Your experience with 'glitches in the matrix'


Well-Known Member
I saw a thread about this on reddit and it was endless. Not something to read right before bed. Anyways, it is very interesting and I feel like RIU needs some of this shit.

The only story I have that even relates to theirs was once when I was 17 I had bought a bag of ketamine and lost it in my car. I ripped my car apart inside and out multiple times over the course of a few months looking for it. I had figured that I a) hadn't actually lost it in the car b) it was somewhere where it was not going to be able to be found by anyone, but it never left my mind. Both of these ended up being wrong. I got pulled over one night and searched(due to being high as fuck) and kept thinking 'man, that bag of K.... Fuck.. I hope he doesn't find it..'. He never found the K, and let me go home. Once I get home, I decide to do one last sweep of the inside of my car. I end up finding this tiny bag inside of my horn. I had an '87 pontiac 6000 and the horn would come off of the wheel making a perfect hiding place. The thing is that the horn was always my drug spot. I had put many other drugs in there to drive with since I lost the K. It was sitting RIGHT THERE. There wasn't anywhere for anything to fall and disappear and it was very odd. I know the officer didn't put it there because that was where I always hid my drugs and he didn't even look in there or else I would've been in trouble.
It took a very long time to find that and it was very funny when I did. It had me awestruck, there was just no way.

And that's a very strange scenario to think about when you do all the K after finding it :)

Mine isn't very good, I'm sure you guys have a lot better stories. I'm more interested in yours so I can feel all eerie n shit. So when did this universe break on ya'll?
I like this thread. Now I don't now if this was the drugs. Buy my mos recent acid experience I had been playing with this really trippy wildflower plant thing. Huge orange flower almost shaped like bells. I was smelling it touching it. Very intimate with this plant. Then as quick as a blink if my eye if all disappeared from reality. I ended up searching for hours and never found it.

Later that day I found one flower in my hoody pocket. I for sure didn't pick any flowers.
I saw a thread about this on reddit and it was endless. Not something to read right before bed. Anyways, it is very interesting and I feel like RIU needs some of this shit.

The only story I have that even relates to theirs was once when I was 17 I had bought a bag of ketamine and lost it in my car. I ripped my car apart inside and out multiple times over the course of a few months looking for it. I had figured that I a) hadn't actually lost it in the car b) it was somewhere where it was not going to be able to be found by anyone, but it never left my mind. Both of these ended up being wrong. I got pulled over one night and searched(due to being high as fuck) and kept thinking 'man, that bag of K.... Fuck.. I hope he doesn't find it..'. He never found the K, and let me go home. Once I get home, I decide to do one last sweep of the inside of my car. I end up finding this tiny bag inside of my horn. I had an '87 pontiac 6000 and the horn would come off of the wheel making a perfect hiding place. The thing is that the horn was always my drug spot. I had put many other drugs in there to drive with since I lost the K. It was sitting RIGHT THERE. There wasn't anywhere for anything to fall and disappear and it was very odd. I know the officer didn't put it there because that was where I always hid my drugs and he didn't even look in there or else I would've been in trouble.
It took a very long time to find that and it was very funny when I did. It had me awestruck, there was just no way.

And that's a very strange scenario to think about when you do all the K after finding it :)

Mine isn't very good, I'm sure you guys have a lot better stories. I'm more interested in yours so I can feel all eerie n shit. So when did this universe break on ya'll?


The same thing happened to me kinda

Back in my high school football days I took phentermine which is like meth but doesn't fuck you up as bad and doesn't mess your mind up

It makes you not eat and have euphoria all day

And when you exercise you never fatigued as bad

So I had a bottle in my work out bag in my creatine bottle

In my LOCKED car

Went to a friends house over the weekend (no drugs just a few beers and cans of grizzly)

Came back Monday morning to go to school and went to find my pills

GONE the whole bottle in my locked car mind you no one had the key to it and if someone broke in the alarm would go off

Now I thought ok fuck man I guess I wont be taking that phen now

About 2 months later I went to go get a pack of cigarettes out of my sock drawer


The bottle was on top of the pack of cigarettes

It was signed out the sane date about 2 months prior to that

Like that REALLY freaked me out

And there was still 30 pills in there

Fucking weird as shit
Mmmm. The way I read it, Matrixial Glitches seem to be mostly related to drugs. Very odd.

