Well-Known Member
With some little bitch quitting when they can't get their way?Ever play the game of Monopoly?
How does it end?
With some little bitch quitting when they can't get their way?Ever play the game of Monopoly?
How does it end?
Is that a reference to Sarah Palin?With some little bitch quitting when they can't get their way?
LolIs that a reference to Sarah Palin?
Ever play the game of Monopoly?
How does it end?
Is that a reference to Sarah Palin?
is that the one where you mooch your health care costs onto me because there is no mechanism to ensure that you don't?
it solves the problem of you freeloading and mooching.
yeah, let's go back to archaic practices and all live to the ripe old age of 37.
a freeloading mooch like you would love that.
Who didn't put ships on other ships or leave a ship off the board?Battleship kicks monopoly's ass , Stratego rocks too . Sadly I dont think board games are too popular nowdays.
If we lived in your perfect idea of a world. Your parents would of realized your potential and drowned you when you were 4If there is no mechanism to deter free loading, the next logical question becomes, why isn't there? The root cause answer seems to escape you. It is because of coercive government interference in a free market area IN THE FIRST PLACE.
No, let's have the market compete and provide the needed feedback to spur technology and consumer choice and ultimately lower costs to the consumers as well. Free market rating systems like those used on Amazon and E-Bay are proven effective feedback versus the ineffective methods of monitoring feedback used by a monopolistic government. A coercive monopoly created by and held in place by government operates in the dark regarding feedback signals from "customers" and due to it's grasp on the gun can ignore feedback anyway....and it always does.
Real service providers align their interests with consumers or they can't stay in business. Coercive monopolies do not.
I'm not a free loading mooch, but if you had your way Mr. Hypocrite you'd have SOME medical people be forced to service others for no pay, while you never answered how you would feel if your weed were taken from you without people paying you.
Not meaning to insult you or anything, but you really don't know much about a free market and you are a hypocrite. I'm a little tired tonight and don't think I can play with somebody ill prepared to have a discussion on a topic they are so out of touch with.
Hey...look at that cloud!
If we lived in your perfect idea of a world. Your parents would of realized your potential and drowned you when you were 4
If we lived in your perfect idea of a world. Your parents would of realized your potential and drowned you when you were 4
Your father obviously made a mistake we are all paying for now.I almost drowned when I was 5, but my dad jumped in and saved me.
Of course the perfect world doesn't exist. That's why a world that doesn't base systems in coercion to begin with, goes a step towards healing the world.
You might consider checking out a book by Dr. Mary Ruwart, Healing our World in an Age of Aggression.
If there is no mechanism to deter free loading, the next logical question becomes, why isn't there? The root cause answer seems to escape you. It is because of coercive government interference in a free market area IN THE FIRST PLACE.
liberty freedom free market rape coercion enslavement. spooner liberty freedom RAPE!
i have handed you your ass once again!
Your father obviously made a mistake we are all paying for now.
So what do you do for a living?Your ability to argue your points with logic and precision is amazing.
So what do you do for a living?
So what do you do for a living?
i think he pimps out his daughter. he said he'd be proud of her for sucking cock, so this is just a guess.
Really.I sell cans of "instant bad ass" to wanna be bikers....your last order was appreciated. Thank you.