Controlling Health Canada


Well-Known Member
May I ask why you didn't want to talk to your doctor about mmj?
My primary care doctor approves of my marijuana use fully but she is not my signing doctor. No doctor wants hc breathing down their practices just looking to fuck them over for any reason. That's why many signing docs are semi retired or not actively seeing patients regularly for general health issues. They limit the scope of what hc can do to them. And get paid from the patient directly. A doc who wants nothing to do with pot may try to make it difficult for you to get it if they fear hc even if they aren't the signing doc.


Well-Known Member
My primary care doctor approves of my marijuana use fully but she is not my signing doctor. No doctor wants hc breathing down their practices just looking to fuck them over for any reason. That's why many signing docs are semi retired or not actively seeing patients regularly for general health issues. They limit the scope of what hc can do to them. And get paid from the patient directly. A doc who wants nothing to do with pot may try to make it difficult for you to get it if they fear hc even if they aren't the signing doc.
I've talked to quite a lot of doctors about mmj over the years.
I know for sure most doctors are more concerned with their Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons than HC.
The Colleges hold the power.


Well-Known Member
My Dr is at Grandview medical here in Cambridge,they have a a strict policy of not handing out opiates.Which is fine by me,but also they will not sign any mmar,mmar,documentation.A good friend is also a patient there,he talked with his GP about signing but now way,he had his pain specialist sign.I am afraid if I say anything (about weed) it will do more harm than good.Do no harm clinic signed my paper work,after Kammerman did initially.


Well-Known Member
does anyone have an idea about how long this legal case beginning February might last? I've heard people say between 3 months and a year, however I think thats just guesses.


Well-Known Member
I wont even read it, harper bugs me sooo badly. but who the fuck are we voting in next round and for what reason?
might score legal weed and able to grow, but at what sacrifice? 1 great thing (mj/mmj) for higher taxes? more war? less jobs and $ coming in? allow weed and dont charge rapest or didlers? tighter rules and worse jail for other dumb things? jt seems ok, muclair is a bird and green and others don't have a chance and just take votes.
we need a new system and the rights in our hands, no the gov based on greed and religion. make the people happy and things will prosper, pay more they spend more, make the ritch equal in value to us. shoot the ones who need to be culled


Well-Known Member
My Dr is at Grandview medical here in Cambridge,they have a a strict policy of not handing out opiates.Which is fine by me,but also they will not sign any mmar,mmar,documentation.A good friend is also a patient there,he talked with his GP about signing but now way,he had his pain specialist sign.I am afraid if I say anything (about weed) it will do more harm than good.Do no harm clinic signed my paper work,after Kammerman did initially.
so wtf do you people stay with asshole docs and not go find a new one? sheeple!


Well-Known Member
does anyone have an idea about how long this legal case beginning February might last? I've heard people say between 3 months and a year, however I think thats just guesses.
Conroy's latest vid says it is only scheduled for 4 hours where he was thinking days. No telling how long the SCoC will take to render a decision. I expect Harper to call a snap election after the budget in Feb., so the timing could get interesting. Even if there is no early election, the timing couldn't be better in the run up to the Oct. vote. Keeping it front and centre in the media will highlight the absurdity of the Harptler prohibition and give us the best shot at legalization we have ever had. Here's the Conroy was posted by leaffan earlier


Well-Known Member
Conroy's latest vid says it is only scheduled for 4 hours where he was thinking days. No telling how long the SCoC will take to render a decision. I expect Harper to call a snap election after the budget in Feb., so the timing could get interesting. Even if there is no early election, the timing couldn't be better in the run up to the Oct. vote. Keeping it front and centre in the media will highlight the absurdity of the Harptler prohibition and give us the best shot at legalization we have ever had. Here's the Conroy was posted by leaffan earlier
They are usually quick to the point and offer no explanations of their decisions.


Well-Known Member
Are we sure it's not the upcoming cross appeal for the injunction decision?

I did double's 4 hours for the cross appeal NOT the SC challenge in February. Don't scare me like that calyx!
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