a question mainly for the guys...

When I was around 12-13 there was this family on the block where the older sister of the kid my age had this genetic disease; "Cherubism" her face looked similar to this
. A shame as she had a total rocking body, tall, gorgeous legs that went for ever.
Both will try harder than a hot chick. Whichever one swallows eagerly and doesn't complain if you slip into the stink gets my vote. Attitude can overcome physical short comings.

Yeah you said it perfectly. If you like the game of it all, don't chase a chubby chick. She'll give up early and bang you in the grass in front of her place when you pick her up. Screaming and crying at the same time kinda shit. A good looking chick plays the game though, you'll be weeks into taking her out and buying her things and all you've had is a blowjob.