Should we pay for the disabled?

Should we provide for the disabled?

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Well-Known Member
With someone flipping the board and yelling "Fuck this fucking game!" usually


But good point, all the wealth/property goes to one player.. I read something one time that game was created to expose the faults of capitalism..
Flipping the board would be occupy wall street. they werent up to the task

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I agree, while that movement lacked leadership and clear goals, it did show the world there is a serious problem of economic inequality that's world wide
Let's say you joined a group of rapists. You got the numbers, the press, and a significant sympathetic ear, it doesn't mean slavery, racism, or violence of particular types like war, police brutality, and institutional moores of behavior aren't a part of the universal law of abuses. Even though at points in history all those had more the same or more sympathizers.

Your ideas are bought and sold.

Btw, neither a rapist nor an occutard are someone I'd consider a reference.


Well-Known Member
Your ideas are bought and sold.
My ideas are constructs of political issues that millions of Americans face, collectively

You are an autistic person who doesn't believe in the value of NASA or vaccines

It's safe to say, your contribution to anything politically worthwhile is.. limited..


Well-Known Member
Let's say you joined a group of rapists. You got the numbers, the press, and a significant sympathetic ear, it doesn't mean slavery, racism, or violence of particular types like war, police brutality, and institutional moores of behavior aren't a part of the universal law of abuses. Even though at points in history all those had more the same or more sympathizers.

Your ideas are bought and sold.

Btw, neither a rapist nor an occutard are someone I'd consider a reference.
F- on the writing.

try voice overs instead.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
My ideas are constructs of political issues that millions of Americans face, collectively

You are an autistic person who doesn't believe in the value of NASA or vaccines

It's safe to say, your contribution to anything politically worthwhile is.. limited..
I was going to explain what I said simpler, but then thought, why contribute to your stupidity.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Using your definition, any form of taxation is "forced redistribution", since 100% of respondents to the poll agree the disabled should be provided for, do you suppose if it was voluntary, it would be taken care of? If so, why were social relief programs ever created in the first place?

If people would voluntarily provide for the things social relief programs provide for anyway, why do such programs exist? Why did the great depression launch a national campaign that earned FDR 3 terms as president? Why were labor unions so successful in the '30's & '40's?

"Forced redistribution" is certainly happening today in that multinational corporations are redistributing the burden of picking up the slack their employees face paying the bills to the American taxpayer, and I know you already agreed with my earlier post about this, so I'm not placing the blame on those that acknowledge it, just pointing it out. It definitely exists, but it's in the exact opposite direction as previously stated, the wealthy are making the poor pay instead of the poor making the wealthy pay (for their own goddamn product/service).

Crony capitalism shows us that it excels with less regulation, free market capitalism requires regulation, and regulation is not the same as force, it's reining in the concentration of power that is inevitable in a capitalistic society. Men with unlimited power through wealth accumulation have the ability to change the game in favor of their financial and economic interests at the American peoples expense, eg. the bank bailouts. Regulation is not slavery, it's the way we keep capitalism a free market.
I agreed that part of the problem is placing responsibility on another party via force. You may have extrapolated that into a blanket agreement with the rest of your post. Perhaps, I should have been more clear.

I did not agree that shifting who gets forced to assume the responsibility of caring for person "a" becomes solved when you shift from forcing person "b" , to forcing person "c".

Crony capitalism HAS NOT shown us that it excels with less regulation. Crony capitalism is a creature of regulation. I don't usually declare a person wrong, however in this instance you are misinformed. Crony capitalism THRIVES under regulation, working with government regulation in a joint thief program is what CREATED crony capitalism. In a truly free market, crony capitalism would be seriously limited.

External regulation by an arbitrary source (cronyism) and the regulations that a true free market have are not the same thing.

I could further explain why, perhaps another time.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
your philosophy ends up mooching costs onto people who don't share your freeloader ways.
No. The root cause isn't what you declare it to be. The root cause is coercive government and I know why, but you don't. Nah nah nah nah.


Well-Known Member
Flipping the board would be occupy wall street. they werent up to the task

Did anyone really think the people with the money/power would give it up because of some campers?

Real change only comes when you write it in blood, not diddling your tent partner.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone really think the people with the money/power would give it up because of some campers?

Real change only comes when you write it in blood, not diddling your tent partner.
It was irrelevant. The occupy movement got co-opted very quickly. And it would of gone no place fast anyways.
Only thing it did was enrichen some news organization for a few news cycles


Well-Known Member
Flipping the board would be occupy wall street. they werent up to the task
It was irrelevant. The occupy movement got co-opted very quickly. And it would of gone no place fast anyways.
Only thing it did was enrichen some news organization for a few news cycles
Wait, so 10 minutes ago they weren't up to the task, now it was irrelevant and doomed for no place fast?

Now I understand why they had to make you paint your house.


Well-Known Member
If were talking about truly disabled people then yes we should pay for them , on the other side of the coin if were talking about ptsd fakers or adhd morons then hell no we shouldn't allow them to collect a check.

Before i retired i was paying well over $1,000 a week in Federal taxes alone which directly supports social security , i have no problem with my tax $ being used to help truly disabled people .


Well-Known Member
Mr. Stockholm Syndrome Poopy Pants.
Poopy pants , hahaha , thats some silly shit , childish but still funny & gave me a chuckle.

Im not taking sides here but the whole Mr poopy pants reminded me of an episode of Robot Chicken where children were using the word poop every 3rd word.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yes. I even gave examples of freeloaders like you and rawn pawl and kent Snyder. You mooches freeload on the responsible. That makes you a rapist.
False dichotomy oh vision less one. You see things as if the only solutions are choice of evil one or evil two and do not consider the third option of a truly free and consensual market.

First forcing anybody to pay for something they do not want or do not use (forcibly imposed healthcare insurance ) does not and cannot "solve" anything. Initating force never does, as it is a problem unto itself. At best it is only a rearrangment of the two pronged tyranny imposed on the medical field already.

First forcing a person not to practice medicine or be licensed does not insure high medical standards, but it does increase price to the end consumer by limiting the number of possible service providers to only those that play the protectionist government approved game.
Surely you know that game also includes rapist pricing due to prescriptions being by permission only.

Second by forcing people to serve others when they have no incentive (reimbursement) is an act of enslaving them at least in some degree.. You are in the medical marijuana field right? How about a law that forces you to give your weed to people that will never pay you? Are you okay with that one?

The solution is written in a better understanding of the operation of a free market. You are staggeringly uninformed of how a real one works, stick to cloud art, you're good at that.


Well-Known Member
You ... do not consider the third option of a truly free and consensual market.
is that the one where you mooch your health care costs onto me because there is no mechanism to ensure that you don't?

First forcing anybody to pay for something they do not want or do not use (forcibly imposed healthcare insurance ) does not and cannot "solve" anything.
it solves the problem of you freeloading and mooching.

forcing a person not to practice medicine or be licensed does not insure high medical standards
yeah, let's go back to archaic practices and all live to the ripe old age of 37.

How about a law that forces you to give your weed to people that will never pay you? Are you okay with that one?
a freeloading mooch like you would love that.