I did once see 2 gold BMW's in the SAME car park which was utterly insane.

Also, I get a lot of phone calls asking to speak to 'Mr Anderson' about a recent car accident, payment protection insurance etc.

Coincidence? No, sir. I think not.
I think the downright strangest experience I have ever had was really not that long ago(exactly a year? man time flies..). I said something about it in a thread I made about bk-2c-b.
Now this one is.. Something that blew me and my buddies' mind.

Sometime around noon or early afternoon, we went to this system of tributaries off of the Mississippi river to bow fish. I had never really went bow fishing before(not sloppy wasted at least :) ). The drug thing was not really in the equation this time. I had taken bk-2c-b that morning and albeit, lasts 24 hours. However, I had come down quite a bit and there wasn't really any visuals anyways unless I smoked. My friend just took LSD that morning and by time this happened, it was long gone.

We kept following pretty places on the water because there were no God damn fish. We totally lost track of time and it was starting to get night time so we decided to go trace our path and find the car. Now this place is in the middle of nowhere and we find out that we are totally lost. No lighter, phones are dead.. Shitty situation. I was still all giddy and thought the whole situation was funny. My buddy, I could tell was getting irritated because the season was changing and it was starting to get cold. Plus we couldn't even have a damn cigarette.
So, we listen for the train because we knew it'd come around soon and if we found the tracks, we'd follow them either the right or the wrong way, but be able to find the car easier.

We walked around tributaries for a long time trying to retrace our steps and once we heard the horn, we knew we were somewhat close to the train, so we started running towards it. Then there is a big tributary right in our way. We had walked around so many that night we were both kinda sick of it.
So I said, 'Fuck it. We're swimming.'.At this point, my friend agreed with me.

I could sense his irritation, so I decided to try and walk across this submerged tree to the other side first, and if I fell in, I'd make sure that he didn't, and build the rest of the 'bridge'. Low and behold, I fall right into the freezing water with just my underwear on and get all of my shit wet. I built it up, and he got across safely.
We knew that the road was right on the other side of it because we had seen a car drive from the left to the right about 40 yards away or something. ROAD! :)

We get to the road and decide to go left because our logic was, "That person must be going home it's getting late. The ONLY other road must be that way". So we walk a couple miles, I am freezing my dick off(literally, because I was only in underwear and all my cloths were soaked.) and get to this farmers house. We were going to go ask that person where we were because we were kinda confused... Then there is no one home so we just turned around.

the car was a few miles away it turned out, but while we were walking, we both saw the weirdest thing that either of us had ever seen and it was a very obvious UFO.
100 ft away from us(or so, never been good at judging distances xD), there were 3 orange lights hovering above the field in a triangle formation. It was at least a couple hundred feet long and had a black triangle in the middle, a plane, connecting the three orange lights. One of the lights would randomly get so bright that it was more intense rays than looking at the sun, but it was just a pin prick of light. it had no rhythm, did it a couple of times over the course of the 5-10min we were looking at it.

We both saw this thing and were very tempted to run up to it. I remembered reading about people running up to things like that and getting cancer from it.. We didn't do that. The fact that we both saw it, and the drugs were totally gone for him, and pretty much for me, shows that it was actually there. And it was so obvious.
We both took our attention off of it for a couple of minutes or something, looked in the same spot, it was gone.
Wish it would've stayed.. It probably got scared because I kept screaming "GO AWAY ALIENS I KNOW YOU JUST WANT OUR BAJA BLAST!"

