winner and still undefeated: increasing the minimum wage

Well I'll fight the minimum wage hike here in Texas when it comes. I don't think it needs to be $15.00/hr but I can live with a buck or two higher. I'm fine with a few bucks, but the moment I have to pay some 19 year old kid who was 2 hours late to work $15.00 an hour to scrub yeasty ass bagel dough off a sheet tray because he forgot to use parchment paper I'll fucking shoot myself.

Seems to me you have the same quality workforce suddenly making a lot more money. Means your cogs have gone way up but you're still producing the same product... Seems like we'll be outsourcing the production of our goods even MORE than what we already do here in the States. If you have to pay more to produce the same, why would that create jobs? At least for me, I know I'd hire less people to make the goods because I can't charge much more for the product. I don't know. Won't the bottom fall out at some point?
That's a pretty shitty justification for low wages. Most people making minimum wage are not 16 year old kids, and earning lower wages don't teach people how to develop a work ethic. Furthermore, why would it be the governments responsibility to teach its citizens how to develop a work ethic?
I wasn't justifying that since 16 year olds shouldn't make more that like 7 an hour that everyone working minimum makes the same. And minimum wage workers only make up 5% of the market so it doesn't really matter what happens. There will be no significant impact on the market. Have you worked with 16 year olds? If so you understand how shitty their ethic is 98% of the time. There are exceptions but most are lazy and incompetent and when you have no skill and don't learn fast, you don't deserve much money due to the responsibility placed on the employer to babysit. If you're unhappy with your wages you have a few options. Learn a trade, go to college, join the military, or start doing illegal shit for your income.
Well I'll fight the minimum wage hike here in Texas when it comes. I don't think it needs to be $15.00/hr but I can live with a buck or two higher. I'm fine with a few bucks, but the moment I have to pay some 19 year old kid who was 2 hours late to work $15.00 an hour to scrub yeasty ass bagel dough off a sheet tray because he forgot to use parchment paper I'll fucking shoot myself.
I wasn't justifying that since 16 year olds shouldn't make more that like 7 an hour that everyone working minimum makes the same. And minimum wage workers only make up 5% of the market so it doesn't really matter what happens. There will be no significant impact on the market. Have you worked with 16 year olds? If so you understand how shitty their ethic is 98% of the time. There are exceptions but most are lazy and incompetent and when you have no skill and don't learn fast, you don't deserve much money due to the responsibility placed on the employer to babysit. If you're unhappy with your wages you have a few options. Learn a trade, go to college, join the military, or start doing illegal shit for your income.

More shitty justifications

"They're young, so fuck em"

"There's not that many of em, so fuck em"

"They're lazy, so fuck em"

"They can just opportunity themselves into something better anyway, so fuck em"

"They can join the military, so fuck em"

"They can break the law instead, so fuck em"


A minimum wage salary isn't enough to survive in a lot of places in America, even at full time, which means workers earning that much will require social relief programs like foodstamps or housing benefits, which come directly from me and you, so what you're actually saying is "You pay taxes? Well fuck you, too!"

Why is it my responsibility as a taxpayer to pick up the slack of the employer? (Especially when these same employers net record breaking profits on an annual basis)

It's not. It's the responsibility of the employer. Conservatives say they're against transfers of wealth, well what the fuck would you call that? The burden is being transferred onto American taxpayers.
I wasn't justifying that since 16 year olds shouldn't make more that like 7 an hour that everyone working minimum makes the same. And minimum wage workers only make up 5% of the market so it doesn't really matter what happens. There will be no significant impact on the market. Have you worked with 16 year olds? If so you understand how shitty their ethic is 98% of the time. There are exceptions but most are lazy and incompetent and when you have no skill and don't learn fast, you don't deserve much money due to the responsibility placed on the employer to babysit. If you're unhappy with your wages you have a few options. Learn a trade, go to college, join the military, or start doing illegal shit for your income.

Really?... Do you remember being 16? I do and remember the managers that trained and instilled a work ethic in me. In a company that requires minimum wage workers it is the managers/bosses job to attempt to train, weed out the morons, and pay the workers accordingly. Do you really expect self-sufficiency at that pay level? I made within a dollar of that in 1992 bagging groceries. In all honesty I think I made more on my paper route years before that.
It is unfortunate that employers have forgotten that it is their job to truly make an effort at building a good worker and crew. No one says you have to keep a slacker. Minimum wage is a right but a job isn't. If you dont like them fire them and hire another, but continuing to blame them rather than your poor management skills is bullshit.
Really?... Do you remember being 16? I do and remember the managers that trained and instilled a work ethic in me. In a company that requires minimum wage workers it is the managers/bosses job to attempt to train, weed out the morons, and pay the workers accordingly. Do you really expect self-sufficiency at that pay level? I made within a dollar of that in 1992 bagging groceries. In all honesty I think I made more on my paper route years before that.
It is unfortunate that employers have forgotten that it is their job to truly make an effort at building a good worker and crew. No one says you have to keep a slacker. Minimum wage is a right but a job isn't. If you dont like them fire them and hire another, but continuing to blame them rather than your poor management skills is bullshit.
Big trees will be the first to blame illegal immigrants for wages decreasing.
You can bank on that
Pretty hard for a 16 yr old to compete with an illegal that actually has goals. Even harder when their laziness is accepted and the illegal with goals and work ethic works circles around them. Accountability and responsibility have lost their place and blame has taken over...
Go to mexico and try to work harder than someone there, especially in the tourist areas. People making $100,000 a year don't work as hard as they do.
No one says you have to keep a slacker. Minimum wage is a right but a job isn't. If you dont like them fire them and hire another, but continuing to blame them rather than your poor management skills is bullshit.
Do you understand the costs associated with hiring and firing people. Its a huge burden on businesses.
And if a 16 year old can't get a job because of illegals they have shitty networking skills and low ambition. The only people that should be concerned with illegals is contractors(blue collar). I don't see an illegal stealing my seat behind a desk anytime soon. They take the shit jobs nobody wants.
In all reality, it's your life and its up to you what you make of it. If your a grown man earning minimum wage you fucked up somewhere. The American Dream still exists you just need the determination to pursue it. There will always be people that play the system. My friend just got out of the army. He's getting a $60,000 education for free, collects $1500 for living expenses from the G.I Bill, and another $2,000 a month in unemployment.
If you want financial equality move to Denmark.
Go to mexico and try to work harder than someone there, especially in the tourist areas. People making $100,000 a year don't work as hard as they do.

