Major Myths That Destroy the Black Community


Well-Known Member
"It would be an understatement to say the black community is in shambles and needs to be repaired. At this point, it needs to be rebuilt on a solid foundation rooted in celebratory and functional morals and values. We need a regained sense of self-love, pride and worth. That starts, first, with addressing the consequential myths that have misshapen the “black mentality.”

It is time for much needed self-reflection. It is time to debunk these lies that are destroying our community"

Traditional family structure is unnecessary

Baby mamas and daddies living together or making cordial arrangements to share child custody are commendable but far from ideal. Marriages are where babies should be created, not bogus relationships. People who love each other get married. And, you shouldn’t have a child with someone you don’t love. Family structure with a Mommy and Daddy is very necessary and greatly impacts the outlook and future actions of the child.

Speaking proper English is “acting white.”

Why have we adopted broken English as our own? There is nothing to be admired about sounding ignorant. We live in America. So, speak English…properly. It is not cool when people can’t understand you. Plus, it projects the notion of stupidity. Stupid people have trouble being respected in the community

Reciting rap songs is more important than learning the ABCs

Black children struggle more than other races in school, mostly because they are ill-prepared. Parents (no matter how young) have to shift their focus to their children. When you have a child, it’s not about you anymore. It is about investing in their future. Part of that is education, like reciting the ABCs instead of Drake

Black women are mean and bitter

Black men placing negative labels on black women have been detrimental to gender relations. If black men don’t love and respect their women, who will? When black men start treating black women like queens, they will start catering to them like kings. The best way to cure a mean and bitter woman is to cure her with kindness

Black men ain’t ish.

All black men aren’t bad. Unfortunately, there are just more using their potential to land them in jail than the boardroom. We have to teach and show black boys they have promise beyond the bedroom, streets, entertainment and sports.

Slavery is the reason for our problems.

It’s time to stop blaming slavery and the white man. Yes, we were set up to fail, but we were also given a free will. Our destinies are determined by our actions, regardless of the obstacles placed in front of us. It’s 2010 and time to get over it.

I came across this article this morning and couldn't agree with it more.The only thing missing is the fact the democrat party should share in some blame for championing welfare programs targeted towards blacks.and the fact it has been keeping them down for generations.
wow, i was surprised to find that beenthere wasn't quoting holocaust denier victor thorn or white supremacist jared taylor again.

the reason why the article didn't cite "democrats!!!!" and "welfare!!!!!" is because that is a racist myth designed by the GOP to shift responsibility away from their own racist views, quite the odd thing for the self-proclaimed party of personal responsibility.

the fact is that most people who are on welfare get off of it within a year or two, so this racist "liberal plantation" meme that beenthere is crowing about is pure horse shit.

the reason why blacks vote heavily democrat is not because of welfare, that is racist tripe. it is because of the racist policy positions of the GOP.

accept responsibility for your own racism and you'll spend a lot less time making up racist myths about black people, beenthere.
wow, i was surprised to find that beenthere wasn't quoting holocaust denier victor thorn or white supremacist jared taylor again.

the reason why the article didn't cite "democrats!!!!" and "welfare!!!!!" is because that is a racist myth designed by the GOP to shift responsibility away from their own racist views, quite the odd thing for the self-proclaimed party of personal responsibility.

the fact is that most people who are on welfare get off of it within a year or two, so this racist "liberal plantation" meme that beenthere is crowing about is pure horse shit.

the reason why blacks vote heavily democrat is not because of welfare, that is racist tripe. it is because of the racist policy positions of the GOP.

accept responsibility for your own racism and you'll spend a lot less time making up racist myths about black people, beenthere.

You consistently demonstrate how uninformed you are when you recite misinformation you dig out of your ass.
How's the "Steve" investigation going for you, Buckroast .


Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)
Time on AFDCPercent of Recipients

Less than 7 months19%
7 to 12 months15.2%
1 to 2 years19.3%
2 to 5 years26.9%
Over 5 years19.6%
"It would be an understatement to say the black community is in shambles and needs to be repaired. At this point, it needs to be rebuilt on a solid foundation rooted in celebratory and functional morals and values. We need a regained sense of self-love, pride and worth. That starts, first, with addressing the consequential myths that have misshapen the “black mentality.”

It is time for much needed self-reflection. It is time to debunk these lies that are destroying our community"

Traditional family structure is unnecessary

Baby mamas and daddies living together or making cordial arrangements to share child custody are commendable but far from ideal. Marriages are where babies should be created, not bogus relationships. People who love each other get married. And, you shouldn’t have a child with someone you don’t love. Family structure with a Mommy and Daddy is very necessary and greatly impacts the outlook and future actions of the child.

Speaking proper English is “acting white.”

Why have we adopted broken English as our own? There is nothing to be admired about sounding ignorant. We live in America. So, speak English…properly. It is not cool when people can’t understand you. Plus, it projects the notion of stupidity. Stupid people have trouble being respected in the community

Reciting rap songs is more important than learning the ABCs

Black children struggle more than other races in school, mostly because they are ill-prepared. Parents (no matter how young) have to shift their focus to their children. When you have a child, it’s not about you anymore. It is about investing in their future. Part of that is education, like reciting the ABCs instead of Drake

Black women are mean and bitter

Black men placing negative labels on black women have been detrimental to gender relations. If black men don’t love and respect their women, who will? When black men start treating black women like queens, they will start catering to them like kings. The best way to cure a mean and bitter woman is to cure her with kindness

Black men ain’t ish.

All black men aren’t bad. Unfortunately, there are just more using their potential to land them in jail than the boardroom. We have to teach and show black boys they have promise beyond the bedroom, streets, entertainment and sports.

Slavery is the reason for our problems.

It’s time to stop blaming slavery and the white man. Yes, we were set up to fail, but we were also given a free will. Our destinies are determined by our actions, regardless of the obstacles placed in front of us. It’s 2010 and time to get over it.

I came across this article this morning and couldn't agree with it more.The only thing missing is the fact the democrat party should share in some blame for championing welfare programs targeted towards blacks.and the fact it has been keeping them down for generations.
so how massive was this black guys penis ? Massive enough to know that your girlfriend is never coming back to you ?
Did it hurt when she showed you a picture of it as she dump you. Damn massive penis black guy.
so how massive was this black guys penis ? Massive enough to know that your girlfriend is never coming back to you ?
Did it hurt when she showed you a picture of it as she dump you. Damn massive penis black guy.
Dude, are you f..king 12 years old or what?
You consistently demonstrate how uninformed you are when you recite misinformation you dig out of your ass.

wow. you are literally retarded.

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)
Time on AFDCPercent of Recipients

Less than 7 months19%
7 to 12 months15.2%
1 to 2 years19.3%
2 to 5 years26.9%
Over 5 years19.6%

19 + 15.2 + 19.3 = 53.5% of people get off of welfare withing a year or two, exactly what i said you blithering fucktard!


so much for that liberal plantation you keep going on about, beenthere.
wow. you are literally retarded.

19 + 15.2 + 19.3 = 53.5% of people get off of welfare withing a year or two, exactly what i said you blithering fucktard!


so much for that liberal plantation you keep going on about, beenthere.

"Blacks comprise only 12 percent of the nation, but, according to the above figures, they comprise 37 percent of the welfare rolls. This should not be surprising; in 1994, blacks had a poverty rate of 33 percent." WOOPS
"Blacks comprise only 12 percent of the nation, but, according to the above figures, they comprise 37 percent of the welfare rolls. This should not be surprising; in 1994, blacks had a poverty rate of 33 percent." WOOPS

that does absolutely nothing to rebut the point i made you blithering fucktard.

you are getting worse and worse.