Got home, started reading, found a whole lot of other reports in this UFO database of the same exact thing even on the same night. 'Three orange lights, black triangle' YUP, that's what it was. The triangle was transparent almost.. More.. Reflective. You could see the stars reflecting off of it and how it was camouflaged in with the foliage of dusk.
Weirdest thing I have ever seen.
I like this thread. Now I don't now if this was the drugs. Buy my mos recent acid experience I had been playing with this really trippy wildflower plant thing. Huge orange flower almost shaped like bells. I was smelling it touching it. Very intimate with this plant. Then as quick as a blink if my eye if all disappeared from reality. I ended up searching for hours and never found it.

Later that day I found one flower in my hoody pocket. I for sure didn't pick any flowers.
"Do not pick a flower because of its beauty, it is not to be possessed, it is to be appreciated"

The Universe was like NOPE you get this flower, I hope you kept it forever.
"Do not pick a flower because of its beauty, it is not to be possessed, it is to be appreciated"

The Universe was like NOPE you get this flower, I hope you kept it forever.
Hah I wish. Crazy thing was later that night I ended up having a bad siezure. Had to deal with ambulances and park rangers all sorts of twisted( had maybe a ten strip.) anyway I lost my shirt and coat during that ordeal an the flower was in my hoodie. :( So all I have is my memories of what I think may have happened. Hmm not really sure.

I think the downright strangest experience I have ever had was really not that long ago(exactly a year? man time flies..). I said something about it in a thread I made about bk-2c-b.
Now this one is.. Something that blew me and my buddies' mind.

Sometime around noon or early afternoon, we went to this system of tributaries off of the Mississippi river to bow fish. I had never really went bow fishing before(not sloppy wasted at least :) ). The drug thing was not really in the equation this time. I had taken bk-2c-b that morning and albeit, lasts 24 hours. However, I had come down quite a bit and there wasn't really any visuals anyways unless I smoked. My friend just took LSD that morning and by time this happened, it was long gone.

We kept following pretty places on the water because there were no God damn fish. We totally lost track of time and it was starting to get night time so we decided to go trace our path and find the car. Now this place is in the middle of nowhere and we find out that we are totally lost. No lighter, phones are dead.. Shitty situation. I was still all giddy and thought the whole situation was funny. My buddy, I could tell was getting irritated because the season was changing and it was starting to get cold. Plus we couldn't even have a damn cigarette.
So, we listen for the train because we knew it'd come around soon and if we found the tracks, we'd follow them either the right or the wrong way, but be able to find the car easier.

We walked around tributaries for a long time trying to retrace our steps and once we heard the horn, we knew we were somewhat close to the train, so we started running towards it. Then there is a big tributary right in our way. We had walked around so many that night we were both kinda sick of it.
So I said, 'Fuck it. We're swimming.'.At this point, my friend agreed with me.

I could sense his irritation, so I decided to try and walk across this submerged tree to the other side first, and if I fell in, I'd make sure that he didn't, and build the rest of the 'bridge'. Low and behold, I fall right into the freezing water with just my underwear on and get all of my shit wet. I built it up, and he got across safely.
We knew that the road was right on the other side of it because we had seen a car drive from the left to the right about 40 yards away or something. ROAD! :)

We get to the road and decide to go left because our logic was, "That person must be going home it's getting late. The ONLY other road must be that way". So we walk a couple miles, I am freezing my dick off(literally, because I was only in underwear and all my cloths were soaked.) and get to this farmers house. We were going to go ask that person where we were because we were kinda confused... Then there is no one home so we just turned around.

the car was a few miles away it turned out, but while we were walking, we both saw the weirdest thing that either of us had ever seen and it was a very obvious UFO.
100 ft away from us(or so, never been good at judging distances xD), there were 3 orange lights hovering above the field in a triangle formation. It was at least a couple hundred feet long and had a black triangle in the middle, a plane, connecting the three orange lights. One of the lights would randomly get so bright that it was more intense rays than looking at the sun, but it was just a pin prick of light. it had no rhythm, did it a couple of times over the course of the 5-10min we were looking at it.

