Keeping closet warm


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips, or products for keeping a small closet warm? Temps fall to 60-63 during dark, and 70 or so with lights on. I was thinking a small digital space heater, but can't find one small enough. I've got three in flower right now.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips, or products for keeping a small closet warm? Temps fall to 60-63 during dark, and 70 or so with lights on. I was thinking a small digital space heater, but can't find one small enough. I've got three in flower right now.
I use a small space heater when required, but I don't use unless dropping into the 50's


Well-Known Member
Those temps should be fine. I have trouble keeping it from getting too hot even in winter. I run my lights at night during coolest part of day, and lights of during day when it's warmest


Well-Known Member
why not get a heater and put it directly behind the fan so you have warmer air blowing on the plants instead of trying to keep the entire room warm?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. Their 3 weeks into flowering, and the look healthy as hell. Just seems like warmer would develop the buds better. Maybe I'll ride it out a little longer


Well-Known Member
Heat with moisture can encourage mold problems. I'd count your blessings with low temps. I was in the high 80's with an led. Unfortunately my whole bedroom was that high


Well-Known Member
Heat with moisture can encourage mold problems. I'd count your blessings with low temps. I was in the high 80's with an led. Unfortunately my whole bedroom was that high
I have recently started led too my temps are fine at 72° very low humidity due to winter I due believe is my only problem


Well-Known Member
Which led do you have? My hat build up wasn't sure only to the led. Was way too hot with the 200w hps.

What problems are caused by low humidity? I'm always battling high so I wouldn't know


Well-Known Member
u dont need heat ur temps are fine, i bet most growers would love to have those temps w/out all the intake and exaughst fans and heaters and airconditioners.
Havnt trie led's yet, ill wait another 3-5 years when they are capable of delivering yields equivalent to hid lights in the same amount of space... But love that todays led's are far better than the ones just 2-3 years ago!!


Well-Known Member
Which led do you have? My hat build up wasn't sure only to the led. Was way too hot with the 200w hps.

What problems are caused by low humidity? I'm always battling high so I wouldn't know
Running two xgs 190 in a 3.5x4 closet and only thing I notice with low humidity is that leaves get real dry gotta be careful to not blow fans directly on from what I've found out lol personally I don't like it down too far.. unless in flowering


Well-Known Member
Half my led died.

Yeah flowing is where you have to watch for mold. Lower temps help reduce the possibility. So better for the op to not heat

Fish Weed

Active Member
I am having the same problem with an armoire grow, I bought one of those Hot Stones they use for reptile tanks so the snake or lizard can keep warm and help digest food better. I run it during lights off and it raises my low temp 62-63 F up to a steady 68 F. Got it at Petco, for $18. Seems to be working great for my set up.


Well-Known Member
I am having the same problem with an armoire grow, I bought one of those Hot Stones they use for reptile tanks so the snake or lizard can keep warm and help digest food better. I run it during lights off and it raises my low temp 62-63 F up to a steady 68 F. Got it at Petco, for $18. Seems to be working great for my set up.
That's a hell of an idea

Fish Weed

Active Member
I was just looking for something to add a little heat and came across those. I didn't want it just sitting on the bottom of my cabinet, so I bought a glass Pyrex meatloaf pan at Walmart for $3, turned that upside down and put the hot stone/hot rock on top of that. Seems to work pretty good.


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Since I started this thread I thoght I would at lease send a pic. Day 25. I've been told it's satori.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips, or products for keeping a small closet warm? Temps fall to 60-63 during dark, and 70 or so with lights on. I was thinking a small digital space heater, but can't find one small enough. I've got three in flower right now.
electric blankets buddy.....washable dryable foldable controlable.

Fish Weed

Active Member
For the electric blanket, are you wrapping it around a tent, putting it over the top, or putting/hanging it inside?