtf is RSO really? Seems just a name of the same processes. I want to make iso oil, then I want to mix it with the one?? pg, peg400 or pg and vg. What really will make a vape pen work with this oil? Read mix "RSO" with ISO so not sure wtf... Some on this thread posted, just mix straight ISO oil with PG and or PEG400 and it will work and 20 that say, on multiple threads, that it won't. Good luck saying exactly what will... Thanks....