Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Looking for my ass of course. This is a serious issue.

Last thing I remember was rolling on the floor and laughing... I kept laughing and rolling and rolling and laughing...

I think it's really gone.


Staff member
long rant ahead:

so we have a class thats basically based on an entire group project
ive attempted to get these girls make times, and they all were too busy doing their own thing to ever come,
i complied all the information because i knew they were going to wait until crunch time to do it.
last night they all said we'll do it on the weekend, than today the buses werent running so i was unable to get to class..

well i gues they decided today they were going to do it i have previous plans for today

all month ive herd
"cant do it today im going hunting"
"cant going to get a tattoo/manicure, hair done "

"cant im too lazy to leave the house"

yesterday i waited for TWO FUCKING HOURS while none of these girls showed up when they said they would at the college

today i said sorry i have things i need to do im unable to.

and they say
well our project is more important

i said EXCUSE ME. ...and told them to go fuck themselves politely
they can do their fucking project

so fucking sick of teachers giving out group projects, but im also sick of the selfish behavior young women have , its ok when it doesnt work for them, but when they wanna do it and i cant for the ONE time ive said no, its the end of the world and im the bad guy

go fuck yourself.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
long rant ahead:

so we have a class thats basically based on an entire group project
ive attempted to get these girls make times, and they all were too busy doing their own thing to ever come,
i complied all the information because i knew they were going to wait until crunch time to do it.
last night they all said we'll do it on the weekend, than today the buses werent running so i was unable to get to class..

well i gues they decided today they were going to do it i have previous plans for today

all month ive herd
"cant do it today im going hunting"
"cant going to get a tattoo/manicure, hair done "

"cant im too lazy to leave the house"

yesterday i waited for TWO FUCKING HOURS while none of these girls showed up when they said they would at the college

today i said sorry i have things i need to do im unable to.

and they say
well our project is more important

i said EXCUSE ME. ...and told them to go fuck themselves politely
they can do their fucking project

so fucking sick of teachers giving out group projects, but im also sick of the selfish behavior young women have , its ok when it doesnt work for them, but when they wanna do it and i cant for the ONE time ive said no, its the end of the world and im the bad guy

go fuck yourself.
If it were guys I would kick them in the balls,, so I guess kick them in the pussy!


Well-Known Member
long rant ahead:

so we have a class thats basically based on an entire group project
ive attempted to get these girls make times, and they all were too busy doing their own thing to ever come,
i complied all the information because i knew they were going to wait until crunch time to do it.
last night they all said we'll do it on the weekend, than today the buses werent running so i was unable to get to class..

well i gues they decided today they were going to do it i have previous plans for today

all month ive herd
"cant do it today im going hunting"
"cant going to get a tattoo/manicure, hair done "

"cant im too lazy to leave the house"

yesterday i waited for TWO FUCKING HOURS while none of these girls showed up when they said they would at the college

today i said sorry i have things i need to do im unable to.

and they say
well our project is more important

i said EXCUSE ME. ...and told them to go fuck themselves politely
they can do their fucking project

so fucking sick of teachers giving out group projects, but im also sick of the selfish behavior young women have , its ok when it doesnt work for them, but when they wanna do it and i cant for the ONE time ive said no, its the end of the world and im the bad guy

go fuck yourself.
Sunni, I'm strangely aroused at the moment, where's the masturbation thread?


Well-Known Member
Looking for my ass of course. This is a serious issue.

Last thing I remember was rolling on the floor and laughing... I kept laughing and rolling and rolling and laughing...

I think it's really gone.
I guess you really were LOLing so hard that you actually LMAO and were therefore essentially ROFL.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
long rant ahead:

so we have a class thats basically based on an entire group project
ive attempted to get these girls make times, and they all were too busy doing their own thing to ever come,
i complied all the information because i knew they were going to wait until crunch time to do it.
last night they all said we'll do it on the weekend, than today the buses werent running so i was unable to get to class..

well i gues they decided today they were going to do it i have previous plans for today

all month ive herd
"cant do it today im going hunting"
"cant going to get a tattoo/manicure, hair done "

"cant im too lazy to leave the house"

yesterday i waited for TWO FUCKING HOURS while none of these girls showed up when they said they would at the college

today i said sorry i have things i need to do im unable to.

and they say
well our project is more important

i said EXCUSE ME. ...and told them to go fuck themselves politely
they can do their fucking project

so fucking sick of teachers giving out group projects, but im also sick of the selfish behavior young women have , its ok when it doesnt work for them, but when they wanna do it and i cant for the ONE time ive said no, its the end of the world and im the bad guy

go fuck yourself.
Unfortunately I know how you feel. Group projects suck. I normally end up doing most of the work and the other assholes get just as much credit.

Group projects should only include sexual things, not college school work.