We both saw this thing and were very tempted to run up to it. I remembered reading about people running up to things like that and getting cancer from it.. We didn't do that. The fact that we both saw it, and the drugs were totally gone for him, and pretty much for me, shows that it was actually there. And it was so obvious.
We both took our attention off of it for a couple of minutes or something, looked in the same spot, it was gone.
Wish it would've stayed.. It probably got scared because I kept screaming "GO AWAY ALIENS I KNOW YOU JUST WANT OUR BAJA BLAST!"

Got home, started reading, found a whole lot of other reports in this UFO database of the same exact thing even on the same night. 'Three orange lights, black triangle' YUP, that's what it was. The triangle was transparent almost.. More.. Reflective. You could see the stars reflecting off of it and how it was camouflaged in with the foliage of dusk.
Weirdest thing I have ever seen.
I love this story. I hope to witness one someday
Ok this I not really a glitch but one on the strangest things to have happened to me.

In high school my family moved into a old lumbar barens manor. Crazy yes. My mom was started a B and B. anyway the have always been strange noises oxcurances in the 160 yo mansion but the first time I could not deny something strange happening I was home along or a few months. My dad had cancer and was getting treatment ou of state.
Inhae been alone on the house for at least three weeks. In the middle of a dead sleep in by basement bedroom I am jerked awake by what sounded like someone kicking my window. My reaction was someone is ducking with my so I run outside buck knife on hand. Nothing. The motion sensor light clicked on as I came outside.

Ok that's wierd nothing was out here. That's when I see the room directly above my bedroom on the fist floor has all the lights full blast. WTF. My only job of watching the house is keeping lights off and get the mail. So I know that light was off.

I run back inside to the lit up room. This is when it gets wierd. Nobody believes me to this day so I don't even talk about this anymore but on the table in the room was the scrabble board game tat is available to guest of thr b&b. there are four notepads one in front of each chair. There is scores being tallied. Each notepad is label person 1, person 2,person3, and the last one just said me. The scrabble board was in play with multiple words created ad interlocking. Ok again wtf. Now I'm fucking done. I get in my car and go to my girls house. Before I left I snapped a coupple pictures of the scrabble board. And just didn't touch a thing.

Next day come back home hoping I was just dreaming. Scrabble game is still out. I freaked out and quickly put the room back I order cleaned up game.

Ok I know this is gettin long but all this is just coming back to me like some suppressed memory.

My girlfriend is now staying with me cause I'm to much of a baby to sleep alone in the house. It's maybe three nights after the game, and we are jerked awake by the same kick to the window in my bedroom. I want to leave but my ole lady is all into paranormal shit and she looks like it's Christmas morning. She insist we go investigate. No lights on, not even the few ones that we keep on 24h for safety. Fuck fuck ok so get upstairs and we find every single chair in the whole house tuned upside down. I remember thinking wtf kind of ghost does some shit like this.

My girl think it was some elaborate hoax on my part to try to scare her. My parents say the only ghost is the Holy Ghost. And my friends all think I must have eaten some shrooms or something.

This is the last encounter of many in this house. My others were very predictable. Footsteps, animals all acting wierd. And there were two occasions were I woke up paralysed but completely Conscience. I remember being so hot and feeling a presence in te corner of my room. I could not move my head to look but there is no questions in my mind that something was there. Each event was specifically at 3:33 am and I do coul see my clock. What feels like an eternity I'm stuck minute never changes. My cat in under the bed hissing and growing then as suddenly as it started the minute switched and I regained my body ran from my room. Fuck just thinking about this stuff is getting me all nervous.
Ok this I not really a glitch but one on the strangest things to have happened to me.

