After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........

@doublejj Hey do you have a map of the campground and was there hook ups or electricity down there ? what campsite number ?
The campsites with power are marked "A"B"C"....we roast the pig at #19 1/2.....
I cant See ! wasn't there power down at 20 or how did we run the shop lights ? The only power is up top ?
Hey TWS I noticed that none of the guys renting 'toyhaulers' mentioned dogs. Might be able to find a nice toyhauler on craigslist.
I wonder what the weather will be doing that weekend. I need to buy a chair, a comfortable, foldable chair and maybe an umbrella. I lost my umbrella, last season.
I think I need a checklist. :-)
I wonder what the weather will be doing that weekend. I need to buy a chair, a comfortable, foldable chair and maybe an umbrella. I lost my umbrella, last season.
I think I need a checklist. :-)
I went to camping world and bought myself a comfortable folding chair right before trimming season started. I just retrieved it the other day....
I went to camping world and bought myself a comfortable folding chair right before trimming season started. I just retrieved it the other day....
I am getting excited! I am packaging seeds every night trying to be ready! DId you call PO to see whether they will have Green Crack cut available on the 13th?

No, are you stopping for sure? Don't stop just for me, I might feel guilty after all I am a recovering Catholic. ;-) ;-)
I will call if you are stopping for yourself.... :-)
Okay. So, I call them, ask if they have it for 12/13, if they do, I reserve it? In my name with you to pick it up? Will they need your name, too?
:-) :-) :-)
You can probably just tell them Mohican. I doubt they will care what my name is as long as I pay! That should do it. If it is a problem just PM me and we can figure it out.

OK....I'll call them in the morning...if I have any problems I'll pm you.
Thank you. I've smoked Green Crack, I love the taste. :-) :-) :-)

To order from PO I have to be a member and to be a member you have to sign up for membership and you have to go IN PERSON because they want to see my recommendation w/the embossed seal to be allowed for membership.
So, I can't order. The only way for you to bring me GC is for you to order from them, pickup and pay, donate it to me at BBQ after you verify my current REC and I donate to you for your time and trouble.
I go to LA every month or so and I'll just waddle over to SO and become a member.
Why is everything so effing difficult?

From their website:

*Orders may only be picked up once you are a member of Progressive Options. You may sign up to become a member when you visit our collective on your pick-up date. Visit our FAQ page for more info.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-)
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