Im just in work man well just finishin up after a hard days graft ha ... ahh man hate the fckn dentistNot bad mate, just taken the Fairy to the post office n now chilling with a coffee before dentist n then im gna go pick up my first smoke in over a week lol, u?
Alri b how are u man u still up to ur usual antics mate haAlreet Irish how do mate.....Yeh relax that's sound mate tbh I'm gonna see how the c/o's like the canna so far so good so I might just stick with it tbh
Yea man its handy wen ya workin close to hme makes such a differenceUsual antics....I don't know what u mean lolol Yeh I'm sound mate same old same old only working 2 mins from home today so alls good naaaaaa mean billy jean
Il test sum aswel man haI'm not gonna be touching em...well I'll munch 3 to see what the buzz is about but the rest are getting sold man.all I wanna do is sell it lol
Suppose i cud man been lookin for a bit a sniff but there so many vendors dnt know who ta chooseYeah man no worries 3e a pop, over 50 @2e a pop..mates ratesjust messing buy em online urself u silly sod lol
meerkovo and chemical spain are the best at tho mo, meerkovo 1st then cm both been around for a while.Suppose i cud man been lookin for a bit a sniff but there so many vendors dnt know who ta choose