RIU "Dream Team"

We pretty much already have a dream team here. The only adjustments I would make are, I would delete finshaggy, not just ban him but I would delete his very existence from RIU. the garbage he post is dangerous to uneducated teenagers just looking to get high. I would ban the one guy that thinks he is Christ and I would instantly ban all mainliners. Everyone else on here is cool and a good contributor.
You're not a slave you're on the dream team..you can choose when we get blown..I guess the true job title is the controller of orgasmic explosions..im also going to need Annie and cannabeer..they are the brains of the operation.. we are also going to need some muscle so Pm me your cock pics and I'll pick the strongest looking one!

Ok you got the job of Caption America on my team :D

Im just a bitch compared to see4 and clayton. Ive hung out with both those guys and they are scary mother fuckers. Im going to see see4 again in febuary. Hes a fucking riot.
Soo i cant take that position, but ill take any position you want me to take for you ;) :lol:

Aren't we all? LOL how about Visvamitrasana or Crane?
Who's the bear rubbing on now?

and now I'm off to visit the Battleship Iowa he gets in free! I told him to pack his retractable ID holder, he's gonna need it!