Bubble Hash Cannabutter
1 lb of Challenge unsalted/salted sweet cream butter
10-20 grams of bubble hash
Melt your butter down in sauce pan slowly
Throw in hash and mix together well
Stir frequently for 2 hrs. Make sure you dont over boil it, just a simmer
Make sure you dont let any hash/plant matter stay at the bottom of the pan too long it will burn and turn your butter to poop. Once it turns a dark murky green its well on its way of being done.
Once its done, let it cool off the burner a bit then put it into a plastic container so you can see whats going on as it seperates the plant matter to the bottom of the container.
Pour off butter into another plastic container that you will be storing your butter in. Dont pour the plant matter into your butter. You can strain that with a coffee filter(a messy job) or just chuck it.
Let finish cooling in container . Once its cooled put it into fridge to fully harden.
Last time I made this I used 10grams of hash per pound of butter. I made choc chip cookies. 2 cookies and Id find myself with my eyes closed in about 45 min. This time I upped it to 20 grams in hopes to have just one cookie do the trick.
You'll have a hint of hash in the 1st 3 bites, after that you wont taste it anymore.
Today I'm making this butter then I will make the cookies and post some pics