In high school my family moved into a old lumbar barens manor. Crazy yes. My mom was started a B and B. anyway the have always been strange noises oxcurances in the 160 yo mansion but the first time I could not deny something strange happening I was home along or a few months. My dad had cancer and was getting treatment ou of state.
Inhae been alone on the house for at least three weeks. In the middle of a dead sleep in by basement bedroom I am jerked awake by what sounded like someone kicking my window. My reaction was someone is ducking with my so I run outside buck knife on hand. Nothing. The motion sensor light clicked on as I came outside.

Ok that's wierd nothing was out here. That's when I see the room directly above my bedroom on the fist floor has all the lights full blast. WTF. My only job of watching the house is keeping lights off and get the mail. So I know that light was off.

I run back inside to the lit up room. This is when it gets wierd. Nobody believes me to this day so I don't even talk about this anymore but on the table in the room was the scrabble board game tat is available to guest of thr b&b. there are four notepads one in front of each chair. There is scores being tallied. Each notepad is label person 1, person 2,person3, and the last one just said me. The scrabble board was in play with multiple words created ad interlocking. Ok again wtf. Now I'm fucking done. I get in my car and go to my girls house. Before I left I snapped a coupple pictures of the scrabble board. And just didn't touch a thing.

Next day come back home hoping I was just dreaming. Scrabble game is still out. I freaked out and quickly put the room back I order cleaned up game.

Ok I know this is gettin long but all this is just coming back to me like some suppressed memory.

My girlfriend is now staying with me cause I'm to much of a baby to sleep alone in the house. It's maybe three nights after the game, and we are jerked awake by the same kick to the window in my bedroom. I want to leave but my ole lady is all into paranormal shit and she looks like it's Christmas morning. She insist we go investigate. No lights on, not even the few ones that we keep on 24h for safety. Fuck fuck ok so get upstairs and we find every single chair in the whole house tuned upside down. I remember thinking wtf kind of ghost does some shit like this.

My girl think it was some elaborate hoax on my part to try to scare her. My parents say the only ghost is the Holy Ghost. And my friends all think I must have eaten some shrooms or something.

This is the last encounter of many in this house. My others were very predictable. Footsteps, animals all acting wierd. And there were two occasions were I woke up paralysed but completely Conscience. I remember being so hot and feeling a presence in te corner of my room. I could not move my head to look but there is no questions in my mind that something was there. Each event was specifically at 3:33 am and I do coul see my clock. What feels like an eternity I'm stuck minute never changes. My cat in under the bed hissing and growing then as suddenly as it started the minute switched and I regained my body ran from my room. Fuck just thinking about this stuff is getting me all nervous.
That sounds incredibly terrifying! Who could pull off such a hoax? Ghosts probably
Creepy man, a poltergeist does not sound very fun! You've seen the movies!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Go buy some silver weapons and make it sexy.

You know, anything that has to do with waking up is usually sleep paralysis I feel like. I know some people that tell me stories of waking up then something super scary, couldn't move.. Then I tell them, 'yes, that has happened to me too it's called sleep paralysis and is normal' most people refuse to believe that. I don't even say anything about it anymore it's kind of like arguing with people about LSD or something.

Good story! Doesn't have to be a glitch or whatever just shit that you really don't feel like reading at 3:33am ;)
Yup sleep paralysis.I get it once in while. One time it happened I seen a humanoid creature with long arms holding me down shushing me.
Now that's wierd. I wonder how many people experience another being in some form during sleep paralysis. I have a friend who would expeirnce this nightly. The beings he described were always demonic and evil.
That sounds incredibly terrifying! Who could pull off such a hoax? Ghosts probably
Creepy man, a poltergeist does not sound very fun! You've seen the movies!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Go buy some silver weapons and make it sexy.

