Some are more equal than others...

Hilariously ironic..

"I don't like what he says so what he says is bullshit"

People like you would be arguing the exact opposite if his position praised Reaganomics..
That's kind of true, I get no national attention, am no white tower academic, yet my personal net worth is multiples of Krugman's. Must mean I am smarter than he is?
That's kind of true, I get no national attention, am no white tower academic, yet my personal net worth is multiples of Krugman's. Must mean I am smarter than he is?
such delicious irony

Krugman's problem is he's lost logic in his presentation because of his politics. If you read his articles they have gone full emotional opinion with little to no facts anymore. He's worth less than he gets in a year for writing trash mag articles and speaking engagements. 2.5 Million worth for a man in his position is rather sad if you put it in perspective.

The problem with Keynesian is the simplistic view that "the people" can be easily manipulated and our behavior is 100% predictable. That only works with the idiots.

Krugman predicted 12 of the last 5 recesssions!

Krugman lauded the stimulus for it's design being implemented on the state level. When it was passed he said by letting the states spend the money, it will get in the economy quicker and predicted it would be wildly successful. 3 years later he said the problem with the stimulus and why it didn't work was because the federal gov let the states run it.

His bias is almost perverse. It clouds his judgement and logic.

does it hurt that he's successful and you're overweight, divorced, old, single, and unsung?
My Position: he isnt broke, therefore he obviously doesnt use his own schemes in his personal finances.

you're not capable of even honestly characterizing his position.

hell, you don't even know how to do exponents or what the price of eggs s where you live.

for fuck sake, you think rushton is a respected academic.

no one cares what your position is.
Fixed it for ya, since you think you speak for the forum. You don't.

so you value kynes' opinion then?

do you also think that phillipe rushton is a "respected academic"?

do you think that "niggers" are "like that everywhere"?

do you think that we need to defend america's "european identity and judeo christian heritage" from "blacks, immigrants, and islam"?
so you value kynes' opinion then?

I do, as do many on the forum.

I couldn't speak to the rest because I have no idea which of them are his actual beliefs and which are far fetched conclusions that you have attributed to him for him. Your past behavior doesn't serve you well as we have all had to suffer your attacks and wild conjecture.
I have no idea which of them are his actual beliefs and which are far fetched conclusions that you have attributed to him for him.

so you value kkkynes' opinions but you don't even know what they are?

because he has stated in certain terms that he thinks of rushton as a respected academic. has said it verbatim at least three times.

do you agree?
so you value kkkynes' opinions but you don't even know what they are?

because he has stated in certain terms that he thinks of rushton as a respected academic. has said it verbatim at least three times.

do you agree?

I have no clue who he is and if he doesn't have an immediate correlation to the specific topic on the table, I don't care.
I'm having trouble replying to a post so I'll just put it here.

I disagree with Hitler and what he stood for, that doesn't mean he wasn't occasionally right.

I disagree with Karl Marx and what he stood for, that doesn't mean he wasn't occasionally right.

I disagree with Al Sharpton and what he stands for, that doesn't mean he isn't occasionally right.

I disagree most of the time with Obama, but he's right about several things.

I disagree with what Rushton stood for but that doesn't mean he isn't occasionally right.

When you automatically discount an opinion or facts because you don't like the source, you are most likely a close minded childish bigot.

The cool part about this post is most of the forum will know who it is calling out without even having to mention the idiot's name.
I have no clue who he is and if he doesn't have an immediate correlation to the specific topic on the table, I don't care.

he's america's formost white supremacist. or was, the skinhead is dead now.

so you have no idea what kynes' beliefs actually are, by your own admission, but you value his beliefs anyway?

yeah, that seems about right for you.
I'm having trouble replying to a post so I'll just put it here.

I disagree with Hitler and what he stood for, that doesn't mean he wasn't occasionally right.

I disagree with Karl Marx and what he stood for, that doesn't mean he wasn't occasionally right.

I disagree with Al Sharpton and what he stands for, that doesn't mean he isn't occasionally right.

I disagree most of the time with Obama, but he's right about several things.

I disagree with what Rushton stood for but that doesn't mean he isn't occasionally right.

When you automatically discount an opinion or facts because you don't like the source, you are most likely a close minded childish bigot.

The cool part about this post is most of the forum will know who it is calling out without even having to mention the idiot's name.

what was rushton right about then?


tell me all about how that white supremacist got it right.
I have no clue who he is and if he doesn't have an immediate correlation to the specific topic on the table, I don't care.
Phillipe Rushton (Now Deceased) was a Canadian psychologist, and professor at western ontario university (canada's Yale)

Rushton was quoted by me, ONE time regarding an article which asserted that africa's incredibly low average IQ scores could be primarily attributed to chronic poor nutrition, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies (cretinism)

his conclusion was that sending cash aid to africa was pointless, since the cash would always wind up in the hands of the local corrupt officials or warlords, and instead, direct food aid was a better choice to help africa.

after that bucklefuckle proceeded to crawl all over rushton's CV, and was delighted to find a tidal wave of accusations of "That's Racist!!" from lefties of every stripe, based on ONE of his books (unrelated to the work cited) which were hurled at him through his later life, none of which were sufficient to cause western ontario univ to boot him, nor was he ejected from his position as a fellow at the canadian, US, and british psychological associations, nor did it stop him from continuing to publish in peer reviewed journals.

the "That's Racist!!" allegations are a tempest in a teacup

Phillipe Rushton, and his "That's Racist!!" baggage are a strawman, but those kinds of hysterical and baseless accusations are bucklefuckle's wheel house.

lol, i never get tired of watching kkkynes defend america's foremost white supremacist as totally not racist.
they laid their first two eggs the other day. we gave one to the neighbor.

the taste s too rich for me though, i prefer store bought now sadly.
What makes chicken meat black?
All the free ranging chickens I ate in asia the meat was black before cooking
No I didn't. I clearly said Buckley v. Valeo & First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti caused it and Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC compounded it. Go back to page 1 and see for yourself
This is you on page 1:.........

The reason every measurable metric shows wealth inequality increasing near 1980 is because of 4 supreme court cases;

(1976) Buckley v. Valeo - (No limits on spending in campaigns)

(1978 ) First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti - (Corporations have first amendment rights)

(2010) Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission - (restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation)

(2014) McCutcheon v. Federal Elections Commission - (All political campaign contribution limits are unconstitutional)