Did Bill Cosby commit an infraction?

I dont know about Barkley. But what Cosby says has a lot of truth to it

Same with Barkley imo. Both of them talk about guys hanging out on the corner drinking beer, selling drugs, leaving babies everywhere, killing each other, etc.

They speak to women too. As in, why don't they require more from the men they date/sleep with.
Did that dumb bitch call the cops and press charges? No? Then fuck that cunt, and every bitch like her with their bullshit years old "rape" allegations, and fuck the g'damn media for spreading that bullshit.

This is little more than the media intentionally destroying a man they don't agree with politically for the sake of ratings.
OK Sky, let me preface this post by saying I'm not trying to insult you. But I do want make an opposing point.

What the fuck does it matter why she was there? She was UNDER AGE, and it was STATUTORY RAPE. Why don't you just blame it on the outfit she was wearing, instead of the rapist who stalked her?

Damn, when are women going to stop getting blamed for getting raped?
Any proof other than her word.
Any proof other than her word.

No, I don't have any proof. My ire in this matter is due to the fact that whenever any woman cries "rape" supposedly perpetuated by a famous or influential man, SHE is the one put on trial, both in the courtroom, and in the court of public opinion.