The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
how far in are they gboy? they look pretty nice to me and look like bud formation is very nice, do look a touch underfed mind them pics tho deffo look better than the others do, now they taken in better light.


Well-Known Member
how far in are they gboy? they look pretty nice to me and look like bud formation is very nice, do look a touch underfed mind them pics tho deffo look better than the others do, now they taken in better light.
Day 38 of 12/12 mate so just over 5 weeks in, still another 4 weeks to go on them


Well-Known Member
cheers mate, yeah it was a good day.

expensive but real good the kids loved it, how was ya edible experience then lax? was that your first time on the edibles?
still at it man n loving it. It's my first time having em made properly. I've thrown an 8th of hash into a tub of yoghurt before n shit went mad ate a 20 spot in one once. Remember cooking an omelette n right in the middle it hit me so I turned off the cooker n went off to bed.I was about 14 at the time


Well-Known Member
Day 38 of 12/12 mate so just over 5 weeks in, still another 4 weeks to go on them
just keep ontop of em n up the feed they will be fine by the looks of them pics, allmix again? some may slate biobizz but ive smoked the same strains grown many different ways for a long time i.e the co's and yet to taste anything as good as grown in allmix with there nutes, yeah i dont deny you can get better yield from other mediums etc but the taste of a allmix biobizz grow ive not yet tasted better.

can i be put on the sample list now and stop being so nice ya ira loving wanker lmao


Well-Known Member
just keep ontop of em n up the feed they will be fine by the looks of them pics, allmix again? some may slate biobizz but ive smoked the same strains grown many different ways for a long time i.e the co's and yet to taste anything as good as grown in allmix with there nutes, yeah i dont deny you can get better yield from other mediums etc but the taste of a allmix biobizz grow ive not yet tasted better.

can i be put on the sample list now and stop being so nice ya ira loving wanker lmao
Yeah all the biobizz range as usual mate,

And u are always on the sample list ya cunt dont worry lol


Well-Known Member
your only fed up cause you know ya a stingey cunt lmao

enough with the winding up anyway, how ya been? u working at the mo? crimbo not far off mate arrrrrghhhh more fucking money needed.
Im not bad mate, not working now the wife got a decent job so im full time dad for now, dont even mention xmas fuck sake ive got no cash and no presents yet for the wife need to use this harvest to sort that,

The wife has just booked a weekend trip to the Dam for me and her for my bday in 4 weeks so I need to do something good for her xmas and bday which is a cpl days after mine

How about u man u been doing ok? U all set for xmas?


Well-Known Member
Im not bad mate, not working now the wife got a decent job so im full time dad for now, dont even mention xmas fuck sake ive got no cash and no presents yet for the wife need to use this harvest to sort that,

The wife has just booked a weekend trip to the Dam for me and her for my bday in 4 weeks so I need to do something good for her xmas and bday which is a cpl days after mine

How about u man u been doing ok? U all set for xmas?
u got a goodun there mate, shes always looking after ya didnt the missus pay for you to go dam a while back?

im doing better mate, was pretty down for a while n on a bender n half but sorted me nut out alot recently n doing alrite, gonna go spend some time with me family in london 2mora am looking forward to that, go bingo with me sister get pissed up n hopefully win lol bingo rules lol huge bar, can gamble away n aint all old grannys anymore some fit birds there or it may have been the triple vods i was drinking? they looked alrite to me vod eyes anyway lol


Well-Known Member
Look nice mate what size pots you in? Next time I'm gonna go with 11L rather than 6.5. Only on week 2 but not overalls happy with how they look. Last time I done 11s I didn't train em and got stretch. This time I'm gonna train the fuckers.


Well-Known Member
Ahh right. I'm wondering if should add to my current feed program but may just opt for molasses instead anyway. Not exact same but close


Well-Known Member
Ahh right. I'm wondering if should add to my current feed program but may just opt for molasses instead anyway. Not exact same but close
well what you using n what are your yields/plant health like? if theres nothing wrong currently then you might not need to change anything tbh

Also ive never found much difference in yield whether i use mj speific foods, with or without boosts etc, or even just £1 tomato food, a lot of these additives/boosts etc are just ways of making you part with more money, very rare you see something that actually has a noticeable difference on a plant