very new very poor


8 days old looks to small wondering if its a lost cause or how far it is from being healthy its in soil 55w 0f light from two cfls no nutes added i know its not enough light trying to do this right just short on funds. so is it enought light to grow for now and is it healy for how long its grown


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Well-Known Member
55w`s should be cool till the plants got 5 to 10 nodes on it depends on how you arrange the lights

I`ve used a few led or cfl home bulbs before now to veg a plant you can easy get a plant to 50cm with some good bushyness using 1 to 4 cfls

The main issue is getting enough light on her during flower to make it worth your time

For around £20 you can get a 50w led bulb either warm white or "flowering" colours

That could be a good way to go in a few weeks

till then can`t say much without pics

I try not to look at anything I put in for the 1st 2 weeks or so hell I`ve had a bean take over a month just to pop and on the flip side sometime they have 2 tiny leaves in a day or 2


Active Member
Just watch out for over watering, that soil looks pretty moist for not having and perlite. Is that regular ground soil? Remember there isn't much root there yet so no need to drench the soil.


plz alert me if im an idiot but it is just ground soil mixed with some compost heavy in potassium and nitrogen no perlite but is perlite just anything mixed with dirt to allow more air to the roots here another pic its been growing but seems to be droopbu



Well-Known Member
out of interest has that tub got drain holes?, I know you are on a budget but you can get seedling soil for literally a couple of pounds, ive been using john innes potting from wilkinsons found it to be great for varietys that don't like too much feed (hot) straight away, then after acouple of weeks I pot up to bio bizz light mix, perlite helps keep the soil airiated , just keep the lights real close and watch the watering, I sometimes am only watering my seedlings once a week
oh and your not an idiot, to ask stuff, if you are then im an even bigger idiot!!


Well-Known Member
Yea, that was my thought also. Your dirt looks like dirt rather than soil. Looks very compact. Can you get some better soil with some perlite? Dump out one of your neighbors potted plants and say the racoons go to it :)

I am vegging in 2 sqft under 52 w of 6500k CFL right now. It's not a problem if they are close enough to the plant. My plant is thriving.