official racists cry about Obama thread


Well-Known Member
Just wait till they all can get these jobs legaly
burgerking mcdonalds hardees
Alot of legal folks gonna be out of work
they gonna have take the jobs from someone
not all but alot
Ya gonna crowd out allot of white folk slicing apricots to dry on racks, and picking strawberries too, huckleberry.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i could honestly gaf about the people concerned with this eo, my issue is with all eo's, i don't like them, i don't like them when i agree with them, and i sure as shit don't like them when i don't agree with them.. it's a slippery slope imvho..
i just can't wait for a repub to be pulling the same stunt and see if the left still feels the same..

one thing i've learned from this section is i don't like to label myself a dem or a repub, even though i obviously lean more to the left.. what's good for the goose is good for the gander though..
you dont lean far enough, so you too are a racist bigoted homophobic paid shill of the koch brothers and the GOP.


Well-Known Member
The Brahmin in Chief was setting up the immediate release of each of those dirtbags, and he knew exactly what he was doin.

but then those shitheels were fighting against america, so maybe The One was simply arraigning the release of his comrades.
you are literally retarded.


Well-Known Member
"President Obama has cemented his legacy of lawlessness and squandered what little credibility he had left," Boehner said.


Fuck you Boner


Well-Known Member
numbnuts doesnt realize that Bwana Obama could close the guantanamo detention facility with an order to the joint chiefs

The O-Man didnt want to just close gitmo, he wanted to give the detainees (spies and saboteurs every one) CIVILIAN TRIALS which means each one would be automatically found not guilty since soldiers on a battlefeild aint cops, dont collect evidence, or take witness statements.

The Brahmin in Chief was setting up the immediate release of each of those dirtbags, and he knew exactly what he was doin.

but then those shitheels were fighting against america, so maybe The One was simply arraigning the release of his comrades.

cheezedick will still pretend Barry Seotoro needs congressional approval to issue an order to the US military though, cuz it suits his narrative.
Lets just keep em detained forever without a trial, you anti-American piece of shit

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Lets just keep em detained forever without a trial, you anti-American piece of shit
persons taken under arms in a conflict, who are not part of a recognized military organization are not POW's

they are spies saboteurs and mercenaries.

spies saboteurs and mercenaries are not protected under the POW rules, and can be summarily executed in the field.

they dont get trials numbnuts, they get a military tribunal.

Bwana Obama is well aware of this fact, though i suppose you are typically ignorant of the issue.


Well-Known Member
persons taken under arms in a conflict, who are not part of a recognized military organization are not POW's

they are spies saboteurs and mercenaries.

spies saboteurs and mercenaries are not protected under the POW rules, and can be summarily executed in the field.

they dont get trials numbnuts, they get a military tribunal.

Bwana Obama is well aware of this fact, though i suppose you are typically ignorant of the issue.
"just kill em!"

You anti-American piece of shit