You know, anything that has to do with waking up is usually sleep paralysis I feel like. I know some people that tell me stories of waking up then something super scary, couldn't move.. Then I tell them, 'yes, that has happened to me too it's called sleep paralysis and is normal' most people refuse to believe that. I don't even say anything about it anymore it's kind of like arguing with people about LSD or something.

Good story! Doesn't have to be a glitch or whatever just shit that you really don't feel like reading at 3:33am ;)
Lol arguing about lsd can be comical though. My generation in particular seem to b brainwashed.

"I would never drop acid! Don't you know you'll never be the same. ".me "Yes that's the point"
Trip out on this! 1991 - Living in an apt in Killeen, Tx. One night I was awaken by the closet door, which was closed, facing my bed so at my feet, going back and forth rhythmically. As if someone was trying to open it without turning the handle. Bump-bump, Bump-bump, Bump-bump. 1-2-1-2-1-2 count. I'm like, no way. So I get out of bed and turn on the bedroom light. The closet is still doing it! I could hear it going back and forth and watching it barely move at the same time! The bumping sound is what sticks in my mind the most now. So I instinctively just open the closet door right away, and of course, nothing is in there. Nothing on the other side of the door. I close the door, and it just rests still. No movement. I turn out the lights and go to bed. Whatever, I think.

Call my sister the next day, who was into the paranormal at the time, and tell her the story. She freaks.

Told the two female managers what happened a couple days later, and THEY tell me that there was a suicide that happened, not too long ago, and it happened in my apt. The same unit. I don't think it was the VERY LAST tenants that rented before me, I can't remember if it was or not. I don't think it was. Also can't remember if the AC was on or not, if the fan may have caused the door to do that. Tried to rule that out as a probable cause.

The other freaky thing was that the Luby's cafeteria mass-murder shooting happened either right before or right after my closet incident (can't remember exactly when the closet thing happened). I'm doing some research now to see if there actually was a suicide at that apt complex or not, but not hopeful I'll find that out or not. I'll have to ask my sis too. Maybe she would know.
Yup sleep paralysis.I get it once in while. One time it happened I seen a humanoid creature with long arms holding me down shushing me.


That's pretty much the one I got too.

Okay, mine's a little different, but similar concept...

I woke to find myself unable to move, wide-eyed, staring at one of these abstract humanoid shadows standing over me, right at the edge of my bed, standing straight upright, but I got the distinct sense it was peering down at me, even though all I could see was black where it's face was, no matter how hard I looked. It was standing UNCOMFORTABLY close to the edge of my bed, and I became increasingly agitated by it's proximity.

I stared at it wide eyed and tried to move, but of course got nothing, no response from my body beyond the eyes. Suddenly it's arm shot out and grabbed my forearm through the covers. VERY suddenly. And held. Scared the fucking bejesus out of me. I tried to scream, BUT COULDN'T SCREAM... so I concentrated all my efforts, telling myself WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP, and snapped myself awake.

I sat up in bed, fuckin terrified... I immediately woke up my partner and told her I needed her to help keep me awake for a few because I was pretty scared to go back to sleep. She muttered something half asleep, and I got up to turn the light on... but as I flicked the switch, nothing happened, and I was instantly reminded of that addage about checking the light switches to see if you're dreaming.

By then I'm freaking out and my girlfriend's going "Calm down calm down" and I'm like "I CAN'T, THIS IS A DREAM". I concentrate really hard and tell myself to WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP again, and this time come to in my bed.

I VERRRY hesitantly and nervously proceeded to do pretty much the same things again--wake girlfriend, tell further complexified version... but this time the light switch worked, and as far as I know I actually woke up.

The shadow person almost doesn't freak me out as much as the false awakenings do. But, I think that's a diversionary tactic applied by the shadow person, like distortion added to mask it's presence. D:

P.S. No psychedelics or anything, but I had a cold and had been taking NyQuil for a few nights in a row. I haven't taken any product with dxm in it since this experience occurred.
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