Quantum Kush 38% THC?

The education you received is available to everyone willing to attend and apply themselves.

Everyone willing? There's this little thing called tuition. In case you were unaware, college tuitions have risen at a much faster rate than income in this country, and an education is typically not free.

Whatever facts that may be there are negated by the fantasys that follow.

Lol!! No they're not. Just because you don't like the premise of paragraph two, it doesn't change the facts in paragraph one.

"America is leading the world once again and respected internationally".

C'mon, stOw - you know that's a crock.

We agree here. It's been a very long time since the United States has been respected internationally.
I've always remembered the saying "no man's an island". Besides singular individuals are the easiest to wait out if the event of a collapse were imminent. Besides what happens when there is a skill or trade one needs?

Physician heal thy self indeed.

On the road to my island - aka my neck of the woods - are several close amigos, and within 20 minutes every skill or trade that I can't do myself. Once all hella breaks loose, those skills and trades won't be available there anyway. :eyesmoke:
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So you think 20% of American house holds consistent of retired folk, disabled or those unable to find jobs? And that if you're retired you need foodstamps most likely?

And the folks I know personally in the states who have spent, in some cases, a year+, looking for a job while being on welfare, do not exist?

are you trying to call the household survey some kind of conspiracy then?
I have little faith in humanity overall due to the sociopath influence combined with most folks willingness to bend to sociopaths out of pure fear (the latter quite well established in psychology research).

It's a shame, but faith in humanity is misplaced faith, fo shizzle.

Well your island will be fucked so there's that, but yeah we all die so we're all fucked from the minute we are born so may as well enjoy the ride

Not me! :mrgreen:

check the polls.

america is more respected by the world than we have been in many administrations.

that's just a fact.

No it's not. Good grief, dude, what ARE you smoking? Russia respects the US? Iran? China? ISIS? Most Americans don't respect the current America - take a look back thru this thread
You selectively take one piece of data, claim victory and do your little retarded dance about the Republican party (which I have no affiliation with or love for) or racism or whatever other ad hominem you want to throw out to distract from your incredibly stupid points of contention.

It's a pretty common tactic, in fact. :eyesmoke:

did you not bother to read your own link?



prices against average income shows rent is as steady as can be, minus the housing bubble we just went through!


did you not bother to read your own link?



prices against average income shows rent is as steady as can be, minus the housing bubble we just went through!



I'm aware what it shows in the US is skewed by massive unemployment. Where there is employment, rents are at astounding levels. Regardless, you'll notice in Canada how far above the median it is.
CPS drops people from the unemployment column if they've been looking over 6 months. That's the methodology.

Since you appear to be misleading folks into thinking that somehow the CPS and individuals who participate in these monthly surveys are having an open dialogue where in order for a person unemployed and still looking for work could not possibly be counted as anything but unemployed, allow the BLS to clarify:


If you've been looking for 6 months and you still haven't found a job, you're not unemployed anymore, even though you actually are. Government statistics, so incredibly useful. :rolleyes:

wow. go get a refund.

from your very own link:

People are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work.

that means if you've been unemployed for over 6 months but have looked for work in the last 4 weeks, you get counted as unemployed.

seriously, just stop setting these up for me.
According to this BLS release 80% of American familes have someone working. But don't worry, unemployment is 6%. Even though 20% of American families have no one who is working at all.

That would seem statistically impossible, yet that's what they say, and they believe.

why do you never cite a single one of your claims and expect us to believe you based on your word, which has been shown to be massively inaccurate if not completely factually challenged?

"Us to believe you....". Speak for yourself, UB. I've not seen where you've been appointed 'spokesperson' for anyone.
No it's not. Good grief, dude, what ARE you smoking? Russia respects the US? Iran? China? ISIS? Most Americans don't respect the current America - take a look back thru this thread


are you incapable of handling mundane facts?

polling is conducted all the time across many administrations about this very question.

the rest of the world has more confidence in obama to do the right thing than they have had for many, many presidents now.

and that includes reagan.

i know, ouch.

want me to cite the polls, or do you prefer i leave that dagger where it is instead of shoving it all the way in?

Some people stop looking after they can't find a job for an extended period - especially if they have limited means of transportation, which typically is the case when you have no money. Or are simply living off the government, which is the choice a lot of folks make now, in part because they can't find a job or if they do find a job discover it will end up lowering their standards of living in the short term (see: Welfare).

Also worth noting is how inflation is a skewed number based on shifting goods and services in and out of the bushel... and general quality of goods decreasing meaning they cost the same but don't last as long or you don't get as much (notice how food containers continue to shrink).

But inflation is totally normal too, right?

And just because consumption of government welfare is at record high levels, doesn't mean people aren't working, right?
Everyone willing? There's this little thing called tuition. In case you were unaware, college tuitions have risen at a much faster rate than income in this country, and an education is typically not free.

Lol!! No they're not. Just because you don't like the premise of paragraph two, it doesn't change the facts in paragraph one.

We agree here. It's been a very long time since the United States has been respected internationally.

So then, if half the post - which looks like a 'letter to the editor' - is completely laughable, then it's all laughable. That's the funny thing about nonsense, partial or total.

Re: tuition. Are there no longer grants and scholorships? I found those hard to get, but extremely worthwhile when I applied myself to get them. It can still be done.
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Some people stop looking after they can't find a job for an extended period - especially if they have limited means of transportation, which typically is the case when you have no money. Or are simply living off the government, which is the choice a lot of folks make now, in part because they can't find a job or if they do find a job discover it will end up lowering their standards of living in the short term (see: Welfare).

Also worth noting is how inflation is a skewed number based on shifting goods and services in and out of the bushel... and general quality of goods decreasing meaning they cost the same but don't last as long or you don't get as much (notice how food containers continue to shrink).

But inflation is totally normal too, right?

And just because consumption of government welfare is at record high levels, doesn't mean people aren't working, right?


over 117 million families in the united states, and a little over 2 million needing temporary assistance.
So then, if half the post - which looks like a 'letter to the editor' - is completely laughable, then it's all laughable. That's the funny thing about nonsense, patial or total.

That's ridiculous. Stats are not made invalid by an opinion expressed in a different paragraph.
you mean 5.9% unemployment is "massive"?


You're good at lying to yourself. All those welfare recipients are on it for fun, I'm sure.

according to the scientific polling that has been conducted, it is 100% true.

The polling is junk. Sorry. It's a computerized poll setup in a way to minimize unemployment numbers for the government. You can thank Reagan and then Clinton for the changes in how it's reported. Numbers would have looked bad (well, they weren't great already, but even worse) early in their administrations otherwise.