Your Last Weed Break

No but I remember when you did it. Plus your dilemma over selling to get that camera lens.

Were you hoping to score there, just on the off chance? I've scored even in Malaysia which was great in the 3 weeks I was there.

5 weeks is too much for me, I'd take my hat off to you, if I was wearing one! You must have had a lovely first joint when you got back.

There's a port here and I know people who work on private yachts. They have to give up and get tested. Then they go off for 3 mths or so making thousands tax free and then return.

I pretty much knew it didn't exist where I was going, so I prepared myself mentally. I also only drink alcohol on rare occasion and got fucking wasted just about every night there. So that helped too.
I'm weak. It's been 12 hours again now but this time I'm equipped with over the counter sleeping pills. Bought a packet of cigarettes. Yes I know.

I actually think its cool if you can just give up easily. Think I've got an addictive personality. Just as well I was never into hard drugs!
I've taken a sleeping pill. PATHETIC!

And bought a second packet of cigs-yes I know.

Just met a British couple in a bar in my area. We were talking in Spanish and she suddenly said "Are you English?" first time in 3 years that's happened !!
I thought I was the only one!
Ok , sleeping pill number 2 now? Shouldnt I be knockout? What a tolerance! Even they cant put me down!

I've been whatsapp - ing a friend for ages. No sign of withering yet! :(
Every now and again we need a break. Not just to clear our heads but also to reduce our tolerance levels.

Some of us take breaks voluntarily and some of us need to for work reasons etc.

When was your last break and for how long? Was it voluntarily ? Did that make it easier?

I'm on a 48 hour break and its only been 7 hours. It's midnight now and my mind feels clear like a cold winters morning, plus I'm not tired- yet. It's not by choice so I'm not enjoying it. Last time I gave up was for 2 weeks and that was years ago, voluntarily.

LOL 2012, not by choice. It took an entire month to clean up (urine test). Once I was clean I stored the appropriate amount of urine for any future tests.

I asked if you had a dental retainer............
I've taken lots of breaks over the years. Mostly they depend on job situations.

I've never really liked the feeling of being so high that I'm useless, either, so I really don't smoke too much anymore these days- and what I do smoke has to be a sativa. Don't get me wrong, I'll take a hit every day pretty much to mellow out, but the days of taking a bong hit or something are long gone. A gram will probably last me and my lady a couple of weeks.

I'm impressed by all you stoners that are able to function after smoking a shit ton!! Not me!!
I don't know why anybody would want to take a break but I get it. I guess I used to take breaks, but really don't want to anymore.
I don't like getting whacked to where I can't function, but I do fire up some organic around the clock, just a couple tokes to elevate mood a little .
I am active and surrounded by it all day everyday so yeah I like it a lot. super picky though, for me it has to be organic and zero chance of any pesticide or anything funky like that.
has to be the right strain too atm I'm liking key lime cookies a lot , & some white fire pheno I found, and inferno..
LOL 2012, not by choice. It took an entire month to clean up (urine test). Once I was clean I stored the appropriate amount of urine for any future tests.

I asked if you had a dental retainer............

I don't have a retainer but...


After 41 hours of not smoking I only had to do an alcohol test!

Sometimes (rarely) I can be so charming that I don't even recognise myself!!
I'm so high off the blue rhi!
Normal people says it very strong and I feel about 16 again!

So, I did 41 hrs just to do a breathalizer. The police were really nice and quite young. They asked if it was for alcohol and I told them it was a low level of MJ. Told them I don't drink and when the test came up 0.00 they must've trusted me about being 'super clara' on the weed.

All in all I'd say the weed break was not a good experience at all as it wasn't voluntary but the run in with the police has been a great lesson to me. Not cheap at €800 fine ( I think, awaiting lab results from second swab) but also could've been a lot, lot worse. I've stepped up my game now and the bike is out of the question.

If any of you guys can just quit and sleep easily then I take my hat off to you! I will never do it without sleeping pills.
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