Do you understand the costs associated with hiring and firing people. Its a huge burden on businesses.
And if a 16 year old can't get a job because of illegals they have shitty networking skills and low ambition. The only people that should be concerned with illegals is contractors(blue collar). I don't see an illegal stealing my seat behind a desk anytime soon. They take the shit jobs nobody wants.
In all reality, it's your life and its up to you what you make of it. If your a grown man earning minimum wage you fucked up somewhere. The American Dream still exists you just need the determination to pursue it. There will always be people that play the system. My friend just got out of the army. He's getting a $60,000 education for free, collects $1500 for living expenses from the G.I Bill, and another $2,000 a month in unemployment.
If you want financial equality move to Denmark.

That's the great liberal lie. Many illegals who have engineering degrees come work here and get $30k-$40k for a $100k-$120k. The problem isn't 100% known because many of those companies hire engineers and list 3 or 4 employees for every 1 on the official books, by keeping two sets accounting, internal and external.

Degrees for doctors, engineers, and lawyers are way easier to get in the Caribbean and latin America countries.
That's the great liberal lie. Many illegals who have engineering degrees come work here and get $30k-$40k for a $100k-$120k. The problem isn't 100% known because many of those companies hire engineers and list 3 or 4 employees for every 1 on the official books, by keeping two sets accounting, internal and external.

Degrees for doctors, engineers, and lawyers are way easier to get in the Caribbean and latin America countries.
Got any evidence that a Doctor trained in the Caribean is less able then a doctor trained here?
Does a Lawyer trained overseas still have to pass the bar exam?
Do you think a company will retain a shoddy engineer?
And Business's never last long keeping two sets of books.
Got any evidence that a Doctor trained in the Caribean is less able then a doctor trained here?
Does a Lawyer trained overseas still have to pass the bar exam?
Do you think a company will retain a shoddy engineer?
And Business's never last long keeping two sets of books.

my wife had to go to a neurologist recently due to what was eventually diagnosed as idiopathic intercranial hypertension. her neurologist was from russia. had to pass american standards to practice here, some type of exam.

he was the best doctor of any sort that i've ever seen.
my wife had to go to a neurologist recently due to what was eventually diagnosed as idiopathic intercranial hypertension. her neurologist was from russia. had to pass american standards to practice here, some type of exam.

he was the best doctor of any sort that i've ever seen.
My Last doctor from Eygpt Sucked.
Great guy, nice fellow.
But everything led to more tests (more money).
My Last doctor from Eygpt Sucked.
Great guy, nice fellow.
But everything led to more tests (more money).

yeah, my wife had to have several blood tests, vision tests, MRI, and more before she saw this guy. he ordered a spinal tap and was dead right about what the likely results would be. she felt better as soon as the drugs wore off and she got some of my drugs again.
More shitty justifications

"They're young, so fuck em"

"There's not that many of em, so fuck em"

"They're lazy, so fuck em"

"They can just opportunity themselves into something better anyway, so fuck em"

"They can join the military, so fuck em"

"They can break the law instead, so fuck em"


A minimum wage salary isn't enough to survive in a lot of places in America, even at full time, which means workers earning that much will require social relief programs like foodstamps or housing benefits, which come directly from me and you, so what you're actually saying is "You pay taxes? Well fuck you, too!"

Why is it my responsibility as a taxpayer to pick up the slack of the employer? (Especially when these same employers net record breaking profits on an annual basis)

It's not. It's the responsibility of the employer. Conservatives say they're against transfers of wealth, well what the fuck would you call that? The burden is being transferred onto American taxpayers.

It is not your responsibility to pay for others, that's true.
My friend just got out of the army. He's getting a $60,000 education for free, collects $1500 for living expenses from the G.I Bill, and another $2,000 a month in unemployment.
If you want financial equality move to Denmark.
How did he get a free education?
Businesses will not take a hit on profit. Why would they? So instead automate... I'm sure Wendy's will be next

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