Heatsinks in Europe

Can't find big ones like heatsinkusa... If it wasn't for the shipping costs and taxes, i would order there...
And the search continues...
Thanks guod ! guess i didn't search very well, i got lost in some submenu's :)
I have found one comparable with the 5.735" from heatsinkusa.com, its SK 466, they're 5cm total height with a base plate of 10.2mm, only problem is they're max 1000mm long and I would need 1200mm.
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Hey Sativied, on conrad.be i only find little heatsinks, same with mouser, or maybe i'm not searching well enough :). BirminghamAluminium is a clear site to search with heatsinks like heatsinkusa, but with the british pound....
I'm still gonna check prices with BirminghamAluminium, cause they go beyond 1m, or that's what i'm hoping for
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Now this is some crazy cooling !

If I could 'stich' 2 together, I'd have 50x120cm.

The plan was to get 2 outer bars (each 14x120cm and 4 cobs) and pull air through from ceiling closet (in and out each side)
so to have a closed system and to use also ceiling-compartment for dehumidifier & heater from which i pull air down to the middle bar (5000K cobs ; vents in between, holes cut out of heatsink) over the heatsinks on the plants. This way I don't loose room for extra ventilation and i get my air constantly mixed, also less watts. All bars would be connected to each other so I have 1 piece to hang up.

1 plate would be great but placement of cobs is also important (light-distribution) so have to be larger than SK621 (42,5x100cm) (closet 58Dx136Wx229H)
But cutting holes through a 15mm plate, i don't know if i'm up for a challenge like that, and the weight...
But those look really nice !

What do you experienced DIY guys think ? also when a heatsink gets anodised, is it easy to drill holes/ cut through plate ? I have big equipment and smaller equipment (dremel for finishing)

i'm a bit stoned, so i hope it's clearly enough explaind :bigjoint:
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I think i'm gonna go with these or these. (SK418 or SK530)
Birminghamaluminium makes the same but with different nr, 9700HS, here, they also don't put a cap on length.

The plan for now lol, is 2x20x120cm with 2 ventilators on each end (4 total) and 4 cobs each, cxa3070 3000k AB's, with ventilation ducts in and out of the closet
got to check prices first and lenght, but since it's a one time investment, i think i'll go for the full monty;

What do you guys think of 'force fitted fins' heatsinks, are they worth it ?
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