StarDustSailor: MIA


Well-Known Member
To be honest, SDS is second to none at DIY, he is the best, there is no arguing about that, NO ARGUING! However, implementing what he does DIY-wise into commercial panels, it's just not do-able. Too many man-hours, it just can't be done.

There really needs to be a "go to" company in the EU, all there is now is Hans, which is great for micro grows, and there's @Alpha & Omega 's UK reseller company, "Budmaster", just some Evergrow Nova II's with some "Osrams" for quadruple the acceptable cost... Alpha has hit me up in emails for free panels, tried to get me to join his fake ass forum, and got "emails" from "other" jokers taking about Osram LEDs, I can see IP addresses, man, when you email me, you're from the same IP dude. Almost $5k for a "G.O.D." ..."Osram" panel, when you can get an AT600 from Apache for 1/2 the cost, guaranteed triple the performance, ask @Greengenes707 how they do for single fixture LED lamps.... You resellers are gonna learn some day.... You can't fuck with the real thing.

Me and Gene may have our differences, but I'll admit he's a good gardener and sports some good lights. Some day I'd like to smoke up with Gene. Green Gene Okerlund....
Yes,my main "target group" is European countries.
Furthermore ,I do not wish to compete ,other ,well established led grow lights companies.
Every led grow light ,has different specs and characteristics.

A51 grow lights was ,amongst some others ,pretty much inspirational to me .
I've always loved those lights ,from A51.

Though my fixtures ,are aimed on a different "scale" of growers.
( more inclined to small scale / stealth grows ) .
And of course ,as Eraserhead mentioned ,
I'm aiming for the "high-end "...
"Too many man-hours, it just can't be done."

Thank you all ,for the love and support.
God bless you all.



Well-Known Member
Don't think I forgot you @VGI. Ordered a light during A51's midst Regular VA to WV move, got all bent out of shape because it took a few extra days, asked for a refund, got the entire refund, then came on here and cried, "Oh, A51 is mean.... boo hoo", moved some of my text around to make yourself look cool and me look "bad", yeah, you're on the email auto-purge list with @PetFlora and his lying, spamming ass. Try to drag my name through the mud.... Everyone knows me, Jeff, is an asshole, I'm a hothead, some even say I'm a "pompous ass". Ask ( @Greengenes707 ). I don't put up with jackasses, I have more important things to do. I came from a fucked up abusive, poverty-stricken up-bringing, and landed into a 300k+ a year job after 37 years, of course I'm a pompous ass. One thing though, I'm straight up, I do not lie and I do not rip people off. You can take that to the bank. Guarantee that. VGI...

@stardustsailor I really do wish you the best with your new company, ever how you go forward with it. You have my support.


Well-Known Member
Lol, calm down old man, I didn't once post about you in this thread, and if you check any of my former posts you will see I always mention A-51 to noobs, so get off my nutz?


Well-Known Member
Look back on some of your older posts. Don't act like it never happened. I'm not making shit up. Never have, never will.

I got your "old man" right here. And I have no interest in your nuts, don't make sexual comments at me like that. It's not necessary.

This "old man" will floor you, I'm all for a fight, not like Mean Gene, he and I can settle our differences with a smoke out session and a fist bump, but you, after lying about me like you did before, no....

Lol, calm down old man, I didn't once post about you in this thread, and if you check any of my former posts you will see I always mention A-51 to noobs, so get off my nutz?


Well-Known Member
Lol, calm down old man, I didn't once post about you in this thread, and if you check any of my former posts you will see I always mention A-51 to noobs, so get off my nutz?
I'm gonna tell you something right fucking now, I do not like liars, and I do not like pedophiles. Leave me the fuck alone.


Well-Known Member
Is that Eddie Murphy?
It doesn't matter if I make $1 a year, or $370'000, I am who I am, I have what I have, I drive what I drive, you can't take that away from me, I actually challenge you to try. You did me wrong, and I have things to say about it. You lied on me, one way or another, Karma, or a serious ass-whooping will catch up to you, really, they really are one in the same.
Lol, its hilarious how a grown man who is worth 300k a year comes onto a forum and does this with tons of potential custies. Please, continue, you are too entertaining.
You're not the 1st person to say I'm entertaining. I take pride in making others laugh, but I also take pride in making liars and pedophiles suffer for what they have coming.


Well-Known Member
I actually thought that was Kayne for a minute....

Eddie is one of the funniest black comedians of all time.

Kevin is pretty funny.

Kayne is not. He is actually quite sad.....


Well-Known Member
It's scale-able. You can make the coverage as much as you want it. Totally connectable/scale-able. Can be used with focused light from the reflectors, or totally bare-faced for the height restricted fellas.

Price will be similar to the 190 less the current discounts, those XP-Ls are really expensive compared to XT-Es watt for watt. But output compared to the XT-Es, they actually cost quite reasonable.

EH I know a bit off topic but any idea of coverage/price point for the new A51 2015 light?


Well-Known Member
She's a pug beagle mix kind of a designer dog called a puggle. Cool dogs, super playful but a little stubborn. She's my kid.


Well-Known Member
Does she have that trademark Beagle bark?

The puppies I'm getting are a Boxer / Blue Heeler mix. They will need a good home when they're born, I have 12 acres for them to tear up, plus they'll be allowed inside as they please. I'm an animal person, I can't get enough of them. My cat keeps me awake all hours of the day/night, she tears up my speakers and claws up my memory foam, I wouldn't get rid of her for nothing. She's my little baby.

She's a pug beagle mix kind of a designer dog called a puggle. Cool dogs, super playful but a little stubborn. She's my kid.
So cute! what's her name?
Doogie. I named her after the dog in this video:


Well-Known Member
Does she have that trademark Beagle bark?

The puppies I'm getting are a Boxer / Blue Heeler mix. They will need a good home when they're born, I have 12 acres for them to tear up, plus they'll be allowed inside as they please. I'm an animal person, I can't get enough of them. My cat keeps me awake all hours of the day/night, she tears up my speakers and claws up my memory foam, I wouldn't get rid of her for nothing. She's my little baby.

Sounds like my cat he meows all night right at my face but I love him. He also LOVES to eat marijauna plants, especially the fan leaves, just chomps them whole. Honestly can't turn your back when watering or working in the grow.Love that name doogie btw.



Well-Known Member
Doogie's naughty as all get out, but I wouldn't trade her for the world.

They get so big so fast! Take all the pics as you can!

The calm before the storm:

Sounds like my cat he meows all night right at my face but I love him. He also LOVES to eat marijauna plants, especially the fan leaves, just chomps them whole. Honestly can't turn your back when watering or working in the grow.Love that name doogie btw.