cool chair in the back drop.View attachment 3297812 View attachment 3297814 Slowly getting better at this !! View attachment 3297817 View attachment 3297818 543 grams off 1 plant...that is the wet maybe around 200 dry?? not bad lol
too much nitrogen
My sample gave me the giggles ! Lol man I wish plants had timers.. thanks for the feedback ...curious how much longer should I have waited? I had milky mushrooms and 60% red felt dense on the plant but much lighter now..
too much nitrogen
No pretty sure it's just fine. Still has 3+ weeks left and not my first time doing this so thanks for the advice but I'll keep doing what I'm doing....
Oh I thought he was kidding I over ferted some Bubba and it turned just about that color LOL! But it didn't have those trichomes or that 'look'. that's a chewy looking plant LOL. Mine had an over all look of sad
I too thought April's could have run a little longer but I'm the girl that runs a kush to 15 weeks to prove a point LOL.
Yea well I think they're mad...
And no way to over feed any girls here. All organic and teas here...